• This is a new section being rolled out to attract people interested in exploring the origins of the universe and the earth from a biblical perspective. Debate is encouraged and opposing viewpoints are welcome to post but certain rules must be followed. 1. No abusive tagging - if abusive tags are found - they will be deleted and disabled by the Admin team 2. No calling the biblical accounts a fable - fairy tale ect. This is a Christian site, so members that participate here must be respectful in their disagreement.

Evolutionists: How did legs evolve?


New member
Information: what is conveyed or represented by a particular arrangement or sequence of things.

Since you believe it can't increase without intervention, it would need measuring. So how would you measure something so vague?

(This isn't a scientific definition for obvious reasons, so please don't make any claims of a quantitative or 'science proves …' sort if you want to use it.)

Right Divider

Body part
Duplication and divergence is a significant mechanism by which new genetic sequences are generated, as in THIS EXAMPLE. A strain of yeast was subjected to a nutrient-limited environment and in response evolved more than 3 new genes that increased their metabolic efficiency.

Now, if you're going to say that doesn't count because it's just copying and combining other sequences, then you must also believe that the alphabet contains all the information in the universe. Because after all, no matter what "information" exists, it is simply nothing more than copying and rearranging letters, right?
I'll look at it when I get time.

It's called a pulsar.

That's funny stuff, right there.


Well-known member
Actually, that's how people used to design things. They'd do a feasible design, and then try altering it in various ways. If the alteration made it work better, they'd keep that. If not, it was left off. Over time, the system evolved to a more efficient design.

Now, engineers have copied Darwinian evolution to solve problems that are to difficult to solve by design:

Evolution turns out to work better than design. God knew what He was doing, after all. :)

I think cake design works that way. "oh, ran out of eggs! let's try X instead...."


Well-known member
Well..... I suppose it helps in knowing we don't need to believe in psuedo-science things such as cow-like creatures evolving into whales. It helps knowing that there is a loving God who knows me.... created me for a purpose.

Yet you insist on there being a type of evolution. You just call the "cow-like creature" a "kind", and insist on a different mechanism.

One can say that God set up Evolution on purpose, as a good way to get creatures that are well adapted to their surroundings. There is no need to play this "kind" game- a game which has no Biblical basis.

Right Divider

Body part
Always? You don't know that but nothing ever keeps you from asserting so without any evidence. All you do is continue to repeat your mantra, "GODDIDIT!!!" for any gap in scientific knowledge, you might as well question the cause of thunder and lightning. Your only evidence is "GODDIDIT!!!" and DNA is so incredibly complex it HAD to be, "GIDDIDIT!!!" Would you like to guess the logical fallacy of which you CONTINUE to be guilty?

... and you're STILL denying the only explanation you can muster isn't, "GODDIDIT!!!" (per our past conversations).
And you just sputter "GODDIDN'TDOIT". :banana:

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Tons of information is obtainable from non-intelligent sources... Stars, rocks, liquids, you.
They are not themselves the SOURCE of that information.
Star spectra, rock strata, liquid composition don't contain and aren't the source of information????!!!! Since when?

Always? You don't know that but nothing ever keeps you from asserting so without any evidence. All you do is continue to repeat your mantra, "GODDIDIT!!!" for any gap in scientific knowledge, you might as well question the cause of thunder and lightning. Your only evidence is "GODDIDIT!!!" and DNA is so incredibly complex it HAD to be, "GIDDIDIT!!!" Would you like to guess the logical fallacy of which you CONTINUE to be guilty?

... and you're STILL denying the only explanation you can muster isn't, "GODDIDIT!!!" (per our past conversations).
And you just sputter "GODDIDN'TDOIT".
Actually, no, I'm not; never have, never will.

"GODDIDIT!!!" has no evidence and explains nothing. You might as well say, "GODDIDIT!!!" is the explanation for thunder and lightning.

You prove yourself a moron with every post.

Right Divider

Body part
Star spectra, rock strata, liquid composition don't contain and aren't the source of information????!!!! Since when?
You do not understand the difference between data and information.

Actually, no, I'm not; never have, never will.

"GODDIDIT!!!" has no evidence and explains nothing. You might as well say, "GODDIDIT!!!" is the explanation for thunder and lightning.

You prove yourself a moron with every post.
Said by a know-nothing. I'm cool with that.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Star spectra, rock strata, liquid composition don't contain and aren't the source of information????!!!! Since when?
You do not understand the difference between data and information.
Data isn't information???!!!! Since when?

Actually, no, I'm not; never have, never will.

"GODDIDIT!!!" has no evidence and explains nothing. You might as well say, "GODDIDIT!!!" is the explanation for thunder and lightning.

You prove yourself a moron with every post.
Said by a know-nothing. I'm cool with that.
If you're ok (cool) with being a moron, I'm ok (cool) with you being a moron.

It's a good thing the internet is anonymous, otherwise everyone would know who you are and where you are. They already know the owner of your avatar is a moron.

Jose Fly

New member
Well, this has now gotten to the "chase creationists around and try to get them to answer/explain" phase, in this case regarding "genetic information" and how they are measuring it. Of course everyone involved knows by now that the creationists will never answer the questions or explain themselves. The only unknown is how long it'll be before the rest of us get bored and stop chasing them.

