I didn't say you don't. What I said to you was:
You should complain to Jesus because He says to follow Him.
I didn't say you don't. What I said to you was:
No, I'll complain to you. What do you have against calling yourself a "Christian?" Why do you have to call yourself out as different from the rest of us, by identifying as "Jesuses follower?" Are you saying your better than other's who only call ourselve's "Christian?"You should complain to Jesus because He says to follow Him.
Relax. Every religion with competing claim's has to call every other religions contradictory claim's a lie. If you thought it was true, you'd be a Christian. So all your saying is, "I'm not a Christian."
Unless you believe in Jesus as creature's believe in there Creator.
Same with the Trinity.
The Trinity is absolutely unique.
Huge straw man since the Trinity is 1 God.
The Trinity is not corporeal.
No, I'll complain to you.
The Trinity explain's our Lord Jesus Christ perfectly well, and maintain's the absolute uniqueness and unity of God.Really! Where did Jesus leave his body before he went back to heaven to sit at the right hand of God? Nowhere. He took his body with him and became different from the Father and the Holy Ghost. Now, how could three be one? That's a paradox that makes no sense. I have refuted that doctrine with The Absolute Oneness of HaShem. But you are not ready for the Truth.
All right. I was just asking.I am only trying to follow what Jesus says. Jesus says to follow Him, and I am replying Him by saying, yes, Lord. I will follow you.
So I am Jesus' follower.
It is your problem with Jesus, not mine.
The Trinity explain's our Lord Jesus Christ perfectly well, and maintain's the absolute uniqueness and unity of God.
I don't know what you mean by "the Father is in Spirit."Again! How can exist absolute uniqueness when the Father is in Spirit and the son is in body? You must be kidding!
I would say that one cannot knowingly deny or reject the Trinity and be considered a "Christian."
I don't know what you mean by "the Father is in Spirit."
As for the Son, we talk about the hypostatic union between His divine essence or nature, and His human nature.
All Is are dotted and all Ts are crossed. The doctrine has no hole's. Its air tight.
Why the cruelty, Grosnick?Who gave you such a BIG word as, "Ostracize?" Seems too big a word
coming from someone who can barely speak English?
Given that God is not a liar and has clearly laid out the fact of the Triune Godhead, and that it is God that is doing the saving of His children, it is impossible for there to be a person so regenerated by God that denies the Trinity. This would in effect be a house divided.
All Christians are Trinitarians.
All non-Trinitarians are not Christians.
Plenty if your accepting the New Testament. The scriptural support for the Trinity in the Old Testament is less clear of course, which is only natural, since the Trinity had not yet become a man.
Jehovah God is the Trinity. The Trinity is Jehovah God. Numbers 6:24-26 KJV
You don't know what I mean because you do not read your own NT. Read John 4:24. Jesus himself said that God is a Spirit. Spirits are incorporeal. If Jesus is in flesh, they can't be the same. So the Trinity is more than one and, as the name says, three.
You say the same thing all trinity believers say. God is trinity because my pastor says so!
But the truth is, God is one because the bible says so.
The real question is not whether the Church of Rome will accept a person as a "Christian" but what does the Bible state as being necessary for salvation.
You desperately need a study bible.I believe in the Trinity because it is in the Bible. Genesis 1. 1 John 5:7. 2 Timothy 3:16. I could go on.
You desperately need a study bible.
NIV Study Bible
a.1 John 5:8 Late manuscripts of the Vulgate testify in heaven: the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one. And there are three that testify on earth: the (not found in any Greek manuscript before the fourteenth century)