Cross Reference
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I'm sorry Robert Pate, but separating faith from works is just plain stupid. Faith IS a work or it's just sophistry. Faith is the work of trusting in God's being and promise by the way we live our lives. And in fact those promises manifest in our lives, or they don't, by the way we live them.
To claim to have faith in God, and then to live as if we have no faith in God, simply makes our claim of faith an empty boast. So that when you pick and choose Bible quotes to try and separate faith from behavior, to venerate faith and invalidate or excuse behavior, you are being dishonest about both.
Indeed, faith is the work of producing in us the necessary allegiance to God for overcoming our the "law of the flesh" know as "self-gradification" or "vanity" as mentioned in Rom 8:20 that Paul refers to himself being subjected to in Rom 7.