Did God become flesh?

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New member
Not one trinitarian/oneness person has EVER provided;
1) any sermon from Scripture explaining their Jesus. And Paul warns against "another Jesus" that the apostles didn't preach.

2) Any Scripture that states, explains or preaches ANY of the tenets unique to the trinity/oneness theories.

Your proof texts are merely verses that are worded in such a way, that they MIGHT mean what you believe ..... IF you ignore the rest of Scriptures.

The verses you claim to accept and believe contradict your theory.

Acts 2.


New member
No, denying trinitarian/oneness desperate attempt to fabricate evidence.

You merely highlighted the wrong part of the sentence ...... since both Jehovah, and Jesus are discussing a current condition, Like "I AM sick of your deception".

Jesus CURRENTLY exists before Abraham was .... in God's plan, promises and prophecy.
Jehovah CURRENTLY exists as .... THE BEING.

Jesus "currently" exists before Abraham "was?" Come again?


Our Creator of the heavens and the earth is the same Creator no matter which language comes installed and wired in our brain and regardless of whether one can speak Hebrew, Greek, English, Chinese, Korean, or sign language. He is the same no matter which name he uses or whether we we can pronounce ancient or unknown tongues.

YHWH, Yod Hey Vav Hey, Jehovah, LORD, the Almighty, the Rock, Almighty, Redeemer, Yah, Yeshua, Jesus, : do tiny letters really matter or are they a respectful reference to one who is greater than and created and separated the languages?

Jesus is not Jehovah, and I don't use the name Jehovah or YHWH anyway.

God's Truth

New member
No, you replied ..... but you didn't answer the question;

If he IS the source of the words, and he said "I am NOT"...... What would YOU call that????

God the Father came as a man. Men have to be taught. Jesus was taught by God His Father.

Just because you don't understand something does not mean someone did not answer.


what do you use?

Hebrew is read from right to left.

Here is God's name, in Hebrew which is its origin.


This is yod hey vav hey which in English we represent by YHVH. The vowels are not there with God's name, so some people have added them. With this we come up with Yahveh.


Active member
"The Father" is Jesus's own reference to God in heaven
Excellent! Yes, Jesus states emphatically that his Father is "the ONLY true God".
Rosenritter said:
... in as compared to His own manifestation in the flesh "the Son."
Jesus IS flesh. Jesus WAS a promise, from "of old".... but didn't "come forth unto" Jehovah until Bethlehem. At that point, God's words about Jesus birth were fulfilled .... "became flesh".

Rosenritter said:
... That's why you won't find it as a proper title previously in scripture except in reference (directly or indirectly)
Sorry, what "title" are you speaking about?
Rosenritter said:
...to the incarnation of Jesus Christ.
There is no "incarnation" described in Scripture.
Rosenritter said:
Such as in Proverbs 30:1-4, or Isaiah 9:6, or Psalm 2:12.
Those texts aren't referencing a title, they are referencing a relationship. Jesus is the son of God for multiple reasons;
1) ALL human beings are God's offspring.Those who separate themselves from the world by obedience to God, are called "my sons, and daughters.
2) Specific human beings, (Adam and Jesus), are called "son of God" because there was no human man involved in their genesis. Their MAKING. Adam coming first, then Jesus, about 4,000 years later.
3)Jesus is called "the only begotten son of God" because his God resurrected Jesus from the dead, as the "firstborn" of a new creation .... immortal righteous humans.


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Dartman said:
Not one trinitarian/oneness person has EVER provided;
1) any sermon from Scripture explaining their Jesus. And Paul warns against "another Jesus" that the apostles didn't preach.

2) Any Scripture that states, explains or preaches ANY of the tenets unique to the trinity/oneness theories.

Your proof texts are merely verses that are worded in such a way, that they MIGHT mean what you believe ..... IF you ignore the rest of Scriptures.

The verses you claim to accept and believe contradict your theory.
Acts 2.
Acts 2 is a GREAT proof text for Biblical Unitarians..... it contains NO support for any tenets unique to the trinity.

Strike one.


Hebrew is read from right to left.

Here is God's name, in Hebrew which is its origin.


This is yod hey vav hey which in English we represent by YHVH. The vowels are not there with God's name, so some people have added them. With this we come up with Yahveh.

Well, most of us cannot read that. It is not sin to call Him God or Yahweh or Jehovah. Most of us call Jesus Jesus and I know it is not original name. And I know it is not sin to call them in English name.

I call those who are nitpicky about how you call them are called legalistic, IMO.


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No. Jehovah is not a legitimate rendering of God's name, though it is an attempt at that.
Jacob, do you know anyone (including yourself) who knows how to correctly pronounce the tetragrammaton?


Active member
Jesus "currently" exists before Abraham "was?" Come again?
Ok, I will slow down. Look at Gen 3:15. Jesus is CURRENTLY there! Jesus is the "seed of the woman" that will destroy Satan.
Now, look at Judes record of Enoch's prophecy; Jesus IS there!! These are merely two proof texts that agree with Jesus being foretold "by the mouth of all His (Jehovah's) prophets since the world began!!
Jesus IS in the promises before Abraham was.
Any more questions?


Well, most of us cannot read that. It is not sin to call Him God or Yahweh or Jehovah. Most of us call Jesus Jesus and I know it is not original name. And I know it is not sin to call them in English name.

I call those who are nitpicky about how you call them are called legalistic, IMO.

Jesus is fine. His name is Yeshua, but in English we find Jesus which is just fine. There is no J in Hebrew, nor a J sound, for either when people say Jehovah or Jesus. I have seen people put vowels to make the Hebrew Yehovah. However, I don't think that there is any O. With Yahweh I don't know if people think they are getting the w from Hebrew or Aramaic or English or what. There is no W in Hebrew. Recently someone told me that there is in Aramaic, but I have not been shown it.

Anyhow, I hope this helps to answer your question and does not make you think I am just legalistic.


Jacob, do you know anyone (including yourself) who knows how to correctly pronounce the tetragrammaton?

The tetragrammaton has a W in it, which is not found in the Hebrew, so no. Unless you believe that the tetragrammaton is YHVH. Then yes I do. Yahveh.


Active member
God the Father came as a man.
Absolutely false.
GT said:
Men have to be taught. Jesus was taught by God His Father.
Absolutely true. Which proves Jesus did NOT literally exist before his birth, and the progress in his education was remarkable when Jesus was 12 years old.
12 years old.
12 years old.
Think about that.
Jesus was 12 years old.
NOT umptymillion plus 12.
And Jesus completed the "to fulfill all righteousness" when he was "about 30".

Gt said:
Just because you don't understand something does not mean someone did not answer.
Just because you reply doesn't mean you have answered. When you reply with nonsense (like most of your replies)... sensible people don't understand you.


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The tetragrammaton has a W in it, which is not found in the Hebrew,

See above where I show that the "W" was changed to a "V" in later texts.

Which means that it's the same word.


so no. Unless you believe that the tetragrammaton in YHVH. Then yes I do. Yahveh.

They're the same word, just two different variations.

Do you know how to pronounce it or not?


See above where I show that the "W" was changed to a "V" in later texts.

Which means that it's the same word.


They're the same word, just two different variations.

Do you know how to pronounce it or not?

I know how to pronounce the name of God in Hebrew which is the original language.

You said a later text but the Torah is the original text in question.
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