6days says "did God really say?"
Actually that is not what I said...
I will quote myself
"God says He created light on the first day and the sun on the 4th day.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says That there was morning and evening the first 3 days, even though there was no sun.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says He created the great sea creature before the land animals.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says the earth was intially all water.
.....Can you accept it?
* God said plants were created the day before the sun
.....Can you accept it?
* God says He created everything in six days.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says woman was created from man's rib.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says the highest mountains under the heavens were covered in Noah's flood.
.....Can you accept it?
* God says death entered our world because of man's sin.
.....Can you accept it?
* Jesus says male and female were from the beginning of creation.
.....Can you accept it?
Barbarian... Can you accept what God says without trying to spin it?