Hello MaryContrary:
You seem to know so much about a person with whom your only relationship is having conversed over the Internet.
:squint: I'm going by what you've said right here and nothing more. What are you on about? I even implied that I was unsure whether you were being dishonest or simply foolish. I don't see how I'm claiming much confidence about who you are at all.
My thought, if you are truly interested, is this: if a potter makes a pot with a bubble in it and it cracks soon after completion, who made the mistake? The potter or the pot? IF man failed it was because of an innate flaw in his nature. So either man wasn't perfectly made or he was. If he wasn't then the creator is equally flawed.
Not really any different than what you said before. You're still putting the blame for our (your) actions on God. Again, this is either foolish in that it lacks any understanding of free will or dishonest in that it's intended to place blame and failure falsely on God. Hey, you pick and let me know so I don't offend you any further. Maybe there's some other explanation even.
Until then I haven't a clue how to address the actual point without further implying you're either a fool or a liar, so I'll wait until you get back to me. Instead I'll try to just address the point independently for those who are actually foolish enough to believe it has any validity. With any luck you won't get your panties any further in a twist over my doing this.
To everyone
but Wickwoman (in the interests of avoiding further offense), consider:
Let's say me and my husband decide to have a child. We are aware the child will have free will and make its own decisions. We can control the environment this child is raised in but can't control its thoughts, its decisions and all manner of minor internal mysteries that influence what kind of person it will grow up to be.
And we don't want to anyway. We wouldn't even if we could. We want to create a
person, not a robot. We briefly considered creating a robot who will act, think and perform in perfect accordance with our will. Then we reject that notion as being not at all what we have in mind. A free willed being whom we can raise in love who will love us in return is what we're shooting for. And when grown, hopefully, that child will go out into the world and make it a better place.
If it does not, oh well. It will be free to do as it wills after all, as it will have to suffer its own failures and their consequences. But if it
does...awesome. :thumb: And of course, we will be around always to provide all the support we can for it to do so.
Later, a strange woman comes around and knocks on our door. She accuses us of failing as parents because our child has since revealed itself to be an independent being, capable of making choices that we ourselves would not. Our child has *gasp* made decisions that we disagree with. It has, in fact, utterly failed to be a perfect robot.
Should I call this woman a fool for not understanding that creating a robot was never the intention but rather a free willed, independent child? Or should I recognize that she just really doesn't like us for some reason and is trying to pick a fight with some inane accusation?
Essentially, do I shut the door in her face and go back to watching tv? Or do I try to reason with the idiot and illustrate where she's being silly?
Edit: If somehow, despite my best intentions, this posts still manages to offend you Wickwoman then I can only offer what I've implied before. That I don't think you're stupid and feel I must assume you're being dishonest. Or perhaps simply accepting a faulty premise because you enjoy the negative light it places on God. In either case, I would have no problem with offending you. However, if I'm wrong and you
are stupid, my apologies.