You've proved that you are a fraud-ette, a con artist, a huckster, a con lady, demon, asserting that all the commands in the book are for your obedience, all of the book is about you, all the promises are to you(and conveniently, craftily dismissing the curses), feigning, "Well, if it's good enough for the apostles, it's good enough for me," but, when challenged to do all the commands in the book, you punt, cannot/will not do them, and then, in deceit, craftily dismiss my counter argument, with:
Don't you "believe Gods' word? Are you not a believer?"
You vile, disgusting, child of the devil, and actress. Which side of your face do you want slapped?
Sell all you have, you demon-ette. Raise the dead. Drink anti freeze. Cast out demons. Speak in foreign languages, w/o a translator. Get on over to Jerusalem. Go to the temple. Observe the hour of prayer. Grow limbs. Make the blind see, and, while you're at it, throw away your glasses
Let me guess: silence....figurative, not literal....Wait....literal...Wait...I can do it, but the l ord does not want me to..It's "intent"/ability that counts...
TOL thought so-fraud-ette. Poser-ette.
What a slug, and perverter you are. That is your rep on TOL, loser.