Does Calvinism Make God Unjust?


No single man is more responsible for the distortion of Christian truth in our age than Charles Grandison Finney. His "new measures" created a framework for modern decision theology and Evangelical Revivalism. In this excellent article, Dr. Mike Horton explains how Charles Finney distorted the important doctrine of salvation.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
That's been your signature all these years, evasion of points made and starting the rabbit trail.

You have rejected God's great free gift of salvation that has been provided for you by Jesus Christ.

You have nothing to look forward to now but judgment and condemnation.


Well-known member
You have rejected God's great free gift of salvation that has been provided for you by Jesus Christ.

You have nothing to look forward to now but judgment and condemnation.

You'll ask folk to prove something from scripture, and when they do, you just ignore it and bring up another rabbit trail. That's your motto.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I know what you believe, you believe sinners Christ died for are going to perish in their sins anyways! Don't you believe that ?

Do you really believe that God sent his only begotten Son into the world to die for your sins and you don't have to respond to that.

You are as spiritually dead as a rock.


New member
You must don't believe that the blood of Christ saved them it was shed for.

The self sacrifice of the Christ is completely sufficient as payment for sin, even continued sin to some extent. But to say that atonement is of no effect, or that it isn't sufficient to wholly change you (you being the believer) not only in words or outward character, but fully and wholly and actively turn you from your own wants and addictions, then you are denying the work of GOD. This really is very close to denying the Holy Spirit, but as someone alluded to; it very well may not be that you deny it, but that it is shut off from your processes totally; as a door that is locked from the other side, or an eye that has been seared with a hot iron. Indeed; if you really honestly think that the work and self-sacrifice of Jesus the Christ of GOD isn't sufficient to turn you from continued knowing sin, or that, contrary to scripture; you believe that one isn't to persevere until the end and strive for what is good, being faithful to the Word of GOD, then the good news is seemingly lost to you.

Thanks be to the Christ for His mercy, by the Will and Spirit of GOD; all any need do is repent from what they know is wrong. Thankfully for you, and me alike; if in honesty we do not know a thing; then it isn't counted, or weighed against us. May the mercy and long-suffering of GOD suffice us to repent and follow the Way along the narrow path home.

Peace, sincerely

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Well-known member

The self sacrifice of the Christ is completely sufficient as payment for sin, even continued sin to some extent. But to say that atonement is of no effect, or that it isn't sufficient to wholly change you (you being the believer) not only in words or outward character, but fully and wholly and actively turn you from your own wants and addictions, then you are denying the work of GOD. This really is very close to denying the Holy Spirit, but as someone alluded to; it very well may not be that you deny it, but that it is shut off from your processes totally; as a door that is locked from the other side, or an eye that has been seared with a hot iron. Indeed; if you really honestly think that the work and self-sacrifice of Jesus the Christ of GOD isn't sufficient to turn you from continued knowing sin, or that, contrary to scripture; you believe that one isn't to persevere until the end and strive for what is good, being faithful to the Word of GOD, then the good news is seemingly lost to you.

Thanks be to the Christ for His mercy, by the Will and Spirit of GOD; all any need do is repent from what they know is wrong. Thankfully for you, and me alike; if in honesty we do not know a thing; then it isn't counted, or weighed against us. May the mercy and long-suffering of GOD suffice us to repent and follow the Way along the narrow path home.

Peace, sincerely

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You teach salvation by works, by what a person does.You don't believe that Christ death alone saved them He died for either!


New member
You teach salvation by works, by what a person does.You don't believe that Christ death alone saved them He died for either!
No friend; I believe real faith in the Son of GOD, the son(Lord) of man , and believing in the Way is actually effectual in one's life, like it says throughout all of scripture, and as I have witnessed in my own life.

Good works are a byproduct of Faith.

Peace, with humility.

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Well-known member
No friend; I believe real faith in the Son of GOD, the son(Lord) of man , and believing in the Way is actually effectual in one's life, like it says throughout all of scripture, and as I have witnessed in my own life.

Good works are a byproduct of Faith.

Peace, with humility.

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You teach salvation by works, by what a person does.You don't believe that Christ death alone saved them He died for either!


New member
Ouch ! Are you open theism ?

I don't know. Are you able to show reason to disagree with either of these statements?

Originally Posted by Rosenritter

A. There are fathers today that decide their children's lives while they are still in the womb. "If it's a girl she will be a doctor, if it's a boy he will be an engineer." That doesn't mean that they can make their child be a good doctor, or a good engineer, or whether the child will be obedient or rebellious.

B. That passage you cited does not establish that God would know each and every decision Jeremiah would make, or whether his heart would choose good or evil in the end.


I don't know. Are you able to show reason to disagree with either of these statements?

Originally Posted by Rosenritter

A. There are fathers today that decide their children's lives while they are still in the womb. "If it's a girl she will be a doctor, if it's a boy he will be an engineer." That doesn't mean that they can make their child be a good doctor, or a good engineer, or whether the child will be obedient or rebellious.

B. That passage you cited does not establish that God would know each and every decision Jeremiah would make, or whether his heart would choose good or evil in the end.
Its a reality that God knew everything but he doesn't want you to know it. He wants you to think there is a maverick molecule running loose. That's bad news !


No friend; I believe real faith in the Son of GOD, the son(Lord) of man , and believing in the Way is actually effectual in one's life, like it says throughout all of scripture, and as I have witnessed in my own life.

Good works are a byproduct of Faith.

Peace, with humility.

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You think you did something to get faith