Direct assault on Satan (Evil's.<(I)> Naughty List)


Well-known member
@daqq......... Wambulances are standing by

Lol, you are the whiner extraordinaire:

Christian Azazel Atonement Theory
Rebuttal to Daqq's Posted OP "Christian Azazel Atonement Theory"

And I also have no doubt you are referencing the following post; where you did all the whining, and then tried to flip it around and say that I was the one doing the whining:

Originally Posted by Evil.Eye.<(I)>
@daqq is deceived and denies the integrity of scripture. Apparently... Theological Down Syndrome is contagious. How you get through Johns writings and the apostle Paul while missing that Jesus is YHWH has to be a theological deformity.

Nuff said.

# Way to lead me astray Daqqy... hope you're proud of yourself... because it makes me sick!

LOL -- me lead YOU astray? HAHAHA, I have never ever said, "Jesus is YHWH", that is all YOU and appears to be a secretly held belief of many more of the MADists around here. I do not know if that is an officially held position of the MADists but it sure appears to be, judging by those who have spouted that same position around here so far, which includes you, Musterion, Jerry Shugart, and probably some others who are simply not willing to openly admit it because they know that it does not even agree with the official Trinitarian viewpoint. You only get away with it because, either way, you still say "Jesus is God Almighty born into human flesh", so the Trintarians are willing to let you tag along for that reason alone. If we who are monotheists were not here you would be the next to go. How blind you really are: it is not about acceptance into a herd, or safety in numbers, but rather about finding, getting to know, and following the Truth by the Spirit of the Truth which is the Word whom you have already clearly rejected by way of your doctrine.

Originally Posted by daqq
LOL -- me lead YOU astray? HAHAHA, I have never ever said, "Jesus is YHWH", that is all YOU and appears to be a secretly held belief of many more of the MADists around here. I do not know if that is an officially held position of the MADists but it sure appears to be, judging by those who have spouted that same position around here so far, which includes you, Musterion, Jerry Shugart, and probably some others who are simply not willing to openly admit it because they know that it does not even agree with the official Trinitarian viewpoint. You only get away with it because, either way, you still say "Jesus is God Almighty born into human flesh", so the Trintarians are willing to let you tag along for that reason alone. If we who are monotheists were not here you would be the next to go. How blind you really are: it is not about acceptance into a herd, or safety in numbers, but rather about finding, getting to know, and following the Truth by the Spirit of the Truth which is the Word whom you have already clearly rejected by way of your doctrine.

Uhmm, you seem to have forgotten that was my response to your whining:

Originally Posted by Evil.Eye.<(I)>
@daqq is deceived and denies the integrity of scripture. Apparently... Theological Down Syndrome is contagious. How you get through Johns writings and the apostle Paul while missing that Jesus is YHWH has to be a theological deformity.

Nuff said.

# Way to lead me astray Daqqy... hope you're proud of yourself... because it makes me sick!

My heart pumps peanut butter for ya . . . :chuckle:

And that was no doubt because you were still feeling poked in the eye over this:

Originally Posted by Evil.Eye.<(I)>
Does anyone have some good cheese? ... because I'm expecting an abundance of "whine"...

Poor Ephraim, does not even realize he has it all backwards . . .
You have way too much cheese, O Ephraim, but no covenant-testimony-wine. :Nineveh:

Now therefore, dear partially blind Ephraim:
If you do not wish to be poked in the eye then stop trying to poke me in the eye. ;)

:Nineveh::nuke: :Nineveh:
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Lazy afternoon

1) Spiritual Israel Doctrine (Replacement Theology)

Israel of the Spirit continues to this day. It was never replaced.

2) Arian Doctrine

I am not sure of what he taught but you are a modelist.
You think like GT that Jesus is only God in a body.

3) Overcomplication of the Trinity Doctrine (Semi-Arianism)

You are not a trintarian.

4) Works based Doctrine

Well Christs works bought our salvation and He became the author of salvation to all who obey Him.

Jesus says works of faith are important--

Rev 2:5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.

Rev 22:11 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.
Rev 22:12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

5) All doctrine that challenges the premise that God is Love

If you think Gods love is that you can do whatever you please and not be held accountable for it, then that is not God or Gods love.


Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Tambora has claimed grace is an excuse to sin, without having to feel guilty or confess any sin.

That is an insult to the Spirit of Grace. Hebrews 10:29

You are a habitual liar on many levels. The Lord Jesus Christ died for all sin including the unrepentant enemies.


Well-known member
Then tell us what Grace is.

If I had to be judged by God on the basis of how much good work I did, I would certainly go to the Lake of Fire because I can't do enough to rid myself of sin. That is a fact. I'd have no chance and no hope.

Perhaps therefore Grace is not being hurt from out of the Second Death?
Yes, just a little dip in the Lake; and then, knowing the terror, no more blasphemies. :chuckle:


Eclectic Theosophist
Salvation to you and your house...............

