Did we re-evolve after the comet that killed all the dinosaurs?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Who claims that an asteroid wiped out all the dinosaurs? Certainly not current evolutionary thinking.

You having fun whacking that strawman, Stipe?

I'm expecting you to agree with me.


New member
:doh: That's the challenge. If an asteroid can wipe out every kind of dinosaur how could it possibly not wipe out everything else?

OK, I don't really understand what kind of game you're playing, but I'll play along.

An asteroid could wipe out every kind of dinosaur and not wipe out everything else if the result of that asteroid was to remove something the dinosaurs (every kind - btw - would this be the same "kind" of dinosaur that Noah would have had to have taken on the ark?) needed for life and other kinds of life (everything else) could do without. Specific food source, a certain temperature range, environmental factors (acidity, pollution) that adversely impacted eggshell formation (think California Condors).

There - that wasn't really all that hard, was it?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
It would have to be as big or bigger than the Earth to "wipe out everything else".
I think you should just read and follow along for a while .. try and catch up before you start saying really silly things.

OK, I don't really understand what kind of game you're playing, but I'll play along.
The game is this (and it was clearly outlined in my first post in this thread): An asteroid strike is one theory that evolutionists use to explain the disappearance of the dinosaurs. That theory is obviously inadequate on its own so evolutionists are forced to add more theories.

An asteroid could wipe out every kind of dinosaur and not wipe out everything else if the result of that asteroid was to remove something the dinosaurs (every kind - btw - would this be the same "kind" of dinosaur that Noah would have had to have taken on the ark?) needed for life and other kinds of life (everything else) could do without. Specific food source, a certain temperature range, environmental factors (acidity, pollution) that adversely impacted eggshell formation (think California Condors). There - that wasn't really all that hard, was it?
I don't think you appreciate the scope that the term dinosaurs encompasses. It is impossible for an asteroid to take out a food supply that would only affect all the dinosaurs. The same would hold for temperatures and environments. You'll have to appreciate that an asteroid strike would affect the globe, but it would not affect the entire globe in the same way or to the same extent. To account for a global elimination of the dinosaurs requires a global action. Any effects from an asteroid that would wipe out every dinosaur would also wipe out everything else. Thus to account for the disappearance of the dinosaurs evolutionists are forced to add more theories.

This really shouldn't be that difficult...


New member
The game is this (and it was clearly outlined in my first post in this thread): An asteroid strike is one theory that evolutionists use to explain the disappearance of the dinosaurs.

But you misrepresent "evolutionists" (sustitute "almost all modern scientific thought") positions by your position. Which doesn't surprise me, only the degree to which you're willing to ignore being told this.

That theory is obviously inadequate on its own so evolutionists are forced to add more theories.

You keep saying this as if it has any meaning.

I don't think you appreciate the scope that the term dinosaurs encompasses. It is impossible for an asteroid to take out a food supply that would only affect all the dinosaurs

Nonsense. Tell me Stipe, what do you know about the food requirements of dinosaurs? How you assayed the contents of their stomachs? Perhaps have a bill of lading from the ark for their feed? :chuckle:

Perhaps you have a Nutrition Facts or Ingredients panel from the side of a bag of Ralston Purina's Dino Chow? :chuckle:

. The same would hold for temperatures and environments. You'll have to appreciate that an asteroid strike would affect the globe, but it would not affect the entire globe in the same way or to the same extent. To account for a global elimination of the dinosaurs requires a global action.

You mean something like a meteor strike hard enough to rain down a layer of iridium globally?

Any effects from an asteroid that would wipe out every dinosaur would also wipe out everything else.

Not if the darkening of the sun resulted in a lowering of temperatures below that which could be survived by cold-blodded critters, but not so low as to be survivable by warm-blooded critters, or those cold-blooded critters that had ways of coping with cold (proto-feathers, for example).

Thus to account for the disappearance of the dinosaurs evolutionists are forced to add more theories.

Once again, you keep saying that as if it made sense? Are there specific theories you have in mind?

Tell me Stipe, what's your theory for why dinosaurs (all dinosaurs) disappeared?


New member
But saying “God did it” and ignoring the evidence, that's reasonable?

Why is it always said that Christians do some wild leap of faith when it comes to evidence. Brother, the thread is on evolution and dinosaurs. This thread is not about supporting proofs of YE creationism. Second, I have kept up with the evolutionary theory and I have found it to be wanting. You believe all of this came from nothing and then that nothing produced this very complex universe. To me, that is being not unreasonable but willingly stupid. :drum:

Feel free to elaborate.

I am not going to elaborate on a theory that I find unreasonable. I don't believe a asteroid hit the earth and wiped out the dinosaurs. Kent Hovind has a better theory here. :doh:

Anyone can see that you haven't got a clue. Are you interested in actually learning something, or should we all just ignore you?

