Does Calvinism Make God Unjust?


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That's because for a Calvinist, they define everyone who is not a Calvinist as "Arminian."


I think Arminianism is death to Christianity. RC Sproul


Don’t misunderstand, the Calvinist doctrine is not that God drags us kicking and screaming into His Kingdom. We don’t want to be there, but He’s going to drag us anyway. Rather, the doctrine is that God changes us so that we do want, we will necessarily want. The scary part is that God teaches that God doesn’t bless everyone in the same way. He gives new life to whom He will. He tells us “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy.” Our calling is to recognize, by His grace, our need for His grace. In other words, at the end of the day, it’s not that Jesus changes some things, and I have to help, but rather, Jesus changes everything. found at
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Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
I think Arminianism is death to Christianity. RC Sproul


Don’t misunderstand, the Calvinist doctrine is not that God drags us kicking and screaming into His Kingdom. We don’t want to be there, but He’s going to drag us anyway. Rather, the doctrine is that God changes us so that we do want, we will necessarily want. The scary part is that God teaches that God doesn’t bless everyone in the same way. He gives new life to whom He will. He tells us “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy.” Our calling is to recognize, by His grace, our need for His grace. In other words, at the end of the day, it’s not that Jesus changes some things, and I have to help, but rather, Jesus changes everything. found at

You're one Proud Puppet.

Grosnick Marowbe

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By changing the character and intent of the God of the Bible, Calvinism creates their own idea of who God is rather than accept the true God. We MUST worship the TRUE God of the Bible and accept the TRUE Gospel that we've been given.

Grosnick Marowbe

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The TRUE God of the Bible offers ALL of humanity the opportunity to hear the Gospel and place their faith in His Son as their Savior. The Calvinist "god" does not.

Grosnick Marowbe

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The TRUE God of the Bible does not expect humanity to become regenerated before they can receive saving faith. Whereas, the Calvinist "god" does. The TRUE God of the Bible didn't choose who He would save before the foundation of the world and condemn the rest to eternal damnation. The Calvinist "god" did. The Bible displays the true Grace Gospel that was given to the Apostle Paul to take to the Gentiles and the same Gospel that saves both Jew and Gentile today, in this "Dispensation of Grace." The Calvinist gospel ONLY saves the supposed "chosen Elect" of the Calvinist "god."

We're dealing with two separate Gospels and two separate God's when we go to battle with the Calvinist Manifesto.

Grosnick Marowbe

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The best battle strategy is to present the TRUE Gospel and represent the TRUE God of the Bible. It's of no use to debate a Calvinist. They have all of their ducks in a row and are effectively well indoctrinated. (In essence: Brainwashed)

Grosnick Marowbe

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AMR is the more intelligent Reformed agent. (Calvinist) He'll run circles around you. It's of no use to engage someone of AMRs caliber. He can talk a blue streak, however, he's still backing a false "belief system."

Grosnick Marowbe

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Your best bet is to just continue to teach/preach the TRUE Gospel. The Calvinist "gospel" isn't the True Gospel. In fact, the Calvinist gospel isn't "Good news" at all. Except from the so-called Elects vantage point.

Grosnick Marowbe

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The Great radio preacher/teacher J. Vernon McGee said, if the Calvinists were correct, he'd stop preaching altogether. Of course, he KNEW they weren't teaching truth.