A stop sign contains information. Bumps on a paper contain information (If you know Braille).
Hurricanes have a complex fractal structure and a great deal of information. The remains of a burned house has a great deal of information that tells a perceptive person a great deal about the fire and it's causes.
All "non-intelligent sources" that contain information that is sent/ received and requires action ALWAYS HAS AN INTELLIGENT DESIGNER!
Who do you think designs hurricanes? Who is it that designs burned buildings?
Our DNA... the most sophisticated information system in existence is evidence of our Creator. "In the beginning, God..."
You're selling God short here. The amazing thing is not some little nature god, figuring out DNA. It's an omnipotent Creator, making a universe, in which such things form from the laws He created.
God is a lot smarter and more capable than YE creationists want Him to be.