Does God know the future?

Mr. Coffee

New member
Are we all on the same page that the word "blasphemy" is as harsh as "heresy"? Heck, "heresy" sounds like it's about theory. "Blasphemy" is vehement evil. And we get this accusation from OVers pretty often.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Nineveh said:
Then why not offer something of substance on this thread to someone?

The last few pages of thread are worthless.
I agree. This is a waste of time.

I'm outa here.


New member
drbrumley said:
I will tell you what I see in Clete's posts

I see him taking the time to answer every single proof text you guys have to offer and explain in detail. Then I see you determinsts utterly refuse to even consider the points raised. And then blast him and us to kingdom come because you guys want to hold on the philosophy you guys grew up with. That sir is disheartening.


I didn't grow up with anything. I just became a Calvinist maybe a month or so ago. When I came to TOL, I wasn't sure what camp I fell in. I began studying Calvinism and started studying Scripture. I also read the many threads on this subject here. I now believe in the whole five points of TULIP.

drbrumley, I know this can be a heated topic but you are really blinded by your belief in your own position if you don't recognize the fact that many Calvinists have put just as much time in some of their posts that Clete has or yourself. In my opinion, I have felt some of you have skipped over points which our side has brought up as well.

I appreciate the fact that you feel that your belief in the Open View is correct and that you want to share that, however, I feel mine is correct and feel that scripture backs that up as well. I guess that's why the topic gets so heated.

My point is that there is no reason whatsoever to stupe to heresy, ignorant, and blasphemy comments. It does not cause me to want to hear your points more, believe me. It's just not conducive to a good discussion. Not only that but it's harmful.


Merely Christian
intro2faith said:
Actually I'm just sticking up for the people that deserve to be stuck up for :) Is there something you'd like to add?

Yes there is something I would like to add, thank you for asking :)

If we can't get back on topic, this thread will be locked.


New member
Nineveh said:
Yes there is something I would like to add, thank you for asking :)

If we can't get back on topic, this thread will be locked.

Sounds good. So...does God know the future? Yep. I think so.

Can we at least all agree that God has the power to see the future? Even if He doesn't do so all the time?


New member
Nineveh said:
SOTK: Why not offer something a bit more substantial to debate with Clete than things like, "You might as well just get it over with and label us non-believers and that we're going to hell."?

intro: Why not offer somethig to the topic other than your judgements?


I'm still waiting for a response on this post:

SOTK said:

In the United States, I have certain 'rights'. If my rights are infringed upon, it's against the law. These rights I have guarantee my freedom. If you say that God infringes upon my freedom to make whatever decisions I want, I am just not free anymore. Don't you see the amount of justification your Theology has to use to make free will work? It's just a glaring contradiction.

It's likes this: I tell my son that he has the freedom to decorate his room with any color he wants. I place a myriad of different cans of paint on his floor. Each can has a different color of paint. My son chooses freely the red can. Before he begins painting, I go in remove the red can of paint but leave all the others (he, of course, doesn't see me remove it). He then shrugs his shoulders and chooses blue. Before he begins painting again, I go in and remove the blue can. I keep doing this until I get the color down to the one that I really want although it appeared to my son that he chose it.

The above analogy is crude although that's basically what you're saying God does to us "free" humans. This isn't free will at all. It may appear to look like free will but it's not. You may as well change the term to "manipulated will".

I guess I don't just judge?


Merely Christian
Thank you for bumping your post back up here where it can be discussed :)

intro2faith said:
Sounds good. So...does God know the future? Yep. I think so.

Can we at least all agree that God has the power to see the future? Even if He doesn't do so all the time?

I don't see it quite that way. I think God makes certain plans and makes those things come about. I do not believe God lives outside of what we label "time", nor do I believe God planned out every single action of men for all time.

Z Man

New member
Wow.. I go off to play some video games and come back and... well.... let's just say this thread has as much worth as the tissue I used to wipe my butt with.

Clete, your attitude is unbecoming of a Christian.

Mark 9:38-40
Now John answered Him, saying, "Teacher, we saw someone who does not follow us casting out demons in Your name, and we forbade him because he does not follow us." But Jesus said, "Do not forbid him, for no one who works a miracle in My name can soon afterward speak evil of Me. "For he who is not against us is on our side."


Well-known member
SOTK, with all due respect, all ponts that have been made by calvinists and derterminists have been answered.When you guys read the answers, we just maybe get an answer like, well, we cannot understand God. Well, if God didn't want to be understood, then why have His chosen people write a book about Him in the first place?

