Presidential Election 2008 - Is it Immoral to Vote for McCain/Palin? Battle Royale XIII
GodsfreeWill and The Graphite vs. WandererinFog and Nicholsmom
This will be the very first ever Battle Royale TAG TEAM battle!
What: The debate is titled: Presidential Election 2008 - Is it Immoral to Vote for McCain/Palin?
Where: The debate will take place on the Internet at (TOL), the popular online Christian forum, with the moderator, opponents, and spectators all participating and observing over the web.
Who: The debate will be moderated by the site’s webmaster, through his TOL screen name Knight, who can be contacted at GodsfreeWill and The Graphite vs. WandererinFog and Nicholsmom will be the combatants
When: The debate will begin on Monday, September 29, 2008 at noon (MDT). GodsfreeWill's team will post first since they are arguing for the affirmative. Nicholsmom's team will have 48 hours to post their rebuttal. THERE WILL NOT BE A WEEKEND BREAK FOR THIS BATTLE. Each team has 48 hours from the time of the previous post to make their next post. If for some reason a combatant cannot make their post on time they can make arrangements with me (Knight) and we can make an adjustment as long as it is a reasonable adjustment.
How: The debate will last for five rounds. The recommended maximum word limit for the average post is 6,000 words, but any or all posts could be much briefer or possibly longer if need be. For each round, the opponents will login to to upload their posts. The official BR XII clock is the post time of the last post. (Remember to log in to TOL so that the system will automatically adjust references to your time zone and remember to make sure your time zone is set correctly in your TheologyOnLine USER Control Panel)
Battle schedule....
Post #1 - Round #1 - opening statement (GodsfreeWill Team)
Post #2 - Round #1 - opening statement and rebuttal (Nicholsmom Team)
Post #3 - Round #2 - rebuttal (GodsfreeWill Team)
Post #4 - Round #2 - rebuttal (Nicholsmom Team)
Post #5 - Round #3 - rebuttals (GodsfreeWill Team)
Post #6 - Round #3 - rebuttals (Nicholsmom Team)
Post #7 - Round #4 - rebuttals (GodsfreeWill Team)
Post #8 - Round #4 - rebuttals (Nicholsmom Team)
Post #9 - Round #5 - closing statements (GodsfreeWill Team)
Post #10 - Round #5 - closing statements (Nicholsmom Team)
Clarity: Both sides will attempt to achieve clarity and avoid obfuscation.
Responsiveness: Each side will make an effort to be responsive to the other, to interact, and to answer relevant questions forthrightly, which also ensures that the participants actually debate one another and not simply post material written for other purposes, especially if that material is not specifically responsive.
Specific BR XII Rules
Rule 1:
Question Numbering: To help focus the opponent on the topic(s) of a particular post, and to enable readers to follow the debate more easily, participants will sequentially number their questions using TOL’s Battle Royale convention of first and last initial, a Q for question, an A for answer, and then the question number. Godsfreewill's team will be identified as GG (Godsfreewill and the Graphite) and Nicholsmom's team will be identified as NW (Nicholsmom and WanderinFog) Therefore questions and answers can be identified as : GGQ1, GGQ2, NWQ1, and would mark any answer given with GGA-NWQ1 (Godsfreewill's team answers Nicholsmoms team first question), NWA-GGQ1, etc. After reading a post of, say, fifteen paragraphs, without such a convention, it may be unclear to the audience and even to the opponent exactly what is being asked. So this also saves participants time in evaluating an opponent’s post. And it discourages unresponsive replies that focus for example on rhetorical questions or incidental details while ignoring the primary challenges. Of course there can be valid reasons why an opponent may refuse to answer a given question.
Please summarize your new questions in each round for your opponent at the bottom of each post.
Rule 2:
Tag Team: This is a tag team battle which means there are two combatants on either side: GodsfreeWill and The Graphite on one side and WandererinFog and Nicholsmom on the other side. Each team may make only ONE post in each round. Therefore there will be 10 total posts in this battle (5 per team).
Only Admins and Battle Royale participants will be able to post in this battle thread.