I thank/like any post that makes a good point and also those that add to the discussion. So far, you haven't qualified in either of those. Heck, I even thank Nang and GodsTruth when they make a valid point, when they state truth, even though they believe differently than I do.
Though he was wrong on that one, at the same time, part of why he said that is because many of the so called MADs on here are very political.
IP's is an instance of his having allowed himself their collective nonsense (towards anyone they consider not of their number), towards you.
For the same reason they engage in that - his version of their bigoted misperception - his misperception you're in bed with these so called (and obviously very political) MADs, and are therefore automatically against him.
But yeah, it is best you continue to do as you stated: concede a point when it is valid, because it is, not for high-fives, or because you consider the person is of your number.
You'll remain able to learn from one and all, as a result; even when they are off on one point, or another.
And because Rom. 5:8