It just seems strange to listen to you folks say such things as God doesnt want to be understood. Yes, I am putting words in your mouth. Thats the way it comes across. Not speaking to you directly but in genearl. Everything you need to know about God is in His word. Everything. But instead of just accepting what His word says, we get the humanist invention it must have a deeper meaning and it just cant mean what it plainly states. You can show me the 6 proof texts you use to demonstrate God knows all. I can show you at least 50 verses within context where God says He doesnt even know what Isreal was doing.

And don't say you didnt grow up with God knowing everything. That has been taught by 95% of all families in this world. I was taught early on that God indeed knew every action that was, is and will be done. This is philosophy at it's finest. We ask you to prove it. We get maybe 6 verses. Sorry, that doesnt cut it.


Merely Christian
Z Man said:
Wow.. I go off to play some video games and come back and... well.... let's just say this thread has as much worth as the tissue I used to wipe my butt with.

Clete, your attitude is unbecoming of a Christian.

And your reply made it better how? Could we please get back to the topic?


Well-known member
Z Man said:
Wow.. I go off to play some video games and come back and... well.... let's just say this thread has as much worth as the tissue I used to wipe my butt with.

Clete, your attitude is unbecoming of a Christian.

Mark 9:38-40
Now John answered Him, saying, "Teacher, we saw someone who does not follow us casting out demons in Your name, and we forbade him because he does not follow us." But Jesus said, "Do not forbid him, for no one who works a miracle in My name can soon afterward speak evil of Me. "For he who is not against us is on our side."

And so is yours.

Z Man

New member
Clete said:
This is laughable. Atomic explosions have nothing to do with causing to pieces of matter to occupy the same space at the same time. NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH IT WHATSOEVER.
If you had read my post #799, you would of seen that I didn't mean it to:

Einstein's theory of time and relativity helped create the invention of the atomic bomb, which, as you have duley noted, is done by atomic fission - the splitting of atoms. Fission is the opposite of fusion, which is the combining of atoms together. My point is/was that Einstein's theory has been proven in regards to atomic research. And even so, it's still impossible for Jesus to be God if God exists in time, as godrulz believes.
And further more, your argument about Jesus not being able to be God because He couldn't accupy the same space and the same time as the Father demonstrates that you believe in ploytheism for one thing and secondly demonstrates that you don't have a fat clue what you are talking about.
First of all Jesus was God and so God can occupy His own space if He decides to take physicl form.
Secondly, assuming for the sake of argument that your premise is correct, the Father is not only not physical, He is not natural and so such physical limitations do not and cannot be applied to Him.
You're argument is flawed theologically, scientifically and logically. You might try to put a bit more effort into thinking things through before spouting off the first thing that pops into your head.
Well Clete, tell me this. If God is limited by time just as we are, and He came to earth as Jesus, who raised Him from the dead?

Z Man

New member
drbrumley said:
SOTK, with all due respect, all ponts that have been made by calvinists and derterminists have been answered.
No they haven't. I can send you links to several posts in which I listed numerous Scriptures that proved the OV wrong, to Knight, and even Clete! But you know what answers I got? NOTHING! All they did was ridicule, call me stupid, etc., and try to steer the subject in a totally different direction! They wanted nothing to do with the Scriptures, because they had no answer for it. It proved them wrong, and they didn't like that.


New member
Z Man said:
If you had read my post #799, you would of seen that I didn't mean it to:

Einstein's theory of time and relativity helped create the invention of the atomic bomb, which, as you have duley noted, is done by atomic fission - the splitting of atoms. Fission is the opposite of fusion, which is the combining of atoms together. My point is/was that Einstein's theory has been proven in regards to atomic research. And even so, it's still impossible for Jesus to be God if God exists in time, as godrulz believes.

Well Clete, tell me this. If God is limited by time just as we are, and He came to earth as Jesus, who raised Him from the dead?
Nice one. :BRAVO:


Well-known member
Morons ring a bell? Anyway, do not post anything about pesonnel attacks on this thread anymore. I wont either. Done and over with.


New member
drbrumley said:
Morons ring a bell? Anyway, do not post anything about pesonnel attacks on this thread anymore. I wont either. Done and over with.


That's all I was looking for! Thanks!


Well-known member
Z Man said:
If God is limited by time just as we are, and He came to earth as Jesus, who raised Him from the dead?

I need a tougher question Z.

Answer, and hold on your butt cause it gets good in one single verse. you ready?

"Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days? But he spake of the temple of his body".

Man, I love Jesus.