Does Calvinism Make God Unjust?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
This whole phrase is extremely confusing to come from someone who doesn't believe that God can even see people (according to you, He can only see His Son Jesus Christ, not individual people) and from someone who believes that God is not at all involved in the world. If God put material things on the earth BEFORE people were even created, things that in the scope of eternity are worthless, and He DETERMINED to give them to people as gifts, how could you possibly have an issue with God dispensing something of unequaled value that is eternal in the same way?

You and Mr Religion will spend eternity chasing John Calvin all over hell.


TOL Subscriber
Do you understand that to believe in predestination has nothing whatsoever to do with Calvinism exclusively?
Nor does election, nor grace, nor depravity.

Agreed . . .

The regenerated saints of the past, throughout history, have always held the doctrines that Calvin taught. These doctrines listed in your post constitute the Gospel message.

In fact, Gottschalk of Orbais lived 750 years prior to Calvin and taught Limited Atonement; and even emphasized double predestination, which many neo-Calvinists do not. To quote:

"Just as God, by free grace has unchangeably predestinated all His elect to life eternal, so likewise the same unchangeable God, by a just judgment has unchangeable predestinated all the reprobate, who in the day of judgment are damned on account of their evil merits, to merited eternal death." Gottschalk, "Fragmenta Omnia"

John Calvin did not invent or suddenly discover these biblical doctrines. They have been faithfully and historically held and believed by notable teachers as the result of their studies of God's Holy Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Agreed . . .

The regenerated saints of the past, throughout history, have always held the doctrines that Calvin taught. These doctrines listed in your post constitute the Gospel message.

In fact, Gottschalk of Orbais lived 750 years prior to Calvin and taught Limited Atonement; and even emphasized double predestination, which many neo-Calvinists do not. To quote:

"Just as God, by free grace has unchangeably predestinated all His elect to life eternal, so likewise the same unchangeable God, by a just judgment has unchangeable predestinated all the reprobate, who in the day of judgment are damned on account of their evil merits, to merited eternal death." Gottschalk, "Fragmenta Omnia"

John Calvin did not invent or suddenly discover these biblical doctrines. They have been faithfully and historically held and believed by notable teachers as the result of their studies of God's Holy Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

There is no scripture about God predestinating anyone to eternal life.

The God that you serve is an unjust, unmerciful tyrant that delights in sending people to hell.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Why do you inject these little self-congratulatory statements? For one who is whining so much about others engaging you in the hope of declaring victory (untrue, of course), you seem more than willing to strain your arm as it attempts to pat your own back.

It is as if you think you have accomplished something. Yet the plain evidence herein, especially regarding my interaction with you, is that the only one running out of steam, scared off, etc., is yourself.

Something seems amiss in your personal makeup and all see this plainly. Examine yourself.


It's your opinion, wrong as it is. It's your right to be wrong.


TOL Subscriber
There is no scripture about God predestinating anyone to eternal life.

Everlasting life is found ONLY in Christ Jesus. Believers were chosen in Him through adoption as sons, and accepted in Him, redeemed by His blood, forgiven of sins, in order that we might share in His inheritance (Kingdom) where He will rule forever and ever. Ephesians 1:3-12

<blasphemy deleted>




New member
Hall of Fame

Your "we cannot make that decision" and "in order that we can respond" implies to me that no one is able to respond until God first opens their ears. Am I understanding you correctly? If so, then we are actually in agreement, as it is my contention the lost have no "ears to hear" spiritual things until God first acts, as in Eze. 36:26.

Yes, you understand me correctly.

Moreover, if I have understood you correctly, the first part of your response, that free will means "the ability to respond to God" requires some modification as your use of ability is not present until, as you say it, "prompted" by God.

Meaning convicted by the Holy Spirit, that is what i mean by prompted, i agree fully that we would never come to God, He comes to us, but unlike you, i believe we can say no, to an offer of salvation and that in no way diminishes the sovereignty of God. We have to have a will, or we would be incapable of love. I agree fully though that our will is limited. The "free" part to me, means free to receive to or reject Christs offer of salvation and also to respond in obedience or not to what God wishes us to walk in (in other words, respond to those things He is wanting from us in order to further conform us into the image of Christ in this life, or will we grieve His Spirit by refusing to willingly cooperate only. Again, limited and not entirely free.

