Dude Gets Naked in Women's Locker Room


New member
Hall of Fame
And I am saying I have questions regarding their material, largely due to their excessive bias (and relentless pop-up ads, yikes!).

Then the issues you already agreed you would have with naked adults in restrooms with your children, dont match any of those suggested in the article (that i doubt you even bothered to read, given your poor cites already like this one:

?The author would have the reader believe this is happening all the time, everywhere, to everyone.

Nowhere was anything even remotely suggested in that article of that. What were your issues with naked adults in restrooms with your kids by the way since you still havent really bothered to comment on the issue raised?

Do me a favor, if you feel the need to comment on articles i post, actually read them first. If your only issue is the title, then instead of replying with complaints to me, click the link and comment on their article.



New member
Since it appears my point was muddled with a few witty comments (which drew more attention), I will rephrase it. I believe the problem here is surrounding the idea of "gender identity". First, what state rule does the author refer to? There are no specifics here given by the author. Second, there is an issue if this is left up to personal interpretation instead of concrete limitations, which is what laws do, right? In short, I have questions, not answers. :think:


Well-known member
Maybe this doesn't happen often though. How many times is it acceptable for a 45 year old man who identifies as a woman but also as a lesbian to hang out in the women's locker room naked?

Q, is the answer different if its people in another state than if it's your daughter?


New member
Maybe this doesn't happen often though. How many times is it acceptable for a 45 year old man who identifies as a woman but also as a lesbian to hang out in the women's locker room naked?
Unlike the story reference in the article, I do not think this is lawfully permitted. If there a sex change operation with the individual in question, I feel that is a separate topic.


New member
Unlike the story reference in the article, I do not think this is lawfully permitted.
Of course it is lawfully permitted, that is why people are getting upset with the law that permits it.
If there a sex change operation with the individual in question, I feel that is a separate topic.
Yes, this topic is about people that self identify as a gender that does not match the gender indicated by their physical appearance.

This topic is about people with a physical gender going into areas normally restricted to people with the opposite physical gender.
First problem is the exposure of male genitalia in a female locker room or bathroom (and visa versa).
Second problem is the lack of privacy and safety felt by females when people with male genitalia to have free access to view their female genitalia in a female locker room or bathroom (and visa versa).


New member
Of course it is lawfully permitted, that is why people are getting upset with the law that permits it.
What law? Where? Enacted by who? What does the law say?

Yes, this topic is about people that self identify as a gender that does not match the gender indicated by their physical appearance.

This topic is about people with a physical gender going into areas normally restricted to people with the opposite physical gender.
First problem is the exposure of male genitalia in a female locker room or bathroom (and visa versa).
Second problem is the lack of privacy and safety felt by females when people with male genitalia to have free access to view their female genitalia in a female locker room or bathroom (and visa versa).
Correct, and that is a problem.


New member
What law? Where? Enacted by who? What does the law say?
Have you read the OSHA guidelines?
https://www.osha.gov/Publications/OSHA3795.pdf (pdf)
The core belief
underlying these policies is that all employees
should be permitted to use the facilities that
correspond with their gender identity. For
example, a person who identifies as a man
should be permitted to use men’s restrooms,
and a person who identifies as a woman should
be permitted to use women’s restrooms.
The employee should determine the most
appropriate and safest option for him- or herself.
. . .
Under these best practices, employees are
not asked to provide any medical or legal
documentation of their gender identity in order
to have access to gender-appropriate facilities. In
addition, no employee should be required to use
a segregated facility apart from other employees
because of their gender identity or transgender


New member
What law? Where? Enacted by who? What does the law say?
Have you read the OSHA guidelines?
It lists many of the laws.

Here is an excerpt showing what the government expects:
https://www.osha.gov/Publications/OSHA3795.pdf (pdf)
The core belief
underlying these policies is that all employees
should be permitted to use the facilities that
correspond with their gender identity. For
example, a person who identifies as a man
should be permitted to use men’s restrooms,
and a person who identifies as a woman should
be permitted to use women’s restrooms.
The employee should determine the most
appropriate and safest option for him- or herself.
. . .
Under these best practices, employees are
not asked to provide any medical or legal
documentation of their gender identity in order
to have access to gender-appropriate facilities. In
addition, no employee should be required to use
a segregated facility apart from other employees
because of their gender identity or transgender


New member
Have you read the OSHA guidelines?
https://www.osha.gov/Publications/OSHA3795.pdf (pdf)
The core belief
underlying these policies is that all employees
should be permitted to use the facilities that
correspond with their gender identity. For
example, a person who identifies as a man
should be permitted to use men’s restrooms,
and a person who identifies as a woman should
be permitted to use women’s restrooms.
The employee should determine the most
appropriate and safest option for him- or herself.
. . .
Under these best practices, employees are
not asked to provide any medical or legal
documentation of their gender identity in order
to have access to gender-appropriate facilities. In
addition, no employee should be required to use
a segregated facility apart from other employees
because of their gender identity or transgender
This is directly referring to transgender folks. We have already talked about that above. In any case, it is still messy.


New member
Hall of Fame
What law? Where? Enacted by who? What does the law say?

Correct, and that is a problem.

Lots of them being enacted in places all over the us and issues with them, where have you been, heres a few ive posted on before and if you are really interested, google is your friend and select news and then bathroom and lockeroom bills.

Here are a few that have been posted about here before:

Illinois School District Refuses to Allow Boy in Girls’ Locker Room

California: Male prisoners who call themselves women will be sent to women’s prisons

Duggars Win -- Transgender Bathroom Bill Overturned

Houston decided it had a problem: Its LGBT nondiscrimination law

There are tons and tons of others, that should get you started.


New member
Hall of Fame
This is directly referring to transgender folks. We have already talked about that above. In any case, it is still messy.

And it applies to anyone claiming to be, period. Need some money real bad or like to peep, just walk into a women's restroom in a place that has an enacted bathroom bill, then whip out your part that isnt female, and then when they try to remove you, scream discrimination, and that you identify as a tranny, and then get you new house after you sue them for not following their ill thought law.


New member
This is directly referring to transgender folks. We have already talked about that above. In any case, it is still messy.
The laws you asked about are all about transgender "rights".

Maybe you think transgender means something other than what the official policies claim it means?
What does transgender mean?

Transgender is an umbrella term for persons whose gender identity, gender expression or behavior does not conform to that typically associated with the sex to which they were assigned at birth. Gender identity refers to a person’s internal sense of being male, female or something else; gender expression refers to the way a person communicates gender identity to others through behavior, clothing, hairstyles, voice or body characteristics. “Trans” is sometimes used as shorthand for “transgender.” While transgender is generally a good term to use, not everyone whose appearance or behavior is gender-nonconforming will identify as a transgender person. The ways that transgender people are talked about in popular culture, academia and science are constantly changing, particularly as individuals’ awareness, knowledge and openness about transgender people and their experiences grow.

If you read this, you will see that transgender has nothing to do with any kind of "sex change" operation.


New member
I am struggling with it. On the one hard there those individuals who are having a genuine identity crisis and this is a huge concern for them. I am empathetic and try to gain a greater understanding to that struggle. On the other hand, I am afraid these laws will be used to justify malicious actions.