ECT Do those who believe MAD have no problem disregarding what Jesus actually taught ?


New member
Augustine was the key culprit behind the introduction of reading a thing INTO the passages, in contrast to allowing the passages to read exactly as written, followed by comparing the passages with one another, for their intended sense.

Unable to let go of Augustine's strong influence given all the centuries his system of reading INTO a thing had been the norm, the Reformers, as enamoured with him as they were, soon turned what little Pauline light they had accidently stumbled on - soon made that little light the spoil of Augustine's heretical approach, once more.

And with that, what little Dispensational (Pauline) truth had once more seen the light of day after all those centuries, was Replaced once more by man's wisdom in its own conceits.

When one thinks on it - there are actually only two MAJOR schools of thought - Pauline...and Augustinian...

Not ironicaly, both are mentioned in Romans 11:25, centuries before Augustine's heretical approach - the Greek's approach to wisdom (Mystic Rationalism) spoken AGAINST by Paul, in Cor. 1:22, where he also speaks against Empiricism (walking by sight, or one's physical senses and or emotion).


Augustine himself was a strong believer in Catholicism. I would suggest deleting him as one of your "Heroes of Calvinism?" Do a study on the history of Augustine who was a Priest and Bishop of the Catholic Church.


Newsflash: Everyone in Augustine's time were believers of 'Catholicism', in the state of which the Church was in at the time. There was no other Christianity.

Augustine is the most important theologian in Christian history. But, make fools of yourselves speaking against him :wave:


New member

Newsflash: Everyone in Augustine's time were believers of 'Catholicism', in the state of which the Church was in at the time. There was no other Christianity.

Augustine is the most important theologian in Christian history. But, make fools of yourselves speaking against him :wave:

Thank you - you proved my exact point...true.

Most August of you...indeed :chuckle:


TOL Subscriber
Old St. Augustine was a very strong Catholic believer. Anything derived out of the depths of Catholicism ought to be held with suspicion and extreme doubt!

2 Corinthians 11:13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.


Thank you - you proved my exact point...true.

Most August of you...indeed :chuckle:

MADism is 19th century falsehood, along with Mormonism and Seventh Day Adventists. You can keep your Darbys, Smiths, and Whites- they all lived in a notably heretical age when odd Christian sects were popping up everywhere, particularly in America.

MADism became most popular because of it's Christian Zionist undertones- perfect for the pompous American idiot :rolleyes:

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
MADism is 19th century falsehood, along with Mormonism and Seventh Day Adventists. You can keep your Darbys, Smiths, and Whites- they all lived in a notably heretical age when odd Christian sects were popping up everywhere, particularly in America.

MADism became most popular because of it's Christian Zionist undertones- perfect for the pompous American idiot :rolleyes:

Thanks, I hadn't considered that.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Oh sure! Coming from someone who likes to sit in the dark at Mrs Mendelbright's drinking nectarine crushes and listening to Leonard Blush 45s.

I dig sitting in the dark, in a room, inarculated, squirt. That way, no more Mr. Cookie Bars, that "weigh" on my figure....No more care free hours, to engage in philosophical meandering...Wait...incarcerated?


New member
MADism is 19th century falsehood, along with Mormonism and Seventh Day Adventists. You can keep your Darbys, Smiths, and Whites- they all lived in a notably heretical age when odd Christian sects were popping up everywhere, particularly in America.

MADism became most popular because of it's Christian Zionist undertones- perfect for the pompous American idiot :rolleyes:

Typical Agustinian reasoning INTO a thing.

Might as well assert that because the advances in greater understanding in various fields that have arisen in the last several decades have arisen in the same era as Radical Islam, they are therefore just as wrong.

Right here is where it becomes a simple matter to call your Augustinian "reasoning INTO a thing" what it is...stupid.

Plain and simple.

Spiritual morons - lets go back to the Civil era of sawing off limbs - later advances in the understanding of such things as gangrene and so on, were "later developments" and are therefore...wrong.

Fools - you're still lauging AT the first automobile - never mind the advancement in understanding of a thing its development had merely represented to everyone but your fool kind.



Literal lunatic
Typical Agustinian reasoning INTO a thing.

Might as well assert that because the advances in greater understanding in various fields that have arisen in the last several decades have arisen in the same era as Radical Islam, they are therefore just as wrong.

Right here is where it becomes a simple matter to call your Augustinian "reasoning INTO a thing" what it is...stupid.

Plain and simple.

