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The question is not whether God can command something that is good, but: What is it that makes something good?
At least in the case of LOVE, this is a direct declaration of who God IS. Does God command
that love is good? No, because God IS Love. Love is not a trait of God, it is the very substance
of God. Does God recognize Love is good? Well, yes, but not in an external sense. God
recognizes God's Self, God's Presence, manifested in Love, within God's Creatures.
Now the question comes up, what does it mean for God (in Christ) to command that we
love one another and even our enemies? In commanding that we Love, Christ is commanding
that we make God's BEING a part of our own BEING, God's SUBSTANCE a part of our own
SUBSTANCE. Is this possible? To make the substance of God a part of our own
substance? Indeed, perhaps this is the very essense of Christ's message to a fallen
For the sake of your other points, lets discuss attributes as well. The bible says everywhere
that God is merciful. It does not state that God is Mercy, but rather that God that is merciful.
But, I would ask, being an attribute of God, is Mercy not also a part of who God IS? I think
so. God is just, but is justice a part of who God is? Again, yes. God is Gracious, but is
Grace a part of who God IS? Again, yes. God is righteous, but is God Righteousness itself,
is Righteousness a part of the very BEING of God? Once again, I would argue yes.
How about something a little darker. God is jealous. Is Jealousy a part of God's make up?
Actually, yes, but not in a way that conflicts with love, mercy, and grace. For as you have
stated, God is consistant.
How about hate? Deuteronomy 16:22 instructs "do not erect a sacred stone, for these the
LORD your God hates." Does that mean God is hate? Again, I would have to suggest that
yes, hate is a part of who God is, but only in a sense that is consistant with love, righteousness,
mercy, etc.
Given this assertion that God's attributes describe who God IS, the same argument applies. Does
God command mercy? Not as an independent attribute, because God IS mercy, it is part of
God's being. But in the sense of humanity making God's BEING a part of our BEING, our
own SUBSTANCE, yes. Does God recognize mercy? Yes, but not as an external attribute, but
as something that is part of God's Self.
FYI, here are a few more explicit declarations about what God IS, as opposed to
descriptions of God's attributes:
Genesis 31:50 - ...God is a witness ...
Deuteronomy 7:9 - ... God is God...
Deuteronomy 4:24 God is a consuming fire
John 4:24 God is spirit
Galatians 3:20 God is one
1 John 1:5 God is light
1 John 4:8 God is love
Dave Miller