The main motive is to reveal some of the garbage church leaders have foisted upon the church.
Except that you've presented no such evidence.
E.G. Jesus being in heaven with the Father in the beginning is kindergarden garbage.
So you claim. You do understand that making a claim is not the same as making an argument, right?
It was the Word who was in heaven with the Father in the beginning!
A rose by any other name is still a rose, Doug! It's the same person and NO ONE denies that His name wasn't Jesus until the incarnation happened.
Because @ dis point ... "Jesus" wasn't even born yet ... Dah!
A point that is not in dispute!
Do you understand the significance of the fact that this point is not in dispute? I really don't think you do because you keep repeating it as if there's someone out there who does dispute it. The significance is that it means that it doesn't support your position. It doesn't prevent you from CLAIMING that it supports your claim but, once again, making a claim is not at all the same thing as making an actual argument.
So, the only reason you gave as a motive here was "to reveal some of the garbage church leaders have foisted upon the church". You called it "the main motive" but I suspect that it is the ONLY motive that you can name and I'm not sure that it is the real motive because, as I pointed out above, you've not given any evidence that this is actually the case. What I find more likely is that you simply want to be contrary for the sake of being contrary by exploding a semantic point into a colossal conspiracy perpetrated by "church leaders". Here's the proof....
Who are these "church leaders"? Give me names of the prominent leaders whom you suspect of being the leaders of this conspiracy.
How was this conspiracy spread?
What is their motive? What damage is done by spreading this "kindergarten garbage" throughout the church? What doctrine is altered? What Christian practice is changed in relation to the name we assign the pre-incarnate 2nd Person of the Trinity?
Do you get the point there? I want you to name an actual suspect in this grand crime of conspiracy and show that they had the means, the motive and the opportunity to commit it.
Prediction: Doug will make no attempt whatsoever to answer these questions. He will basically ignore this entire post and go back to repeating his claims as though nothing has been said to refute a syllable of them. - I hope this prediction proves to be wrong.