Spiritual morons - lets go back to the Civil era of sawing off limbs - later advances in the understanding of such things as gangrene and so on, were "later developments" and are therefore...wrong.

Fools - you're still lauging AT the first automobile - never mind the advancement in understanding of a thing its development had merely represented to everyone but your fool kind.


This is all imagined from LaHaye and all the faith TV preachers reading "a thing" into Daniel 12:4.

Naming and claiming it to scratch all those itching ears.

4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.


Literal lunatic
:darwinsm: As if Mormons or 7th Day A's preach the gospel that Paul preached. They don't and therefore are accursed (Galatians 1:8-9 KJV). You cannot say that about "MAD"!

Not so Heir.

They all preach Christ crucified.

They and MAD are all guilty of adding things fit to be burned.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
:darwinsm: As if Mormons or 7th Day A's preach the gospel that Paul preached. They don't and therefore are accursed (Galatians 1:8-9 KJV). You cannot say that about "MAD"!

Crucible is a "Lost soul" he can curse whatever he's ignorant of, which is much. Those who reject Paul's Gospel will stand before God the Father some day and be judged by their WORKS and cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity. They laugh and mock now, they won't, then.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
MADism is 19th century falsehood, along with Mormonism and Seventh Day Adventists. You can keep your Darbys, Smiths, and Whites- they all lived in a notably heretical age when odd Christian sects were popping up everywhere, particularly in America.

MADism became most popular because of it's Christian Zionist undertones- perfect for the pompous American idiot :rolleyes:

I take it you're not an American citizen?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

Newsflash: Everyone in Augustine's time were believers of 'Catholicism', in the state of which the Church was in at the time. There was no other Christianity.

Augustine is the most important theologian in Christian history. But, make fools of yourselves speaking against him :wave:

I don't mind being a "FOOL for Truth."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Augustine was the key culprit behind the introduction of reading a thing INTO the passages, in contrast to allowing the passages to read exactly as written, followed by comparing the passages with one another, for their intended sense.

Unable to let go of Augustine's strong influence given all the centuries his system of reading INTO a thing had been the norm, the Reformers, as enamoured with him as they were, soon turned what little Pauline light they had accidently stumbled on - soon made that little light the spoil of Augustine's heretical approach, once more.

And with that, what little Dispensational (Pauline) truth had once more seen the light of day after all those centuries, was Replaced once more by man's wisdom in its own conceits.

When one thinks on it - there are actually only two MAJOR schools of thought - Pauline...and Augustinian...

Not ironicaly, both are mentioned in Romans 11:25, centuries before Augustine's heretical approach - the Greek's approach to wisdom (Mystic Rationalism) spoken AGAINST by Paul, in Cor. 1:22, where he also speaks against Empiricism (walking by sight, or one's physical senses and or emotion).

Both Augustine and Calvin were ignorant of the truth that the Apostle Paul preached by the Gospel he received from the Ascended Lord Jesus Christ. They may both end up being judged by their WORKS and cast into the Lake of Fire? Especially, if their names are not written in the Book of Life. Revelation 20:12 "And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works." Revelation 20:13 "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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@Grosnick Marowbe

Your "IGNORANCE" is appalling. You don't even KNOW what MAD means, yet, you curse it with every fiber of your being. Someday, it may come back to haunt you?
Is this an accurate view of Mid-Acts Dispensationalism ( MAD )?

1. Dispensational Theology distinguishes between Israel and the Church
2. Unaware that Jesus will be crucified, the 12 preach the gospel of the kingdom
3. Isaiah chapter 53
4. Rightly dividing the word: A scriptural necessity
5. The new covenant did NOT begin with the birth of Christ
6. Circumcision: The TOKEN of the Abrahamic Covenant
7. The children of Israel were to SEPARATE themselves from the Gentiles
8. God promised to BLESS those who blessed Abraham's "seed", the nation of Israel
9. Gentiles were excluded from Christ's earthly ministry
10. In Acts 10, Cornelius does not portray today's salvation of Uncircumcised Gentiles
11. Even in Acts 3, Israel was STILL the "seed" through whom the nations were blessed
12. The "Great Commission", being prophetic, was interrupted
13. The "dispensation of grace": Prophecy interrupted; an unprophesied mystery begins
14. Grecians, in Acts chapters 6 and 11, were Greek-speaking JEWS, not Gentiles
15. The book of James was not written to Gentiles
16. The Apostle Paul - 14 passages which state that he is the Lord's Spokesman to the Gentiles
