SaulToPaul 2
Well-known member
"soliloquy" is how you sing Acapella, Mayor. You know....Acapella....Acapella!
Can you tell a bird to just not sing?
"soliloquy" is how you sing Acapella, Mayor. You know....Acapella....Acapella!
"soliloquy" is how you sing Acapella, Mayor. You know....Acapella....Acapella!
Oh...I remember that song!
We use to sing it Saturday nights in th' wash tub...accompanied by a banjo.
:french::idunno: soliloquy maybe?
Can you tell a bird to just not sing?
The irony...
I don't have verses 10 away from a 'proof text' of an off-base doctrine that conflict. Nor the absence of grammatical understanding, in a part of the church that is supposed to defend 'historical-grammatical' meaning.
Your grammar is wrong about Gal 2.
Your context is wrong about Gal 2.
You are supposedly from a part of the church were grammatical-historical context is supposed to matter, and this Gal 2 crock is hands-down the worst interp job ever foisted.
Don't you be undermining the gramscolinterp STP!So you say. Your opinion doesn't mean much to me.
So you say. Your opinion doesn't mean much to me.
Show me how Greek says preaching gospels (plural) or shut up. It's not there. In transliterated Greek is fine, for ex., 'euangelizo' (english letters for Greek)
Show me how Greek says preaching gospels (plural) or shut up. It's not there. In transliterated Greek is fine, for ex., 'euangelizo' (english letters for Greek)
Show me how Greek says preaching gospels (plural) or shut up. It's not there. In transliterated Greek is fine, for ex., 'euangelizo' (english letters for Greek)
Q: How would a person know that there are many gospels in the Bible?How would Koine WRITE that a person was preaching more than one gospel?
Q: How would a person know that there are many gospels in the Bible?
A: Read the Bible.
There are many. This just verifies your blindness. Thanks.Right, and it says there is one, and curses others (Gal 1) and the grammar says there is one (Gal 2) and it says the 'faith' is one in Eph 4 and in Jude. Thanks!
How would Koine WRITE that a person was preaching more than one gospel?
It's always a total hoot to get the non-dispensational answers to that one.That still begs the question "why even the need for Paul if the Twelve had been told the Spirit would give them their words AND they had the gift of signs, wonders, and tongues?"