Doorknob Bowie: Political Faggot Dead from Cancer - or maybe AIDS


New member
I thought spamming was better than
giving you the abuse you deserved.


You at least were honest enough to admit you were indeed spamming.

The second phrase disturbs me however.

Now that you are police, judge and jury,
can you be more specific about how much abuse I deserve?

I'd like to know my sentence before my appeal.

I hope others find your language equally disturbing,
because it doesn't sound much different than the 'hate' I've been accused of here.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Again alwight:

You chime in with your romantic fantasies of the 'freedom' of homosexual and bisexual experimenting,
but you are completely careless or clueless about the thousands of teens who's lives
have been ruined
by bad advice, bad role models, disinformation and exploitation
by rich creeps like Jimmy Saville and David Bowie.

You might as well apply to be Prince Charles' valet.
He apparently has no qualms befriending pedophiles like Epstein.

Well done, daydreaming fool.

Maybe you can change your avatar to this:



You really are one fevered bloody moron. Savile was a sexual predator who molested children, Bowie wasn't.

What kind of role model are you exactly with your lack of compassion and your numerous crackpot bat crazy threads?

You're nowt but a loon who needs to take off the tinfoil hat and quit looking at Illuminati sites...



New member

You are delighting in death and suffering.

You are enjoying the attention your deluded behaviors brings.

See thats not a punishment, or a sentence,
thats an accusation of some kind of crime.

Lets try again:

What is the punishment you are suggesting,
when you say "giving you the abuse you deserved."

In fact, when is ABUSE ever appropriate in a penal system intended to administrate justice?



Yeah, another creepy Englishman cut from the same cloth as Jimmy Saville,
only for some inexplicable reason swooned over instead of hated,
presumably for his woman-like appearance,
had died of the same horrible diseases that George Harrison died of.

Thanks for pointing out what a morally confused (unrepentant) evil man David Bowie was Naz.

Regarding all of the attacks on you by our secular humanist friends here on TOL: remember these words:
Luke 6:22

More on Bowie:

Sexual deviant:

David Bowie talks about his sexual orientation

Coke head:

David Bowie on cocaine

David Bowie helped destroy countless lives, it truly is pathetic that people pay homage to this pervert.


New member
If you have no problem with the way David Bowie lived, that's on you, not me.
I probably have more problem with the way you live aCW than a fellow Brit who makes me feel proud to be British, while Americans cringe and despair at the likes of you I rather suspect. :think:


I probably have more problem with the way you live aCW than a fellow Brit who makes me feel proud to be British, while Americans cringe and despair at the likes of you I rather suspect. :think:

Your issue, like all secular humanists, is with God, not me Al.


New member
Your issue, like all secular humanists, is with God, not me Al.
I don't have an "issue" aCW, what consenting others may do together in private is their business.
You being God's mouthpiece on Earth (in your mind anyway) seem to have plenty of issues, usually involving homophobic hatred, being that's your preferred speciality topic.


I don't have an "issue" aCW, what consenting others may do together in private is their business.

Except that those videos I posted where it showed David Bowie being interviewed by popular talk show hosts weren't "private" were they Al?

Bowie proudly displayed his sexual perversion and drug use for others to see.


New member
Except that those videos I posted where it showed David Bowie being interviewed by popular talk show hosts weren't "private" were they Al?

Bowie proudly displayed his sexual perversion and drug use for others to see.
Mr. Perfect you are not aCW, but nobody wants to interview you I suspect, shame.
I thought he was rather good on the Johnathan Ross show, on the Dick Cavett show, I expect he was more entertaining on a bad day than you would have ever been in his place on your best.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Thanks for pointing out what a morally confused (unrepentant) evil man David Bowie was Naz.

Regarding all of the attacks on you by our secular humanist friends here on TOL: remember these words:

Well well, it was only a matter of time before you showed up to 'chime in'...

He's getting "attacked" for being a bile filled conspiracy nut and acting like a moron and you're just a windbag legend in whatever passes for your 'mind'.