For me, I'm past that point.
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Silent Hunter

Well-known member
"Data" and "information" are often used interchangeably and is a distinction without a difference used by computer geeks to feel important. Computers need data. Humans need information. If data is ones and zeros (per a link from your "search") what is a rock strata, a solar spectra, a fossil, a dead body? We aren't compiling student test scores in an attempt to make statistical inferences.

"Information can be a mental stimulus, perception, representation, knowledge, or even an instruction. The examples of data can be facts, analysis, or statistics. In computer terms, symbols, characters, images, or numbers are data. These are the inputs for the system to give a meaningful interpretation. In other words, data in a meaningful form is information."

Did you catch that? Data (in a meaningful form) is information.

What is DNA, data or information? If DNA is data, how is it processed. If DNA is information, how is it measured? Give it a go. Prove you're not a moron.

Right Divider

Body part
"Data" and "information" are often used interchangeably and is a distinction without a difference used by computer geeks to feel important. Computers need data. Humans need information. If data is ones and zeros (per a link from your "search") what is a rock strata, a solar spectra, a fossil, a dead body? We aren't compiling student test scores in an attempt to make statistical inferences.

"Information can be a mental stimulus, perception, representation, knowledge, or even an instruction. The examples of data can be facts, analysis, or statistics. In computer terms, symbols, characters, images, or numbers are data. These are the inputs for the system to give a meaningful interpretation. In other words, data in a meaningful form is information."

Did you catch that? Data (in a meaningful form) is information.

What is DNA, data or information? If DNA is data, how is it processed. If DNA is information, how is it measured? Give it a go. Prove you're not a moron.
You are a poor confused individual who likes to feel superior with your fake knowledge.

DNA is highly complex information and not just "data".

From https://arstechnica.com/information...nts-with-dna-storage-1000000000-tb-in-a-gram/:
The data density of DNA is orders of magnitude higher than conventional storage systems, with 1 gram of DNA able to represent close to 1 billion terabytes (1 zettabyte) of data. DNA is also remarkably robust; DNA fragments thousands of years old have been successfully sequenced.

From https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/03/dna-could-store-all-worlds-data-one-room:
DNA could store all of the world's data in one room


But you're sure that this all happened by random chance.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
"Data" and "information" are often used interchangeably and is a distinction without a difference used by computer geeks to feel important. Computers need data. Humans need information. If data is ones and zeros (per a link from your "search") what is a rock strata, a solar spectra, a fossil, a dead body? We aren't compiling student test scores in an attempt to make statistical inferences.

"Information can be a mental stimulus, perception, representation, knowledge, or even an instruction. The examples of data can be facts, analysis, or statistics. In computer terms, symbols, characters, images, or numbers are data. These are the inputs for the system to give a meaningful interpretation. In other words, data in a meaningful form is information."

Did you catch that? Data (in a meaningful form) is information.

What is DNA, data or information? If DNA is data, how is it processed. If DNA is information, how is it measured? Give it a go. Prove you're not a moron.
You are a poor confused individual who likes to feel superior with your fake knowledge.
I know what "fake news" is, what is "fake knowledge"?

You say, "DNA is highly complex information", then proceed to cite links stating DNA as a highly evolved data storage device. How confused ARE you?

Is DNA, data or information? If DNA is data, how is it processed. If DNA is information, how is it measured? Give it a go. Prove you're not a moron.

But you're sure that this all happened by random chance.
Christians, creationist christians in particular, fancy themselves the most clairvoyant of mind readers. You morons can't possibly know what I think, what I know, what I'm sure of, what I still question, or my shoe size. You are constantly corrected on your misrepresentation of evolution yet continue to spout the same nonsense every time your bluff is called. I agree with Jose Fly, "Everyone involved knows by now that the creationists will never answer the questions or explain themselves. The only unknown is how long it'll be before the rest of us get bored and stop chasing them."


New member
Of course it is. More scientific than saying that non-living matter just came to life.
I beg your pardon, but aren't these 2 statements equivalent?

Conflating "science" with "evolution" is a favorite pastime of those that like to play silly games.
What meaningless drivel. evolution is science and science ain't silly.
If you think the backbone of biology is somehow fake, then pls explain yourself.

No thanks.
So you won't even explain what you think is wrong about it ........ :baby:


New member
You are not totally correct. I think you mean that biological evolution and chemical evolution / abgiogenesis are separate topics? True, except even prominent evolutionists have blurred the lines between the two. It is interesting evolutionists don't protest against 'their own' discussing evolution from chemicals to chemists (life).

Right, I'm only talking about biological evolution. That's what people mean when they don't add the qualifier to begin with.

I'm glad we agree.

I don't really care what "prominent evolutionists" have done, but out of curiosity, can you give an example?


New member
Is DNA, data or information? If DNA is data, how is it processed. If DNA is information, how is it measured? Give it a go. Prove you're not a moron.

DNA is both data and information! And it is measured the same way as other types of information; in bits (or bytes, or kilobytes, megabytes, terrabytes, gigabytes, yottabytes, petabytes, etc...)