Everyone Will Die For His Own Sin

God's Truth

New member

Scriptural adherence is a razors edge. We know that Jesus is the "presence of God". This is revealed in all scripture. There is the Father (Spirit), Son (Glory/Presence) and the Holy Spirit (Soul/Indwellng Presence of God).

You and GT would become immediately in track if you would both take scripture with faith, instead of forcing the matter to moralism or Unitarian BiUnity.

I know this will be discounted by you, but Isaiah 9:6 holds.

- EE

You are so mixed up I don't believe you even know for sure what you believe.

And, every time I try to debate you, you run and hide.

God's Truth

New member
Then let's go! No more backroom neg reps like you've been doing, just air it out, let's fight, it's a fair fight because we're both men.

I am here just about every day off and on all day.

I have been debating here for going on five years.

Why don't you just debate and stop talking about it?


Well-known member
You already got in trouble for that before.

Are you threatening me?

Do you really think you have something on me? hahahahahhaaaaaaaa

You told me about your life, and you've let things slip since then. Must I sic the dogs on you to prove you're a woman once again? Are you so ashamed of how God made you that you try and pull this charade? Again?

Anyone with half a brain can see you're a female. You're overly emotional. You refuse to listen. You try to usurp authority over all the teachers on this site. You're the exact image of the women Paul warned to keep silent in the churches. Loud, meddlesome, gossipy, and vain......you are a carnal woman (to be exact).


I am here just about every day off and on all day.

I have been debating here for going on five years.

Why don't you just debate and stop talking about it?
:AMR: That's what we've been doing, except that you also send me neg reps, the only neg reps I've received are from you, three, and you "taunted" me, asking me if I wanted you to treat me like I treat you, and I said yes of course I do, so let's go!

God's Truth

New member
You told me about your life, and you've let things slip since then. Must I sic the dogs on you to prove you're a woman once again? Are you so ashamed of how God made you that you try and pull this charade? Again?

Anyone with half a brain can see you're a female. You're overly emotional. You refuse to listen. You try to usurp authority over all the teachers on this site. You're the exact image of the women Paul warned to keep silent in the churches. Loud, meddlesome, gossipy, and vain......you are a carnal woman (to be exact).

You just insulted women and described yourself.

God's Truth

New member
:AMR: That's what we've been doing, except that you also send me neg reps, the only neg reps I've received are from you, three, and you "taunted" me, asking me if I wanted you to treat me like I treat you, and I said yes of course I do, so let's go!

Maybe glorydazed will judge you as emotional if you do not stop.