Do you guys parrot a slogan in the hope of being saved and chosen for heaven?


Gurucam, there is no sin in examining the dark side through fiction, none whatsoever. The Catholic Church does not teach this. Fiction is not condemned. And fiction means acting, it means lying, and it can even mean intentional, deliberate, and premeditated deception and duplicity. It is a white lie, a forgiven sin, a venial sin. Sin is forgiven. That's ambiguous and a double meaning. It is already forgiven, and it is forgiven in the future, in two different ways. One way is through baptism, and the other way is through confession and celebrating the Eucharist, that's more like a foot-washing and less like a full body cleanse. That's the gospel.


We know certain things through direct inference about the sacrament of reconciliation. The Church exercises the immense power of essentially re-baptizing you, and re-receiving you into her communion, all at once, through the sacrament of penance. Since the Church teaches this we know that it is Apostolic in nature, which means it came from the Apostles, not through Scripture, but through the oral Apostolic tradition, passed on from bishop to bishop, the bishops being the Apostles' successors, and for a surety, every successor of the Apostle Peter, knows the whole Apostolic tradition. He knows Who Jesus is.

And the Apostles addressed the issue of what to do with a grave sinner or grave moral trespasser, bodily within the Church, and perhaps not in heart. They taught that the Lord wanted the sacrament of reconciliation to be all-powerful, which to me, personally, is completely in line with my view, and of the popes' view, of the power of the gospel. You can always come to saving faith, it is always possible, and the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ is unbounded and unbound.

We know through direct inference that the Apostles themselves taught what the bishops now teach about the sacrament of confession.


As I've done myself, Gurucam has read the Scripture intently with an honest eye toward understanding it correctly and authentically. However what Gurucam has unwittingly done is to form a theory over a cluster of data that are all very nearby one another in time. When the facts of history are included in the exercise of understanding the Scripture correctly and authentically, Gurucam's solution to the problem of integrating all the texts together into a coherent One drops out of the realm of possibilities, and rather quickly, because the facts of history do not bear out Gurucam's hypothesis, which would require, in order to fit the data of history, an immediate and complete abandonment by the One Church, within the Aposltes' lifetimes, of everything they taught, and especially, what they taught about grace. It is simply impossible to believe that this is what happened. History reveals that the Church began smoothly with one bump---which is studiously recorded in the Scripture---which she solved, and she grew and grew and grew and grew. There's no hint of anything but unbridled success for her in every matter she faced, which aligns with what we would expect if the Lord is Who she believes that He is.