Salvation to you and your house...............

I won't be around to float this thread. My Dad is back in the hospital and my lovely wife and I have our anniversary to celebrate. If ya like it... bump it. If it it assault... I know there's some "MAD" help out there and some "OPEN" minded Theists out there that understand every word of it.

[MENTION=17677]Crucible[/MENTION].... I'm done opening your posts. Your on ignore for a long time.
[MENTION=13959]meshak[/MENTION]...... Are you a Muslim?
[MENTION=7209]Ask Mr. Religion[/MENTION] ... I don't hate the Theist... I just hate the theology.
[MENTION=17195]daqq[/MENTION]......... Wambulances are standing by
[MENTION=18157]marhig[/MENTION]....... [MENTION=5000]King[/MENTION]dom Rose ... how can you believe the words that you have spoken in the past few days?

[MENTION=1851]john w[/MENTION] ... I fully understand... you are trying to get through to the Theological 2509's
[MENTION=13925]Grosnick Marowbe[/MENTION] ... Your not such a grumpy old man after all.
[MENTION=3698]Tambora[/MENTION] ... #Awesome!
[MENTION=12870]steko[/MENTION]...... #Awesome!
[MENTION=10]Jerry Shugart[/MENTION]... #Awesome!
[MENTION=4108]Judge Rightly[/MENTION]... #Awesome!
[MENTION=15338]Right Divider[/MENTION]... #Awesome.. we may have scuffled... but... You're alright, after all.
[MENTION=4167]Stripe[/MENTION]... Who's Meshak?
[MENTION=15685]musterion[/MENTION]... Will God's truth argue with Jesus?
@All those who go straight "Spirit of Christ" and "Sharper Iron" ... # Get em!!!!

[MENTION=595]Knight[/MENTION] ... thank you for making this site and standing by it for our Lord, God and Infinite King!

[MENTION=1746]freelight[/MENTION]... I tried to be in agreement with a bunch of people, but they just couldn't see that I was right!

Blessings of health, wholeness and healing to you and yours :) - "in Him we are complete"

While I could go on with various dissertations on the points shared in the OP, let us mediate upon the Master's saying of "let your yes be yes, and your no be no, for anything further is of the evil one" :) - I know you posted this before in your 'Slaying Calvinism' thread,...and I would refer us back to this from time to time, to consider the infinite reality at the Heart of all, Love itself. 'God' IS,...and this is the timeless ontological reality, no matter what arises as thoughts or appearances in the great sea of Consciousness. This is All There IS,... Life, Spirit, Energy, Consciousness...and 'You' are not separate from this, but ARE this :) This ever-abiding reality is the grace present in every moment, AVAILABLE to every sentient being. - all else are but intellectual adventures and mental gymnastics around various themes and concepts,(on a soulical level in any case)....and on some stages its a theological carnival in some parts.

At the base or inward parts in the inner sanctum is the indwelling god-presence, reflecting in our own conscience the law of God. - we further abide as 'light-bearers'(morning stars) by there indwelling in our very bodies a spirit-fragment of the INFINITE, a seed of potential immortality, whereby in our joining with God we may inherit all that he has as 'sons'. - again, these are but words,..but the inner ear must give audience, the inner eye and heart must see.

Matthew 5:8

Namaste :)


Eclectic Theosophist
The Five Solas of the Reformation have given such joy and rest for the saints of God.

Sola Gratia: Salvation by Grace Alone
Sola Fide: Justification by Faith Alone
Soli Deo Gloria: For the Glory of God Alone
Solus Christus: By Christ's Work Alone are we saved.
Sola Scriptura: Scripture alone is the standard

Wonderful thoughts, but might some lead to a false sense of security? Man still has his part in his 'response-ability' and 'partnership' co-operating with God in 'covenant',....he has been given by divine providence 'freedom of choice' to engage relationally, synergistically....he is not a mere puppet.


Eclectic Theosophist
Then tell us what Grace is.

If I had to be judged by God on the basis of how much good work I did, I would certainly go to the Lake of Fire because I can't do enough to rid myself of sin. That is a fact. I'd have no chance and no hope.

Do you believe that is also true for yourself?

Grace is a natural by-product of LOVE. What is love's nature and will? Your discovery of that answer will save the soul.

As for being fearful of a lake of fire,...maybe a purifying fire, since love would desire to purge and preserve the soul, NOT destroy it, unless free will of its own choice could effect a soul's complete destruction (cessation of conscious existence).

Even amid these possibilities and speculations.....grace carries all creation, sustains it, enables its possibilities, its life-blessings.


I love [MENTION=7209]Ask Mr. Religion[/MENTION] 's point on Sola Scriptura- I knew it myself but never could explain it in the way he did-

'Final Authority' is not 'Only Authority'- of course you must trust in those who put the canon together in the first place.
And not just with the New, but also the Old.

