Executing homosexuals

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Your implication was that I advocate this for the purposes of religious zealotry, which is completely false.

You advocate killing or "executing" people for consenting sexual adult relations. You are a zealot as that is extreme whatever you happen to believe. Get a grip.



The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame

OK. You seem to be struggling, so I'll spell it out.

You wish to criminalise homosexuality acts in order to criminalise a group which you despise. So you wish to outlaw sodomy carried out on a man while not outlawing the very same act for a woman.

You also seem to want to outlaw female homosexuality, but you can't tell me what acts would be forbidden. Perhaps they are also carried out by consenting heterosexual couples, which makes outlawing them awkward.

So, can you specify what your preferred law would forbid, please?

(I don't think you have the wit to answer, but you could surprise us!)
Outlawing them is not awkward as all it takes to differentiate is the statement that the acts are forbidden between two people of the same gender.

Now, are you actually asking me to spell out what constitutes a romantic or sexual act?

You are stupid. For either one or two reasons. And I did mean "or." You are stupid for not realizing where you are and you are possibly stupid for needing that to be spelled out for you.

How is the proposition "Don't sleep with other men" any less religious than the proposition "Don't worship other gods".
Are you about to argue that the prohibition against homosexual acts was in reference to idolatrous ceremonies wherein men would have sex with each other in worship to their false gods?

ad hominem
Only if I'm wrong. And seeing as you have been banned numerous times in the short period of time you've been posting it's a safe bet I'm not.

Who cares what you think?
Do you want to take a poll?

The point is that Paul was dealing with a case of incest in the church, yet he didn't respond by appealing to the law. He said the sinner should be cast out of the church.
Wrong passage.

Yet oddly enough you support drug prohibition.
How am I wrong?

Christ's Word

New member
You advocate killing or "executing" people for consenting sexual adult relations. You are a zealot as that is extreme whatever you happen to believe. Get a grip.


You are a twisted freak, that attempts to justify unnatural acts of abomination that ultimately damage the human body and the mind. Find some common sense, and then attempt to get a grip.


Hall of Fame
Its comments like these that almost make me wish I was a theonomist. "you're a zealot" isn't a response.

IF the logic and reasoning being used is religiously based, then no other response is required.

Freedom of religion does not mean IMPOSING religion on others. That is where freedom *from* religion comes into play.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Are you about to argue that the prohibition against homosexual acts was in reference to idolatrous ceremonies wherein men would have sex with each other in worship to their false gods?

Not at all. I'm just saying that BOTH the moral prohibitions on idolatry and homosexuality require the assumption that the Bible is true. Its wrong because the BIble forbids it, in both cases.

Only if I'm wrong. And seeing as you have been banned numerous times in the short period of time you've been posting it's a safe bet I'm not.

What does my being banned have to do with anything?

Do you want to take a poll?

I oppose democracy. I don't go by majority opinion.

How am I wrong?

Even the OT law excludes drug laws from its list of prohibitions.
IF the logic and reasoning being used is religiously based, then no other response is required.

Freedom of religion does not mean IMPOSING religion on others. That is where freedom *from* religion comes into play.

Who says that its wrong for people to impose their religion on other people?


Well-known member
So no one has any sort of plan of approach to get to executing the homosexuals?

Is anyone wearing an "Execute Homosexuals!" T-shirt to spread the word? Does anyone here have a sign in their front yard? Or is it more just an anonymous online thing?


New member
So no one has any sort of plan of approach to get to executing the homosexuals?

Is anyone wearing an "Execute Homosexuals!" T-shirt to spread the word? Does anyone here have a sign in their front yard? Or is it more just an anonymous online thing?
Perhaps gays should be beheaded and shown on YouTube, to the glory of Allah God? :rolleyes:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
IF the logic and reasoning being used is religiously based, then no other response is required.

Freedom of religion does not mean IMPOSING religion on others. That is where freedom *from* religion comes into play.
And if the reason and logic isn't religiously based?

Not at all. I'm just saying that BOTH the moral prohibitions on idolatry and homosexuality require the assumption that the Bible is true. Its wrong because the BIble forbids it, in both cases.
Actually the Bible forbids them because they are wrong. Not the other way around. And plenty of people believe murder, rape, theft, kidnapping and adultery are wrong while all the while assuming the Bible to be false.

What does my being banned have to do with anything?
The reasons you've been banned prove me right and thus it's not an ad hominem.

I oppose democracy. I don't go by majority opinion.
Did you forget your question already? The poll would have nothing to do with democracy. It would simply ask who cares what I think.

Even the OT law excludes drug laws from its list of prohibitions.
Prove it. But don't forget you're going to have to ignore all the prohibitions on sorcery and witchcraft to do it.

I don't believe in criminalizing homosexuality,
Of course you don't. Because you're afraid of what might happen to you for fawning over that queer in your avatar.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You are a twisted freak, that attempts to justify unnatural acts of abomination that ultimately damage the human body and the mind. Find some common sense, and then attempt to get a grip.

Oh go to a shooting range and let off some steam Mrs Rambo wannabe. The only twisted freaks are loony tune extremists like you who'd have people killed for private sexual lives that have absolutely sod all to do with you. Ain't gonna happen so suck it up and deal with it.


Well-known member
At first glance I thought this thread was entitled Exciting Homosexuals. Now that I know better I still don't want to read it.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Of course you don't. Because you're afraid of what might happen to you for fawning over that queer in your avatar.
lol! Stupid ad hominem. I like the show, I don't approve of the actor's moral choices. If the avatar bothers you that much I can change it.

I'm done debating with you if this is how you are going to argue.


TOL Subscriber
Perhaps gays should be beheaded and shown on YouTube, to the glory of Allah God? :rolleyes:

:up: And why not? Chuck Colson said "We are commanded both to preach the Good News and to bring all things into submission to God's order, by defending and living out God's truth in the unique historical and cultural conditions of our age." (emphasis is mine)

Maybe we can get Phil Robertson to do the beheading of teh gays since ole' Chuck Colson is now worm food...