I love that you are saying that someone else (not you) "schooled" us. It's funny that you say, "You were schooled by Alate One", rather than, "You were schooled by me". Not sure why you'd imagine that Alate_One's pitiful performance has been in some degree better than yours, though; you've both failed equally dismally, if your goal was to present truth and logic, seeing as all you've presented has been nonsense, falsehood, anti-logic, and, of course, beaucoup stonewalling against the questions that we've asked you.
Now, what exactly do you mean by saying that a Darwinist cheerleader has "schooled" us, when we're obviously no closer to finding any merit in your billions-of-years-old earth fairytale after having been "schooled" than we were before?
Your billions-of-years-old-earth belief is in contradiction to our less-than-ten-thousand-years-old-earth belief, and vice versa; you're not interested in anything that contradicts your billions-of-years-old-earth belief, you shallow hypocrite.
"Science moves on..."
The nonsense and falsehood you call "science" is, indeed, always on the move--running away from the scrutiny and questioning leveled against it by truth and logic. Darwinist cheerleaders such as yourself are, in fact, its very legs in such flight.