This post is from Dave Miller. I moved it from the Euthyphro thread to this companion thread.
1) Is something good because God recognizes it as good? Or,
2) Is something good because God commands that it is good
Yes and yes. God commanded creation, and saw that it was good.
Bob makes a good point in suggesting that from a Christian perspective, God is consistant,
over and against the Greek Pantheon.
But, the question isn't really whether God is Good. The question really is, is human interpretation
of God's Word good? God's Word has been used to justify so much injustice and cruelty.
Even as the Pantheon could be used to justify the murder in the story, God's Word can be
used to justify as well. (The man who died was a Moabite who had sex with a Jewish
girl! He was a gay protester in front of a church! He was an doctor who performed abortions!
He was a Jesus killing Jew! He was a child of Ham caught breaking God's curse of servitude!
He was a murderous Moslem! Surely his death was justified! He was an ACLU lawyer! He was
a godless physicist who put forth the theory that the earth is round and not the center of the
universe! Or a big bang or something, I forget, whatever, he deserved to die!)
Justifying God through God's Triune Being is fine, its the myriad of follow on's that are
God's external standard is The Word (Christ), and God's presence is revealed through the witness of, or the Fruits of the Holy
Spirit, which all people can freely recognize. Even secular humanists agree that love, peace,
patience, kindness, gentleness, and self control are moral standards. Even secular humanists
agree that the values of self sacrifice and selfless love of enemies represents the highest calling
to humantiy. Even secular humanists agree that hurting self or others is wrong.
These Words do not represent an external, secular standard, they are the Words of God offerred
to humanity through Christ.