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Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Why won't you tell us all right here and now what God's essence is?
You continue to miss the point of my replies.

You began all of this with the complain you were not answered concerning "essence" in our debate. I provided clear evidence to the contrary that deals with "essence" copiously in every imaginable way possible.

If you think you were not answered, the burden is yours to prove, not mine. Go back to the debate at the specific links I provided and read them once again. Dissect my own words and demonstrate how you support your accusations that I did not answer you. Yes, these things take time and effort. Expend the effort and perhaps you just may be edified and shown how your claim is baseless.

Instead of being hysterical, just go read my very own words on the matter at hand. Your demands that I reproduce what I have already provided in the very debate you complained about will not be met before you can demonstrate you have actually read and understood what I have wrote in that debate:

For me, the very essence {!!!} of this discussion is not whether you believe what I provided. The only issue is your claim you were not answered has been shown to be wrong, a lie. If you had any sense of integrity you would retract the claim immediately.

I have pointed you to the relevant portions of the debate in question. Here they are once again:

Maybe you lack the technical skills to go to a thread, extract quotes, properly tagging them, and provide an argument for said extracted quotes in this thread. I do not know. If this is the case, stop hiding behind petulant demands that I reproduce them herein and just admit you do not know how to go about creating a post that incorporates the relevant materials.



Well-known member
I am not going to read and reply to this pathetic post of yours.

You obviously read it, so don't lie. You won't reply because you are left with only two options. You're either learning disabled, or you're incredibly PROUD.

We all see it. We all tell you what we see. It isn't like you have anyone fooled.

Personally, I believe it's all your pride. You don't even have the excuse of being mentally disabled.

I can understand why Lon would think that, however. That's the problem with PRIDE. It leaves people with the idea that a person must be stupid to ignore what is so plainly being explained. You can't admit it, because then you'd have to admit to yourself that you're wrong. You have no excuse whatsoever. God hates PRIDE above all else, because it's idolatry of SELF.

Wouldn't you love to be free of that incredible burden you've saddled yourself with....the need to be right in spite of all evidence to the contrary? Think of it. You'd be able to listen. You'd be able to look others in the eye. You'd be able to be FREE.

God's Truth

New member
You obviously read it, so don't lie. You won't reply because you are left with only two options. You're either learning disabled, or you're incredibly PROUD.

We all see it. We all tell you what we see. It isn't like you have anyone fooled.

Personally, I believe it's all your pride. You don't even have the excuse of being mentally disabled.

I can understand why Lon would think that, however. That's the problem with PRIDE. It leaves people with the idea that a person must be stupid to ignore what is so plainly being explained. You can't admit it, because then you'd have to admit to yourself that you're wrong. You have no excuse whatsoever. God hates PRIDE above all else, because it's idolatry of SELF.

Wouldn't you love to be free of that incredible burden you've saddled yourself with....the need to be right in spite of all evidence to the contrary? Think of it. You'd be able to listen. You'd be able to look others in the eye. You'd be able to be FREE.

Too bad you feel that way.

God's Truth

New member
You continue to miss the point of my replies.

You began all of this with the complain you were not answered concerning "essence" in our debate. I provided clear evidence to the contrary that deals with "essence" copiously in every imaginable way possible.

If you think you were not answered, the burden is yours to prove, not mine. Go back to the debate at the specific links I provided and read them once again. Dissect my own words and demonstrate how you support your accusations that I did not answer you. Yes, these things take time and effort. Expend the effort and perhaps you just may be edified and shown how your claim is baseless.

Instead of being hysterical, just go read my very own words on the matter at hand. Your demands that I reproduce what I have already provided in the very debate you complained about will not be met before you can demonstrate you have actually read and understood what I have wrote in that debate:

For me, the very essence {!!!} of this discussion is not whether you believe what I provided. The only issue is your claim you were not answered has been shown to be wrong, a lie. If you had any sense of integrity you would retract the claim immediately.

I have pointed you to the relevant portions of the debate in question. Here they are once again:

Maybe you lack the technical skills to go to a thread, extract quotes, properly tagging them, and provide an argument for said extracted quotes in this thread. I do not know. If this is the case, stop hiding behind petulant demands that I reproduce them herein and just admit you do not know how to go about creating a post that incorporates the relevant materials.


You could not say it here what the essence was. That is a proven.

And, I told you that your answer was a non answer when we debated.

God's essence is Himself is what I said you said.

That is a non answer answer.

How hard is it for you to understand?


Well-known member
This isn't your thread and the topic is not about God's essence.

I did right not wrong.

Are you the owner of this board?
Did you start this thread?
Are you Judge Rightly's mother or employer?

You did wrong to tell another poster where he can post or what he can post.

You did wrong. You did not do right.

If you don't even know the difference between right and wrong, you have a seared conscience.:eek:linger:

God's Truth

New member
Are you the owner of this board?
Did you start this thread?
Are you Judge Rightly's mother or employer?

You did wrong to tell another poster where he can post or what he can post.

You did wrong. You did not do right.

If you don't even know the difference between right and wrong, you have a seared conscience.:eek:linger:

I go by what the owner says to do.


It is more like they don't know what is important to know. they squabble not so important matters too much.

I said
Its not knowing what edify means. Edify means to help someone else with more verses. So they can fight against the devil in them. To build them up with more verses. The devil uses them to tear one another down with carnal deception.

[Gal 5:15-17
15 But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another! 16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.


This isn't your thread and the topic is not about God's essence.

I said
This isn't your thread either. And essence is a vanity subject. Take it some where else. I have had my fill of you intellectual idiots that just want to flex your intellectual muscles.
[2Ti 2:23
23 But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.