Does Calvinism Make God Unjust?


New member
It is the spiritual commission of Christians to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to and amongst all men.

It is NOT the prerogative of any believer to judge any other soul as being reprobate or unredeemable.

Then why, contrary to the doctrine, do we see so many acting and speaking in such a way? Do you think it is a miss understanding or misinterpretation of the gospel of grace? Why, if people know and or believe a thing to be true, do they not act accordingly?

Again this isn't a reference to you. In our dealings you have been knowledgeable and seemingly without bias.

So thank you.


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New member
No it's not
I assure you sir; it was and is. For one to speak hatefully towards or about a thing with any sincerity then they must actually hate that thing.

I do not hate or dislike or disapprove of GOD, and am thankful in all things towards GOD.

So how is your statement not a lie?

Perhaps you could quote the specific God hate part.


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TOL Subscriber
Then why, contrary to the doctrine, do we see so many acting and speaking in such a way?

Contrary to which doctrine?

I observe much more judgmentalism and charges of reprobation leveled against others by advocates of "free" will decisionalism, than I do from Calvinists.

Do you think it is a miss understanding or misinterpretation of the gospel of grace?

Indeed, yes!


New member
Contrary to which doctrine?

I observe much more judgmentalism and charges of reprobation leveled against others by advocates of "free" will decisionalism, than I do from Calvinists.

Indeed, yes!
The Calvinist doctrine that you clarified.

It is irrelevant. I was worried that those who follow Calvinist doctrine were somehow quite lost themselves, but you have proved that stereotype to be a misconception of sorts.


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TOL Subscriber
Per my understanding, Calvinism makes God the doer of all things. Even Evil. If everything is predetermined than evil is predetermined as well. Wouldn't it be?

God is Sovereign over all things, even the secondary causal agency He has given to man to act upon and effect his surroundings and associations.

"Evil" is an effect of mans' workings of wrongful (sinful) secondary causes. IOW's evil is the wages (judgment) against sin.

Scripture says God so created evil as a natural, necessary RESULT of sin.


Well-known member
I assure you sir; it was and is. For one to speak hatefully towards or about a thing with any sincerity then they must actually hate that thing.

I do not hate or dislike or disapprove of GOD, and am thankful in all things towards GOD.

So how is your statement not a lie?

Perhaps you could quote the specific God hate part.


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You love the god of your darkened understanding, not the One of scripture, I assure you that !

Ask Mr. Religion

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Per my understanding, Calvinism makes God the doer of all things. Even Evil. If everything is predetermined than evil is predetermined as well. Wouldn't it be?

Actually Calvinism does not make the God doer of all things. Obviously, God did not actually write your post above. That God is the antecedent cause of all that happens is not in dispute by Calvinists or anyone in Christendom. God's decree contemplates the proximate causes by the actual moral agents that do this or that according to their greatest inclinations at the moment they do this or that.

Further, no Calvinist will deny that God ordained that sin would come about through the voluntary choice of mankind. The complaints about this usually revolve around attempts to find the answer to how a Sovereign God can do this. This is wrong reasoning, for the how is not revealed to us in Scripture. That man is wholly responsible and God wholly sovereign are two truths taught in Scripture. We are obliged to believe them, whether or not we are able to fully understand how God pulls this off. If we can accept by faith that by mere speaking, an entire universe sprang into existence out of nothing, accepting by faith that God can be wholly sovereign and man wholly responsible is really just child's play in comparison.

A solid understanding of what Calvinists actually believe can be found here: WCF. An exposition of the WCF can also be found here.



New member
Its a reality that God knew everything but he doesn't want you to know it. He wants you to think there is a maverick molecule running loose. That's bad news !

I am pretty sure that molecules are not free moral agents, thus do not have the ability to disobey, sin, or grieve the Lord.


New member
It is the spiritual commission of Christians to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to and amongst all men.

It is NOT the prerogative of any believer to judge any other soul as being reprobate or unredeemable.


Yet there's quite a lot of that going on on this board... some of it from Calvinists.


Well-known member
God is Sovereign over all things, even the secondary causal agency He has given to man to act upon and effect his surroundings and associations.

"Evil" is an effect of mans' workings of wrongful (sinful) secondary causes. IOW's evil is the wages (judgment) against sin.

Scripture says God so created evil as a natural, necessary RESULT of sin.

Explained well as to secondary causes and what you believe. I hope folks will take a moment to read and understand what you just said. They may not agree, but it explains exactly why God remains just and righteous in your view. :up:

Tattooed Theist

New member
Scripture says God so created evil as a natural, necessary RESULT of sin.

So this section of your reply, still has me in a funk.
God created evil, therefor he caused evil, therefore when evil happens - it is because of Him, No?

Although it is indirect, it is still caused and facilitated BY Him.

If I leave a pack of cigarettes and a lighter on my daughters bed stand with a note that says "don't smoke, it's bad." She can choose wether to smoke them or not, but I certainly have done wrong by putting it there in the first place, I've facilitated her choosing that.


We are not simply the sum of our physical parts.

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100% spiritually dead means that as Calvinism States it right. You think you're able but you don't even try to see if you were able. Fact check yourself and discover you lied to yourself. Imaginations only digs deeper holes for your non existing soul


So this section of your reply, still has me in a funk.
God created evil, therefor he caused evil, therefore when evil happens - it is because of Him, No?

Although it is indirect, it is still caused and facilitated BY Him.

If I leave a pack of cigarettes and a lighter on my daughters bed stand with a note that says "don't smoke, it's bad." She can choose wether to smoke them or not, but I certainly have done wrong by putting it there in the first place, I've facilitated her choosing that.
Read the book of Isaiah and you'll come across that