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Lets just rename the thread: "Tinark's Liberal Agenda"
Yes Nazeroops - reducing crime and poverty whilst improving health is anathema to conservatives.
Lets just rename the thread: "Tinark's Liberal Agenda"
Which sums up what's wrong with us in one tidy paragraph. Well done.
Wrong with us? Hardly...Maybe we should withdraw from the world, stop all aid, stop all interaction with anyone, when there his a disaster or injustice just stand pat just like Europe (or the rest of the world) does. Who will they blame when it is all falling apart...that's right, the U.S....I wish I could see the world as simplistically as you do....simplistic or naive.
You mean if we hadn't invaded in the first place this wouldn't have happened? Gee. Who woulda thunk it.![]()
Or if we hadn't rolled over and fallen into a jingoistic stupor. Or if. If. If.
So you're agreeing, but loathe to admit it, because...
Yep, that's what I thought.:yawn:
The withdrawal was set by his predecessor, thanks to a war said predecessor created, based on invented evidence and a complete fiction. Obama was left holding the bag by a nincompoop.
But, uh, yeah. Go us. USA. USA. USA.
Do you have any clue on how many people live in the EU vs how many refugees they are accepting?
My challenge to you: research the numbers, and report back. Then explain how those numbers in relation to the total population will still lead to your "likely outcome".
Yes Nazeroops - reducing crime and poverty whilst improving health is anathema to conservatives.
Christian conversion reduces crime and poverty.
Europe brought this situation on themselves through inaction, I would say they are getting what they deserve.
Wrong with us? Hardly...Maybe we should withdraw from the world, stop all aid, stop all interaction with anyone, when there his a disaster or injustice just stand pat just like Europe (or the rest of the world) does.
No, that is what you mean...The deed was already done, leaving those people in Iraq before they were able to rebuild their nation, protect themselves or govern effectively was just irresponsible and created the vacuum that ISIS exists in today.
I do agree in this case but, loathe? I'll leave all the self loathing of my country & it's mistakes to you...you do that very well, almost with every post in this thread.
Nice try...You cannot give Obama a pass for his incompetence, or of how he handled the situation because someone else left him the mess. Obama showed his incompetence, poor leadership, & decision making all on his own, aside from the hand he was dealt, would you like a list of poor decisions that this inept buffoon of a president has made? He owns them all, it comes with the office.
Your Darn Right...don't like your country Granite? Find a better one...
As evidenced by his posts time and again he shows his hatred for his own country. Never a compliment for the good we do, only condemnation and mean spirited fault finding.
Again, you've been suckered--you and rocketman both.
Let's unpack this, shall we?
"Hmm. We made a mistake, probably shouldn't do that again."
"Well...no. But we kinda screwed up, and killed a whole bunch of--"
"Wait, wait. I love this country, I just don't think it's perfect. In fact if you really love your country shouldn't you try to make it--"
It's impossible to deal with this kind of jingoistic foolishness. Criticism of America is just that--but too many Americans respond as though critique is hatred and an examination of our flaws is beyond the pale.
The religion of America is powerful indeed.
Your immediate justification for your every word precludes growth on your part.
Very sad.
It's very puzzling, this phenomena. It seems to stem from the idea that, "I am what I believe" (identity-politics, I think it's called). So that should someone question or disagree with my beliefs, I feel as if they are attacking me, personally, and respond in kind.Criticism of America is just that--but too many Americans respond as though critique is hatred and an examination of our flaws is beyond the pale.
It's very puzzling, this phenomena. It seems to stem from the idea that, "I am what I believe" (identity-politics, I think it's called). So that should someone question or disagree with my beliefs, I feel as if they are attacking me, personally, and respond in kind.
There is a lot of this going on around here (TOL), and around the country in general, these days. I'm sure it's because politicians politicize everything, with the help of the 24-7 media, and the oligarchy in general like to keep us all at each other's throats so that we won't come together and fight them to take back control of our own government, media, and economy. But what is it in people that makes them need to BE an ideology? As opposed to just believing in an ideology?
That one's a mystery to me.
Whatever the reason, though, it certainly does stop communication. Just as it stops growth and reason on the part of the ideologue, because every new or foreign idea is treated like a personal insult.
It's impossible to talk to you anymore.
...Officials in Giessen have taken to warning their own citizens not to go out alone at night. Near the local school they have suggested that women and children not leave their homes dressed in a “provocative” style that exposes too much skin because of the assaults taking place. The generous nature of the residents is clearly being put to the test.
These are only the earliest reports coming out of Germany since the initial flood of “refugees” began to arrive and they are expecting up to a million more in the months to come. As noted above, barely a third of them are actually fleeing Syria, with the rest coming from other places like Pakistan as “economic migrants” who are looking forward to enjoying Germany’s generous welfare state. By this point it’s not too difficult to imagine that the Germans are beginning to wonder how much more they can absorb. Their largely Christian nation is being overrun by a different culture, and while Germany has been one of the most prosperous members of the EU, just how many “guests” can they afford to feed and house? How many new police units will they have to fund to keep track of the spiraling crime? And when it comes to people like the brothers from Pakistan interviewed for the article, how will they manage vetting all of these people and trying to evict those who are not victims of ISIS, but simply interlopers looking to cash in on Germany’s generosity?
Who could have predicted all of this? Pretty much anyone who wasn’t caught up in the fairy tale. But we’re still on track to take in tens of thousands ourselves here in the United States of Barack Obama and John Kerry get their way. Keep an eye on Germany in the weeks and months to come. That’s going to be happening over here, and probably sooner rather than later....
...missing the point that maybe we didn't need to have an imperial presence there in the first place.