To me, a liar is one who lies knowingly. I think the reason Dodge doesn't tell the truth is simply because he doesn't know the truth. He's somehow been locked into the fallacy that only those red letters represent the only truth, like many of his ilk seem to do.
When I was first saved, 30+ years ago, I was warned not to buy a red-letter Bible and, Praise God, I never did until about a week ago. I needed a reading AV and this Zondervan one was decent and cheap. I figured that, after 30 years, I was mature enough to know that those red letters are no more inspired than any other part of the Bible, including Paul's writings.
It says in my Bible that Jesus Christ was a minister to the circumcision (Romans 16:8) and that He was manifest to Israel (John 1:31). It also says that Paul was THE Apostle to the Gentiles in several passages. Therefore, it would be nonsensical for me, as a Gentile, to follow the DOCTRINE of Jesus Christ as opposed to that of Paul, in those areas where the 2 doctrines differed.
Here's something else I've often thought about. Since Paul continually received brand new revelations from Christ and/or the Holy Spirit, I can't help but believe that his latter books would be more timely and up-to-date than his earlier books. Only Paul received these revelations. Some of the revelations surely gave additional information to things already revealed but others revealed things that replaced prior information - this is obviously evidenced by the myriad of doctrinal differences between Paul's 1st 7 books and his last 7 books. Due to all this, I feel that any lover of truth should start with Paul's last 7 books and see what they say, without any influence of his 1st 7 books. Only after the last 7 books are mastered, should the student attempt to understand the 1st 7 books.[/QUOTE
Hi and I disagree with the notion that the first 7 letters of Paul should studied LAST and here is WHY !!
First ALL scrcture is for correction and reproof !!
Then in 2 Cor 12:1 we tead Surely , it is not profitable to me tp glory , for I will come to VISIONS and REVELATIONS of ( the ) Lord !!
The thrid verb is IWILL COME IS IN THE gREEK FUTURE TENSE and that means that from Paul's salvation , it was a contance VISIONS and Revelation UNTIL Paul was killed !!
Since you seem to have advanced in the last 7 letters , will you explain How Paul was SAVED , in Acts 9:6 ??
Or tell us how you were saved ?
dan p