Look you can deceive most people with your false intentions but you won't pull the wool over my eyes... :sheep:

Pro 27:19 As in water face [answereth] to face, so the heart of man to man.


New member
To assume that complex animals such as dinosaurs came from intelligent and intentful processes is nothing short of anthropomorphism.

Whatever you wanna call it. Life teaches us that complex things must come from something complex. Complexity comes through design. Therefore Creation is more reasonable than evolution.

Firstly, it wasn't a comet that hit the Earth, it was an asteroid. Comets are made mostly of ice, so the comet would've evaporated because of the heat of it burning through the atmosphere, thus not leaving the huge crater. Second, saying "evolution readjusted" is meaningless, since evolution is a constant process for life on Earth. Evolution always happens, regardless of whatever catastrophe may decrease the population of organisms on Earth.

First, were you there when this happened? You don't know what hit the earth or if anything hit the earth and killed the dinosaurs. This is all theory, it is not a scientific fact...

A popular myth which is commonly being spread by Creationists. Only those who want conflict between evolution and "theism" are going to see how evolution and theism conflict.

You speak as one who does not know the correlation. What you guys say directly contradicts the Bible I call the Word of God. Maybe their is no conflict with Buddhists but their definitely is or should be with Christians.

You do not understand evolution. Evolution does not work purely through random mutations. There is natural selection, and, thus, there are selective pressures which allow for mutations. Considering the harsh, cold climate which pervaded the Earth following the asteroid impact, it's fairly easy to see what selective pressures were involved in dinosaurs evolving into birds.

No, amigo, you dont understand evolution. First you need to define evolution. I believe in micro-evolution, but macro and all the rest [stellar, organic, etc.] are false. In your above statement you leap from micro [variations within kinds] to macro [dinosaurs turning into birds, macro] evolution without skipping a beat.

Also natural selection has been dropped by some key evolutionists. The wording is deceptive if you ask me. It shouldn't be natural SELECTION but natural RANDOMNESS. Selection implies intelligence something evolutionists say was not involved in the process.

Its fairly easy to see that dinosaurs evolved into birds? If it is fairly easy then redo it in a experiment in a lab. Because of the ratio of mutations occurring and for them to be positive plus the time factor since the asteroid I would say it is impossible for dinosaurs to turn into birds. Everybody seems to simplify evolution like its no great deal for dinosaurs to become birds. This is foolish gibberish. Bird's bones are hollow, do you realize the changes needed for this to happen? Where are the transitional fossils then? Archeoptryx is said now to be just a species of bird. Where are the millions of transitional fossils needed where bones started mutating from solid to hollow? Do you realize how complicated feathers are?

Evolution does work only through mutations. If natural randomness where true this does not change the animal it just saves the most fittest of them... :dunce:


Whatever you wanna call it. Life teaches us that complex things must come from something complex. Complexity comes through design. Therefore Creation is more reasonable than evolution.

Complexity does not "come through design". If there was design, why can't we see the designer himself (or itself?) It's extremely odd (as well as inefficient as a means of communication) that God would communicate to us through complexity.

First, were you there when this happened? You don't know what hit the earth or if anything hit the earth and killed the dinosaurs. This is all theory, it is not a scientific fact...

You don't know what "theory" in the scientific sense means. A theory is a clear and concise explanation of a natural phenomena. Now, theories are testable. We can test whether or not an asteroid hit the Earth by creating a computer model with the right programmed factors, for instance, and see how that effected the Earth in the computer model, and from that we can make inferences about how it would effect Earth in reality.

You speak as one who does not know the correlation. What you guys say directly contradicts the Bible I call the Word of God.

So what? "Turn the other cheek". Ask yourself this question: why can the absolute Word of God be contradicted in the first place?

Maybe their is no conflict with Buddhists but their definitely is or should be with Christians.

I do not see how any good can come out of any kind of conflict.

No, amigo, you dont understand evolution. First you need to define evolution. I believe in micro-evolution, but macro and all the rest [stellar, organic, etc.] are false. In your above statement you leap from micro [variations within kinds] to macro [dinosaurs turning into birds, macro] evolution without skipping a beat.

Excuse me? I don't understand evolution? I've read extensively on the subject and took many hours learning as well as understanding it. Also, show me in my post where I lept from micro evolution to macro evolution. All I said was birds evolved from dinosaurs. That is macro evolution.

Also natural selection has been dropped by some key evolutionists. The wording is deceptive if you ask me. It shouldn't be natural SELECTION but natural RANDOMNESS. Selection implies intelligence something evolutionists say was not involved in the process.

Which key evolutionists? That is a question Creationists can never, and will never answer. If they did, in fact, abandon natural selection, then it was either 50-200 years ago, they had moral qualms about it, or they simply didn't understand it and gave up.

Its fairly easy to see that dinosaurs evolved into birds? If it is fairly easy then redo it in a experiment in a lab.

You know what? We can now do just that, by looking at DNA.

