Do You Believe and Understand the "Historical Gospel" of Jesus Christ?


Well-known member
Yes I do and understand that the gospel of Jesus was the Tanach. God Almighty, how many times do I have to say over and over again that Jesus was a Jew and not a Christian! The gospel of Jews is the Tanach.

What about the Gospel of the golden calf worship?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Yours is the will of man !

God gave me a brain, not sure about you.

Adam did NOT lose his free will in the fall. What he lost was his relationship with God.

I don't know of one human being that does not exercise their free will hundreds of times a day.

The doctrine that man does not have a free will is another Calvinist fairy tale.


Well-known member
God gave me a brain, not sure about you.

Adam did NOT lose his free will in the fall. What he lost was his relationship with God.

I don't know of one human being that does not exercise their free will hundreds of times a day.

The doctrine that man does not have a free will is another Calvinist fairy tale.

Yes you have a brain, that's simply part of a human's physical makeup.

But that doesn't imply understanding of Spiritual things 1 Cor. 2:14.

There is no such thing as the freewill of man with regard to his eternal destination.

God is the one Who determines that:

Dan. 4:35
And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?

You see, only God's Will is Free and Sovereign and determines all others' will.

For how can an inhabitant of the earth reputed as nothing have been given a free will? Their will is nothing compared to God's!



Well-known member
God gave me a brain, not sure about you.

Adam did NOT lose his free will in the fall. What he lost was his relationship with God.

I don't know of one human being that does not exercise their free will hundreds of times a day.

The doctrine that man does not have a free will is another Calvinist fairy tale.

Dude you dont even believe that Christ death saved them He died for ! And you glory in man, not in the Cross !

Ben Masada

New member
Do You Believe and Understand the Historical Gospel of Jesus?

Yes, I do and I do understand it bezrat HaShem but, you must understand that Jesus was a Jewish man whose gospel was the Tanach and not the NT. Do you understand what I mean?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
No, I am not! Rather you are the one. I accept Jesus for what he really was, and you accept him as an imaginary legend to be worshiped by pagans.

No, you are a hell bound Christ rejector.

You believe that Jesus was just another sinner like yourself.

The New Testament is an accurate account of the Christ event, you reject the whole thing. Including all of the writings of the apostles and Jesus himself.

You are without an excuse, Romans 1:18-24.