Nobody, I mean NOBODY, besides Nanja takes B57 seriously.
I would add one caveat to that. The Holy Spirit prompts ALL of humanity to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
God would be unjust in giving you your sorry, inept free will without a predestinating providence to guide it.
People against Calvinism simply have an unfounded glory in their own will and actions.
I already added that more than once
John 12:32 And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself."
RATIONALIZATION, plain and simple.
Thanks for admitting that you all, by your own definition of what you oppose, are irrational :chuckle:
I think Arminianism is death to Christianity. RC Sproul
Don’t misunderstand, the Calvinist doctrine is not that God drags us kicking and screaming into His Kingdom. We don’t want to be there, but He’s going to drag us anyway. Rather, the doctrine is that God changes us so that we do want, we will necessarily want. The scary part is that God teaches that God doesn’t bless everyone in the same way. He gives new life to whom He will. He tells us “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy.” Our calling is to recognize, by His grace, our need for His grace. In other words, at the end of the day, it’s not that Jesus changes some things, and I have to help, but rather, Jesus changes everything. found at
That's because for a Calvinist, they define everyone who is not a Calvinist as "Arminian."