Dude Gets Naked in Women's Locker Room


New member
I am struggling with it. On the one hard there those individuals who are having a genuine identity crisis and this is a huge concern for them.
I am concerned that the individuals with a genuine identity crisis are not being treated for the malady.

They are obviously having a problem coming to grips with reality, and common sense says that it is not much different than this:
"A guy walks into a psychiatrist's office and says, hey doc, my brother's crazy! He thinks he's a chicken. Then the doc says, why don't you turn him in? Then the guy says, I would but I need the eggs."
I am empathetic and try to gain a greater understanding to that struggle.
By not classifying it as a mental illness, we are doing these people a grave disservice.

On the other hand, I am afraid these laws will be used to justify malicious actions.
The problem is that we are implementing laws that remove designated gender specific locations (restrooms and locker rooms) from the protection that that designation was intended to provide in order to accommodate people with personality disorders related to an inability to accept their biological gender.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
when ducklings attack!



Well-known member
I am struggling with it. On the one hard there those individuals who are having a genuine identity crisis and this is a huge concern for them. I am empathetic and try to gain a greater understanding to that struggle. On the other hand, I am afraid these laws will be used to justify malicious actions.
Those people having a genuine identity crisis should just live with the inconvenience.


New member
In a way, yes. Society is not a concrete structure. It is fluid and ever changing to accommodate all sorts of new things.

The liberal idea of a society is something that constantly loses its identity and becomes something else.
The conservative idea of a society is something that maintains its identity for many generations.
A society is a group of people involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social grouping sharing the same geographical or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations. Societies are characterized by patterns of relationships (social relations) between individuals who share a distinctive culture and institutions; a given society may be described as the sum total of such relationships among its constituent members.

The notion of persistence in a society shows that it is the conservative idea that is dominant.


New member
Hall of Fame
It easy for you and me to say something like that because we don't have to deal with it. To others, it is a bit more than an inconvenience. :rolleyes:

So you would build me a white house if i was convinced i was the president of the US? Would you also maintain that I have carte blanche access to the entire place because i would feel put upon and be harmed and distressed in my person if i didnt?


New member
The liberal idea of a society is something that constantly loses its identity and becomes something else.
The conservative idea of a society is something that maintains its identity for many generations.
If the conservative idea was strong enough, we would still make black people sit in the back of the bus.


New member
We should all start paying for plastic surgery for others so they can be what they wish to be also, that they aren't currently, right?
The desire for plastic surgery is not equivalent to an identity crisis related to gender. I am not going to play your abstract comparison game between two things that are clearly not the same.


New member
If the conservative idea was strong enough, we would still make black people sit in the back of the bus.
Are you attempting to equate dark skin with a personality disorder?

I am not going to play your abstract comparison game between two things that are clearly not the same.
So, I shouldn't play your abstract comparison game between two things that are clearly not the same, like a personality disorder and dark skin?


New member
Hall of Fame
It easy for you and me to say something like that because we don't have to deal with it. To others, it is a bit more than an inconvenience. :rolleyes:

So you would build me a white house if i was convinced i was the president of the US? Would you also maintain that I have carte blanche access to the entire place because i would feel put upon and be harmed and distressed in my person if i didnt?