Doorknob Bowie: Political Faggot Dead from Cancer - or maybe AIDS


like marbles on glass
Hard to understand why some take glee at the passing of those who've done no personal harm to them.

I'm sure these last eighteen months gave him plenty of time to wrestle with the big questions. I hope he found right answers. (I hope as much for myself.)

His work enriched a few bits of my life, and I harbor no ill will towards his memory.

Agreed, although I might find it easier to understand why such glee. And it's not just a matter of whether the gleeful are disturbed. More importantly, it's because they consider themselves spiritually righteous in their glee.


New member
I have fond memories of listening to David Bowie on the car radio as a teen/young adult - I wasn't allowed to have that kind of music at home, so I got most of it on the run. :)

If this were true, why didn't you start an "in memory of" thread in the right forum?


Not fawning over popstars.


New member
Hall of Fame
If this were true, why didn't you start an "in memory of" thread in the right forum?


Not fawning over popstars.

No, it's you finding an excuse to be even more unpleasant than usual, which takes some doing.


New member
Looks like almost every troll and spammer on TOL has decided to take a stand for spamming
instead of topic discussion.

You do realise that all the people who will now be redirected to this thread by Google etc.,
will be taken to the first page, and read all my stuff, right?


Hall of Fame
Agreed, although I might find it easier to understand why such glee. And it's not just a matter of whether the gleeful are disturbed. More importantly, it's because they consider themselves spiritually righteous in their glee.

There is nothing righteous about enjoying harm or death to others.


New member
No, it's you finding an excuse to be even more unpleasant than usual, which takes some doing.

Which is why this in the POLITICS forum, not the "Everything Else.." forum.

Take your eulogies and tributes and put them where they belong.

I'm sure your thread will be very popular both on TOL and 'offworld'...


New member
Agreed, although I might find it easier to understand why such glee. And it's not just a matter of whether the gleeful are disturbed. More importantly, it's because they consider themselves spiritually righteous in their glee.

Apparently spammers also imagine themselves as "spiritually righteous".

But they are still shallow spammers.


New member
Hall of Fame
Which is why this in the POLITICS forum, not the "Everything Else.." forum.

Take your eulogies and tributes and put them where they belong.

I'm sure your thread will be very popular both on TOL and 'offworld'...

None of us are going anywhere.

Whatever pathetic attempt at joy you tried for in celebrating a great talent's death has failed.


Hall of Fame
Looks like almost every troll and spammer on TOL has decided to take a stand for spamming
instead of topic discussion.

You do realise that all the people who will now be redirected to this thread by Google etc.,
will be taken to the first page, and read all my stuff, right?

Not to worry ... some of us wish to pay tribute to David, so I will start my own thread to do so.


New member
Hard to understand why some take glee at the passing of those who've done no personal harm to them.

I'm sure these last eighteen months gave him plenty of time to wrestle with the big questions. I hope he found right answers. (I hope as much for myself.)

His work enriched a few bits of my life, and I harbor no ill will towards his memory.

This is an example of NOT spamming, for those of you who are so incredibly stupid.


New member
You should have put your rantings in the religious forum, where they would have been right at home.

bad ideology is POLITICS.

Bowie's poison is independent of any particular Christian or other religion, denomination or sect.

The values he sabotaged cross religious boundaries, and involve moral issues
which atheists, agnostics and others are also interested in.

So, it stays in POLITICS.