Because of the ratio of mutations occurring and for them to be positive plus the time factor since the asteroid I would say it is impossible for dinosaurs to turn into birds.

How do you know what the ratio of mutations occuring was?

Everybody seems to simplify evolution like its no great deal for dinosaurs to become birds. This is foolish gibberish.

Actually, birds are amazing creatures, like every other creature on this planet. I don't think it's "no great deal" for dinosaurs to become birds. Evolution takes time. A grand amount of time.

I wouldn't think it's "no great deal" Bird's bones are hollow, do you realize the changes needed for this to happen? Where are the transitional fossils then?

Why should we expect there to be transitional fossils for all creatures? Why should we expect the fossil record to be complete? Simply because we want it to be complete?

Archeoptryx is said now to be just a species of bird. Where are the millions of transitional fossils needed where bones started mutating from solid to hollow? Do you realize how complicated feathers are?

Again, why should we expect there to be transitional fossils for every creature we expect to have evolved?

Evolution does work only through mutations. If natural randomness where true this does not change the animal it just saves the most fittest of them... :dunce:

Evolution is gene-centered rather than group-centered.


From your thread, griffinsavard:

After replying to a post on evolving after the asteroid hit the earth. Someone said, 'its fairly easy to see how dinosaurs became birds.' O' really, doesn't seem that easy to me when you consider the complexity of animals.

The complexity of animals can be explained through gradual descent and evolution by natural selection. This is exactly what the theory of evolution allows us to do.


New member
Whatever you wanna call it. Life teaches us that complex things must come from something complex. Complexity comes through design. Therefore Creation is more reasonable than evolution.

First, were you there when this happened? You don't know what hit the earth or if anything hit the earth and killed the dinosaurs. This is all theory, it is not a scientific fact...

You speak as one who does not know the correlation. What you guys say directly contradicts the Bible I call the Word of God. Maybe their is no conflict with Buddhists but their definitely is or should be with Christians.

No, amigo, you dont understand evolution. First you need to define evolution. I believe in micro-evolution, but macro and all the rest [stellar, organic, etc.] are false. In your above statement you leap from micro [variations within kinds] to macro [dinosaurs turning into birds, macro] evolution without skipping a beat.

Also natural selection has been dropped by some key evolutionists. The wording is deceptive if you ask me. It shouldn't be natural SELECTION but natural RANDOMNESS. Selection implies intelligence something evolutionists say was not involved in the process.

Its fairly easy to see that dinosaurs evolved into birds? If it is fairly easy then redo it in a experiment in a lab. Because of the ratio of mutations occurring and for them to be positive plus the time factor since the asteroid I would say it is impossible for dinosaurs to turn into birds. Everybody seems to simplify evolution like its no great deal for dinosaurs to become birds. This is foolish gibberish. Bird's bones are hollow, do you realize the changes needed for this to happen? Where are the transitional fossils then? Archeoptryx is said now to be just a species of bird. Where are the millions of transitional fossils needed where bones started mutating from solid to hollow? Do you realize how complicated feathers are?

Evolution does work only through mutations. If natural randomness where true this does not change the animal it just saves the most fittest of them... :dunce:

Another creationist who didn't do his homework and offers up the wrong definition for things. Wonder where he was when the Earth was created in 7 days. I want to see the footage. Is it on YouTube?

Deinonychus, Oviraptor, and other advanced theropods (late Jurassic, Cretaceous) -- Predatory bipedal advanced theropods, larger, with more bird-like skeletal features: semilunate carpal, bony sternum, long arms, reversed pubis. Clearly runners, though, not fliers. These advanced theropods even had clavicles, sometimes fused as in birds. Says Clark (1992): "The detailed similarity between birds and theropod dinosaurs such as Deinonychus is so striking and so pervasive throughout the skeleton that a considerable amount of special pleading is needed to come to any conclusion other than that the sister-group of birds among fossils is one of several theropod dinosaurs." The particular fossils listed here are are not directly ancestral, though, as they occur after Archeopteryx.
Lisboasaurus estesi & other "troodontid dinosaur-birds" (mid-Jurassic) -- A bird-like theropod reptile with very bird-like teeth (that is, teeth very like those of early toothed birds, since modern birds have no teeth). These really could be ancestral.

Just a few examples and DNA too.

Where do you get that selection implies intelligence. That is so ridiculous. If you have one animal that can survive heat and another that cannot in a heating climate, the former will survive due to the selective pressure of the heat. There is no intelligence here. You really don't know what selective pressure means.

Redo it in lab? Then have god demonstrate creation in a lab. Creationists love to use the word theory against scientists because they think it sounds flaky. But a theory is build on observable principles and falsification tests. We can see things everyday that support the larger extrapolations we make and give us greater confidence in the likelihood of a theory. It's about finding the most consistent complete answer we can given the evidence we have. God conveniently decided not to leave any evidence of his involvement behind. Too bad. And no complexity doesn't imply a complex source.