If by “Love is the very substance of God,” you mean that God cannot will to do otherwise, then Dave you overstate the case.
Dave, yes, Love is fundamental to who God is, and only a handful of attributes are more fundamental to who God is, than Love. In order of preeminence, the only and eternal God is Living, Personal, Relational, Good and Loving.
Interesting list, and I wouldn't dispute that God has these attributes, but I would dispute the
"preeminence" you assign to them. Remember the list from Scripture:
Genesis 31:50 - ...God is a witness ...
Deuteronomy 7:9 - ... God is God...
Deuteronomy 4:24 God is a consuming fire
John 4:24 God is spirit
Galatians 3:20 God is one
1 John 1:5 God is light
1 John 4:8 God is love
Regardless, you seem to be inferring that by accepting what Scripture says, i.e. God is Love,
this somehow conflicts with the attributes you describe as pre-eminent. I disagree. There is
no conflict in stating that God's Love is Alive, God's Love is Personal, God's Love is Relational,
God's Love is Good, and Loving. Same holds true for all the other attributes, God's Witness,
God's consuming Fire, God's Spirit, God's Whole Oneness, and God's Light. All Alive,
Personal, Relational, and Good.
Is God Good because God is Love, or is God Love because God is good? Scripture, I believe
suggests the former.
I'm not disputing your Trinitarian answer, its very clever, I'm proposing another possibility, one
that's perhaps not as clever, but need not conflict either. God recognizes Love because God
Is Love. Just as God Witnesses God's Self in the Trinitarian sense you propose, God
witnesses God's Self alive and active in God's Creation, and God sees that it is Good.
Your JONAH sermon is very nice, and I don't dispute it either. But I would suggest that again
regarding the nature of Christ, the attributes of Witness, God, Consuming Fire, Spirit, Wholeness,
Light and Love may prove more "pre-eminent," given that these are the attributes Scripture
assigns directly to God's Being. Christ is Witness. Christ is God. Christ is a Consuming Fire.
Christ is Spirit. Christ is One. Christ is Light. Christ is Love. Sounds right to me.
Thanx for entertaining my input on your thread.
Have a Blessed Day!
Dave Miller