You see, the Spirit of God works among men to bring us revelation. But non-traditional Christians- these Madists and scattered Baptists, these Arminians and cults- they all try to deny the working of God through our history for the sake of their own self righteousness.

While we reform Christianity, they try to reinvent it.


Eclectic Theosophist
While we reform Christianity, they try to reinvent it.

Ever consider that the so called 'Reformation' (begun in the 16th century) could be due a new reformation? ;) - after all, revelation is progressive....the Spirit still leads, guides and teaches,...dispensations continue, as long as there is space and time in which the revelation of truth to unfold. - unless you currently have reached the zenith (apex) of all knowledge, wisdom and understanding, and there is no more to learn or be revealed. Is that your claim with so called 'Reformed Theology'?


Ever consider that the so called 'Reformation' (begun in the 16th century) could be due a new reformation? ;) - after all, revelation is progressive....the Spirit still leads, guides and teaches,...dispensations continue, as long as there is space and time in which the revelation of truth to unfold. - unless you currently have reached the zenith (apex) of all knowledge, wisdom and understanding, and there is no more to learn or be revealed. Is that your claim with so called 'Reformed Theology'?

Reformed Christianity is a resurrection of the original Christianity that reached Rome- Saint Augustine brought it to us, point blank, but the Church still proceeded to rape his literature for whatever benefited itself_

There's a pipeline from him in the 4th Century to Luther and Calvin in the 15th- the Catholic Church is a pagan one who adopted Christianity for it's own gain.
Just as all these denominations from Reformed Christianity- they ought to be judged in the same way they judge the Catholic Church :plain:
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Eagles Wings

New member
Wonderful thoughts, but might some lead to a false sense of security? Man still has his part in his 'response-ability' and 'partnership' co-operating with God in 'covenant',....he has been given by divine providence 'freedom of choice' to engage relationally, synergistically....he is not a mere puppet.
The believer is completely and blessedly Assured in Christ. I hope you come to the fullness of faith in Christ. Romans 8:28f.


New member
Check out the graph in, AMR's "sigh".

Once a person can separate justification and sanctification, the road to glory becomes one of resting in Christ's atonement by Faith, and living to give joyful works to Him.

Scripture is always the final authority, not traditions of man, although we recognize the great contributions of believers who have gone before us.

Can you show me where it says Scripture is the final authority?

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Ask Mr. Religion

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We Are Protestants - We Protest

I love @Ask Mr. Religion 's point on Sola Scriptura- I knew it myself but never could explain it in the way he did-

'Final Authority' is not 'Only Authority'- of course you must trust in those who put the canon together in the first place.
And not just with the New, but also the Old.

You see, the Spirit of God works among men to bring us revelation. But non-traditional Christians- these Madists and scattered Baptists, these Arminians and cults- they all try to deny the working of God through our history for the sake of their own self righteousness.

While we reform Christianity, they try to reinvent it.

Few seem to recall that the Reformation was a protest against the current church, hence the name Protestant, a protest calling the church to reform itself back to the teachings of Scripture.

More than a few also seem to think they are more indwelt by the Holy Spirit than those that came before us and we therefore have nothing to learn from the saints of yesterday. This is chronological snobbery. Making sola scriptura out to solo scriptura is the source of much confusion and error in the church militant today.



Eclectic Theosophist
Reformed Christianity is a resurrection of the original Christianity that reached Rome- Saint Augustine brought it to us, point blank, but the Church still proceeded to rape his literature for whatever benefited itself_

There's a pipeline from him in the 4th Century to Luther and Calvin in the 15th- the Catholic Church is a pagan one who adopted Christianity for it's own gain.
Just as all these denominations from Reformed Christianity- they ought to be judged in the same way they judge the Catholic Church :plain:

Hmmm,...not sure about Augustine of Hippo returning the Christianity of his day back to its 'roots' necessarily, since he has an interesting background and influences himself, not to mention some peculiar doctrinal notions too - doing some research on him currently :)


Eclectic Theosophist
Can you show me where it says Scripture is the final authority?

Sent from my iPhone using TOL

Good question, I'm not aware of any scripture claiming to be a 'final authority' on anything. 'Sola scriptura' is a religious belief. Beyond that, its kinda hard to put The INFINITE in a 'box', but religion appears to have a 'monopoly' on the effort :)


Well-known member
Making sola scriptura out to solo scriptura is the source of much confusion and error in the church militant today.


So if one is surrounded by entire systems founded upon preaching false gospels, then the Word alone, illuminated by the Spirit if Christ, is still inadequate and so he should nonetheless yoke himself to and seek wisdom from the many? God would prefer he seek out false teachers to aid him rather than trust His ability to finish the work He started within? When you say things like this, it sounds like you have a very big stake in promoting the ecclesiarchy vs God's Word.