Would you want a love relationship in which you had to force someone to love you? God doesn't want a robot.

I suppose the issue is what does "prompted" mean here exactly? Do you think men posses the ability qua ability before prompting, then what is this ability exactly. Ability qua ability implies "ableness". Are men able to respond to salvific related spiritual matters without any action from God?

You may need to reword that question, because in order to respond, there has to be first an action to respond to.

If you are asking can a man hear the gospel and be saved without any action of the Holy Spirit? No. As i stated earlier in the thread, we are drawn by God via the Spirit.

If you think so, then your prompting by God can only mean a special calling of sorts that awakens this ability to respond to spiritual matters.

If all possess the ability, this would beg the question of what distinguishes someone who gets this special calling from someone who does not.

Its not an ability we possess, its an action by the Father -
John 6:44 "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day.

However, all men are given the action :

John 12:32 And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself."

So the impasse here between you and I boils down to all and world. You limit it, and i dont, i believe what it says.

It also sounds like prevenient grace, the Romanist doctrine that has leaked into non-Calvinistic views that fallen men still retain some miniscule "seed" of righteousness, such that fallen men are not spiritually dead, but only badly wounded.

False, i believe this fully:

Romans 3:10 As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one; 11 There is no one who understands; no one who seeks God.…

Which is why I believe we have to first be drawn by the Spirit of God.

Good discussion. Thank you!




New member
[FONT=&quot]Well, if you (or your "[/FONT]we") are going to deny verses such as Ephesians 1:4, you should at least be able to defend with reasons why you deny the plain teachings of Holy Writ.


AMR, would you do me a favor and define "us" in Ephesians 1:4?

Ephesians 1:4 KJV
(4) According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

Who is Paul speaking of when he says "us?"


New member
In no way would I say Calvinists have any "Racial inclinations." They simply believe (erroneously) that God chose who He would save before the foundation of the world and who would be sentenced to eternal damnation.

I wasn't saying anything about Calvinists having racial inclinations. But according to Calvinism, it sure seems that God plays favorites depending upon which continent you live on. He chose to put all the unregenerate people on abandoned islands and the like where the gospel can't reach!


New member
It's worse than just missing a feeling. The fact is you do not know with certainty that you're saved at all until you pass through the Pearly Gates.

And it isn't that you're prone to walk according to what you see and feel, you're forced to do so because your doctrine says that salvation is an arbitrarily decided process that you had absolutely nothing to do with and have no way of knowing anything about. There's nothing at all for you to go on except what you see and feel.

Resting in Him,

According to Calvinism,

* You cannot believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Only God can believe on Jesus and overlay that onto you.

* You can think you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and shall be saved, but if you were not "chosen" then God tricked you into thinking you were believing on Jesus, but you could not because he did not give you the "ability" to repent.

* You can hate and curse God, but if God chose you from the beginning of the foundation of the world, you will be saved whether you like it or not.

The sheer absurdity of this scenario should give people pause.

patrick jane

Everlasting life is found ONLY in Christ Jesus. Believers were chosen in Him through adoption as sons, and accepted in Him, redeemed by His blood, forgiven of sins, in order that we might share in His inheritance (Kingdom) where He will rule forever and ever. Ephesians 1:3-12
John 12:32 NIV - All people

Titus 2:11 NIV - 1 Timothy 2:4, 6



TOL Subscriber
John 12:32 NIV - All people

Titus 2:11 NIV - 1 Timothy 2:4, 6


Since you read these verses to apply universally . . why are not all men universally saved?

What in heaven or earth can thwart God's (supposed) will to universally save all men?


TOL Subscriber

Sinners are the reason God's will to universally save all men does not happen?

it takes hearing and believing.

So why do some people hear and others do not, if it is really God's will all hear and believe?

You just hate the fact that all people are saved by Jesus Christ because it means you aren't special.

If all people were saved by Jesus Christ, we would not be having this discussion about why all people fail to hear and believe.

And if all people end up saved despite evidence to the contrary, then I will be just as special as all the rest . . so why would I hate that fact?

Do you have a clue what you are talking about . . .? :kookoo: