Executing homosexuals


Well-known member
Do you advocate executing the homosexuals?

Depends. Did he/she commit a capital offense for which he/she was duly found guilty by a jury? Or just because he/she is a homosexual? Or are you shoving him through the Guardian of Forever so he materializes in front of Moses while in full drag and carrying a teacup poodle?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
lol! Stupid ad hominem. I like the show, I don't approve of the actor's moral choices. If the avatar bothers you that much I can change it.

I'm done debating with you if this is how you are going to argue.
The avatar doesn't bother me at all. Your ignorance of scripture does.

Perhaps Lighthouse doesn't want to ban idolatry because he's worried that he wouldn't be able to worship other gods anymore:rolleyes:
You shouldn't assume that my wants have anything to do with what I advocate, beyond my want to submit to God rather than myself.

I despise idolatry and wish to see it eradicated. But I cannot justify criminalizing it for anyone other than Israel with anything from God's word, because that law is stated to only be applicable to Israel.
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Christian Liberty

Well-known member
The avatar doesn't bother me at all. Your ignorance of scripture does.

Call me ignorant of scripture if you want. But insinuating that I am somehow homosexual is just an ad hominem attack. I am completely straight. I find homosexuality REPULSIVE.
You shouldn't assume that my wants have anything to do with what I advocate, beyond my want to submit to God rather than myself.

I despise idolatry and wish to see it eradicated. But i cannot justify criminalizing it for anyone other than Israel with anything from God's word, because that law is stated to only be applicable to Israel.

Similarly, I see no scriptural warrant for Christians to try to ban homosexuality like the Jews were supposed to.


Well-known member
they have internet service in galatia? :freak:

Yep. Instead of Road Runner, it's Law Runner. God tells you to log in but you have to do all the work keeping your dial up connection to Him intact, so you hate the ones who rejoice that they got their high speed connection to Him as a free gift.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Call me ignorant of scripture if you want. But insinuating that I am somehow homosexual is just an ad hominem attack. I am completely straight. I find homosexuality REPULSIVE.
I didn't insinuate anything. If you inferred it then that's a misunderstanding on your part.

Similarly, I see no scriptural warrant for Christians to try to ban homosexuality like the Jews were supposed to.

  1. Is there any indication said law was only applicable to Israel?
  2. Was there a repeal of said law in the New Testament?


Well-known member
No one ever seems to have any answers for this. What with all of the recent Christians persecution by the Nazi homosexuals, it seems like a good time to ask again...

What's the plan for making homosexuality an executable offense?

Does anyone here have anything remotely close to an idea? Or is the "sincere religious belief" folks here have that homosexuals should be executed more of a "lip service to fundamentalism" sort of thing?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No one ever seems to have any answers for this. What with all of the recent Christians persecution by the Nazi homosexuals, it seems like a good time to ask again...

What's the plan for making homosexuality an executable offense?

Does anyone here have anything remotely close to an idea? Or is the "sincere religious belief" folks here have that homosexuals should be executed more of a "lip service to fundamentalism" sort of thing?

The reason is they don't have one. aCW doesn't have one for even re-criminalizing it. It's pretty much a case of extreme right wing nut bluster and this forum provides the veritable soap box for a whole load of 'righteous condemnation' that doesn't ultimately amount to much other than blather. They support it in *principle* but they all know there's more chance of a walnut becoming POTUS than it actually coming about.

Plans for such in light:


Though probably a lot more blather.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No one ever seems to have any answers for this. What with all of the recent Christians persecution by the Nazi homosexuals, it seems like a good time to ask again...

What's the plan for making homosexuality an executable offense?

Does anyone here have anything remotely close to an idea? Or is the "sincere religious belief" folks here have that homosexuals should be executed more of a "lip service to fundamentalism" sort of thing?

I wonder if it would be wrong or intolerant for a homosexual baker to refuse service to a fundamentalist Christian who, with no sense of irony wanted a cake with the icing: "Execute Faggots!"



New member
Hall of Fame
I wonder if it would be wrong or intolerant for a homosexual baker to refuse service to a fundamentalist Christian who, with no sense of irony wanted a cake with the icing: "Execute Faggots!"


Wouldn't bother me, i would support their right to do so.

It would be ok with me if they refused to serve me period because i am a christian, i would take my business somewhere else, instead of threatening their life, or burning their business to the ground or writing false reviews of their business.

But then i am a grown up who understands that other people have the right to do what their conscience dictates.


...aCW doesn't have one for even re-criminalizing it...

State Sodomy Laws Continue To Target LGBT Americans
August 2011

...Eight years later [after Lawrence vs Texas), however, eighteen states still refuse to rewrite their laws and take these anti-gay relics off their books, with countless LGBT Americans continuing to feel their devastating effects as a result. Several state legislatures and courts have exploited loopholes in the Lawrence decision, while others have simply refused to acknowledge the decision altogether.

Nearly a decade after Lawrence, many states have continued to enforce laws prohibiting private, consensual sex between same-sex adults.
In Michigan, the practice of charging and convicting gay men under the state’s “Abominable and Detestable Crime Against Nature” or “Gross Indecency” laws still exists, with violators facing the risk of having to register as sex offenders and prison sentences of up to 15 years. According to Rudy Serra, attorney and Chairman of the Executive Clemency Council for the State of Michigan, police officers continue to aggressively prosecute LGBT people without legal challenge:

Not good, not good at all for the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA crowd.
You and my widdle friend better get to work so that all LGBTQueers will be safe to practice sodomy in all 50 States.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Wouldn't bother me, i would support their right to do so.

It would be ok with me if they refused to serve me period because i am a christian, i would take my business somewhere else, instead of threatening their life, or burning their business to the ground or writing false reviews of their business.

But then i am a grown up who understands that other people have the right to do what their conscience dictates.

Fair enough, but do you also accept that the concurrent case in question is somewhat dubious given the publicity and funds?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Not good, not good at all for the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA crowd.
You and my widdle friend better get to work so that all LGBTQueers will be safe to practice sodomy in all 50 States.

Connie, you've had three years to make some sort of dent on here and the only one you've managed is that which was in your own head already.

Are there any laws in progress to make homosexuality illegal at all?


Is there any significant support whereby that has some chance of changing and coming about any time before 2078?


You're a joke Connie.

Deal with it.


New member
Hall of Fame
They sure are standing to make a lot of money off this however...

Because of someone else who set an account up, they didnt ask for it. They didnt ask for any of this and they clearly stated in the original that they serve everyone - the rest was a hypothetical posed by the lying reporter.

I think its sad to see people trying to trash them in yet another way, adding insult to injury, and i bet a whole lot of people would feel differently if this was westboro baptist threatening to burn down a gay business for refusing them a God hates gays cake, right?

Im no hypocrite, too bad so many others are who know if it were reversed, they would be screaming bloody murder, and they HAVE.


Connie, you've had three years to make some sort of dent on here and the only one you've managed is that which was in your own head already.

I know, I haven't convinced you, hence I'm a failure for life. :(

Are there any laws in progress to make homosexuality illegal at all?


Is there any significant support whereby that has some chance of changing and coming about any time before 2078?

Do they teach people how to read English in England Art?

What part of "18 States continue to have sodomy laws (i.e. laws targeting homosexual behavior) on the books" do you not understand?

The LGBTQueer/NAMBLA crowd is still scared, as sodomy laws are still being enforced throughout the US.