
New member
For whom he did foreknow (proginosko), he also did predestinate (proorizo) to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren Rom. 8:29

Are proginosko and proorizo the same words?

How stupid are you? I have dealt with proorizo and have not even mentioned the Greek for foreknowledge, which by the way is prognosis in both English and Greek. It is a transliterated noun. Now grab your stupidity and go play
"pretend" somewhere else.

patrick jane

How stupid are you? I have dealt with proorizo and have not even mentioned the Greek for foreknowledge, which by the way is prognosis in both English and Greek. It is a transliterated noun. Now grab your stupidity and go play
"pretend" somewhere else.
Truster's dangerous, he knows a touch of Greek


New member
How stupid are you? I have dealt with proorizo and have not even mentioned the Greek for foreknowledge, which by the way is prognosis in both English and Greek. It is a transliterated noun. Now grab your stupidity and go play
"pretend" somewhere else.

So you admit they are different words and whenever predestination is mentioned in scripture it is predicated by God's foreknowledge not a fiat declaration before the world began. God chooses those whom he foreknows the biblical and accurate understanding that Truster and Calvin woefully stumble over.


New member
Eve fell for the idea of equality. " Ye shall be as..." . Is it a strange thing that the daughters of Eve should still be seeking equality today.

I haven't spoken to you in a little while.

I adjure you to seek out the scriptures to see what the Christ says about equality, hierarchy, and entitlement.

I mean no foul intent or malice.

Eve fell for the idea of equality. " Ye shall be as..." . Is it a strange thing that the daughters of Eve should still be seeking equality today.

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New member
Do you also hate the fact that Elohim is male. That Messiah is male. That the 12 tribes had male roots. That the apostles were all male.
The One Creator GOD is not male or female though it displays traits relating to both.

The word he is used due to pride and entitlement. What masculine traits did the Messiah exude?

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New member
The One Creator GOD is not male or female though it displays traits relating to both.

The word he is used due to pride and entitlement. What masculine traits did the Messiah exude?

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Diabolical and to be expected from a son of Diabolos


New member
So you admit they are different words and whenever predestination is mentioned in scripture it is predicated by God's foreknowledge not a fiat declaration before the world began. God chooses those whom he foreknows the biblical and accurate understanding that Truster and Calvin woefully stumble over.

The Eternal only foreknows that which He has predetermined. That is what gives it certainty.

patrick jane

You seem to be clueless as to the reason for the fall. You can find the answer in Romans and Ephesians. I'm not sure you'll understand it when/if you find it, but it is there. You seen to find it easy to criticise things you don't understand. How did you get on with Schrödinger's equation...Rhetorical.
You know nothing about the reason for the fall.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Some aren't to have a wife.

Some are to be wholly devoted to GOD alone. Not that any brought into unison through marriage are any less or more than any not.


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In the beginning it was not so.
GOD made woman so the man would not be alone.

Through the hardness of man's heart, GOD allowed some things through the law.
Jesus mentioned that even though GOD allowed divorce through the law (because of the hardness of heart), but in the beginning it was not so. Matthew 19:8

Paul makes the proclamation that if any man burns for a woman, he should marry.
Paul also says that it is BETTER if a man does not marry.

1 Timothy 3 expresses that leaders of the churches (bishops and deacons) are to be married, for if a man cannot be found trustworthy of ruling his own house, how can he rule the house of GOD? 1 Tim 3:5

Makes it a bit of a dilemma when on the one hand it is said that it is BETTER not to marry so you can concentrate solely on the work of GOD, and then say that leaders of the church should be married.
So if refer back to "in the beginning it was not so".

It seems that almost any situation is not as black and white as folks would like it to be, and that exceptions can be found to almost every rule.
Those "exceptions" seem to be due to the hardness of men's hearts. Matthew 19:8 , Mark 10:5-6


TOL Subscriber
In the beginning it was not so.
GOD made woman so the man would not be alone.

Through the hardness of man's heart, GOD allowed some things through the law.
Jesus mentioned that even though GOD allowed divorce through the law (because of the hardness of heart), but in the beginning it was not so. Matthew 19:8

Paul makes the proclamation that if any man burns for a woman, he should marry.
Paul also says that it is BETTER if a man does not marry.

1 Timothy 3 expresses that leaders of the churches (bishops and deacons) are to be married, for if a man cannot be found trustworthy of ruling his own house, how can he rule the house of GOD? 1 Tim 3:5

Makes it a bit of a dilemma when on the one hand it is said that it is BETTER not to marry so you can concentrate solely on the work of GOD, and then say that leaders of the church should be married.
So if refer back to "in the beginning it was not so".

It seems that almost any situation is not as black and white as folks would like it to be, and that exceptions can be found to almost every rule.
Those "exceptions" seem to be due to the hardness of men's hearts. Matthew 19:8 , Mark 10:5-6

Jesus was a man. He was born under the Law.

What explanation, according to your theories above, do you give for His not marrying?