David will have a descendant sitting on the throne of Israel forever.


Well-known member
Rom 9:8
8 That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.

Abrahams descendants Israel according to the flesh are not the children of promise or God!

Some of 'em are.


Well-known member
Will be fulfilled by the Lord Jesus Christ at His second coming.

The Davidic Messianic Kingdom is to a reunited twelve tribes in the land promised.

This was fulfilled in the resurrection. The purposes of God in the land promised were all fulfilled in David's generation, Acts 13. NT theology keeps pushing back to the original promise to Abraham, which was a blessing for all nations that resulted in credited righteousness for the believer. That is why the resurrection is the fulfillment of all promises to the fathers, Acts 13, and why the NT is occupied with the mission of the Gospel, and has nothing to say about the land.

As your footer notes, the coming messiah was to be called the LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS and he was indeed. That is to be preached to all nations.

It is extremely difficult for Acts 13 to actually sink in; but it is all there. D'ism is the busting up and fragmentation of everything Acts 13 is saying. Because it is simply human-generated, and sees things 'kata sarka' as Paul did BEFORE he was IN CHRIST.


New member
This was fulfilled in the resurrection. The purposes of God in the land promised were all fulfilled in David's generation, Acts 13. NT theology keeps pushing back to the original promise to Abraham, which was a blessing for all nations that resulted in credited righteousness for the believer. That is why the resurrection is the fulfillment of all promises to the fathers, Acts 13, and why the NT is occupied with the mission of the Gospel, and has nothing to say about the land.

As your footer notes, the coming messiah was to be called the LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS and he was indeed. That is to be preached to all nations.

It is extremely difficult for Acts 13 to actually sink in; but it is all there. D'ism is the busting up and fragmentation of everything Acts 13 is saying. Because it is simply human-generated, and sees things 'kata sarka' as Paul did BEFORE he was IN CHRIST.

So you are calling God a covenant-breaker... that God's word is no good.

My COVENANT will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto DAVID. HIS SEED shall endure forever, and his THRONE as the sun before me. It shall be established forever as the moon, and as a faithful witness in heaven. Selah.
Psalm 89:34-37

The LORD hath sworn in truth unto David;
he will not turn from it; Of the fruit
of thy body will I set upon thy THRONE.
Psalm 132:11


Well-known member
So you are calling God a covenant-breaker... that God's word is no good.

So was the bible promising that David was eternal or that Christ was? Read the exciting conclusion in the NT! "If David calls him 'Lord', how then can he be his son?"


New member
So was the bible promising that David was eternal or that Christ was? Read the exciting conclusion in the NT! "If David calls him 'Lord', how then can he be his son?"

The THRONE of David was and will be in Jerusalem... eternally.

For this is what the LORD says: David
will have a descendant sitting on the
throne of Israel forever.

And there will always be Levitical priests to offer
burnt offerings and grain offerings and sacrifices to me.”
Jeremiah 33:17-18


Well-known member
The D'ist is afraid that the Bible is not reliable if there is no Davidic kingdom in Israel forthcoming.

1, the methodology is wrong. We are CHRISTIANS which means we read the OT as people IN CHRIST, and that it is fulfilled IN CHRIST.

2, Paul answers your doubt in Acts 13! The resurrection is where all is fulfilled!

3, If you were really concerned about proving the Bible, why are you so opposed to the actual meaning of Mt24A and parallels about the Destruction of Jerusalem in the 1st century? This material is such top drawer, that Pastor Holford used it in 1805 England to defeat the circulation of Payne's essays that sought to undercut the entire Bible. When the Huxley's resumed Payne's campaign in the next generation, they dared not talk about the DofJ! No, sir, they spent their effort on geologic fantasy.

4, The NT uses language about David's kingdom and a restored Israel to be about the mission of the Gospel of Messiah. The whole earth is to be taught that this place belongs to Christ who now reigns, 'though the eye of sinful man / his glory may not see.' Once you see this, you will not have 'trouble' sorting out early Acts nor reading Acts 15 about the raising of David's fallen tent, which was to be for all nations. That generation of Israel (the mid first century) was to have kick started the Messianic mission to the nations!!


Well-known member
So you are calling God a covenant-breaker... that God's word is no good.

then you must not think that the God of the NT wrote the OT and that there is another God who is going to fulfill OT things that the NT God already said are fulfilled. So I guess 2P2P is wrong. It should have been 2G2P2P.


Well-known member
The THRONE of David was and will be in Jerusalem... eternally.

He already is. And sorry to interrupt but 2 Pet 3 says at the 2nd coming everything of this world is melted down. If that language is false or 'symbolic' then so is the description of the deluge, which is not the case. He says nothing in his plain language about the throne or Jerusalem, because all things are made new.
It is very correct that David was promised that one of his biological descendants would always occupy his throne. Solomon was also promised that one of his biological descendants would always occupy his throne before he was ever born, thought of, or David even met his mother. In fact at the time that God made this promise to David, Bat Sh’va was probably not even born. However God repeated this promise to Solomon shortly after he took the throne, and promised that one of his descendants would always occupy the throne of David. God does not go back on his promises.

The biggest problem with the chr-stian fantasy is that any god producing a child with any human is pagan in origin. Demigods have existed since the dawn of human history, in every culture imaginable. Unfortunately for chr-stianity, God forbade any type of contact with the religions of other nations. This absolutely includes the concept of demigods.

The one big thing that chr-stians do not realize is that only men pass on not only tribal status, but lineage as well. Everything is from father to son. Females have no tribal lineage or biological lineage. They are basically the property of their father until they are married; at which time they become the property of their husband.

The only reason I consider any of the children of any of my daughters as my grandchildren is because of American culture. According to Jewish law they are not related to me at all. Only the father’s sperm can transfer lineage or tribal status. So because my three daughters were born before my two sons, I do not yet have a lineage. The lineage of my daughters’ children belong to their husbands and their husbands’ fathers and not my own. I have no problem with that. Give my two boys a few more years and they will more than make up for that.

There is no such thing as adoption within Jewish culture in the contemporary concept, because no one can take away anyone’s legacy. Jews are commanded to care for widows and orphans, but not to negate the father’s legacy.

So right here we reach the big grey area. If the chr-stian god was indeed the father of j-sus, A) God committed adultery; and B) God is not a descendant of David.

God promised David that the sperm which is expelled from his genitals would build a house for Him, and that his throne would be established forever. More than 20 years later God made the same promise to Solomon. Father to son, father to son; Y chromosome to Y chromosome. There is no other way around this. God promised the throne to biological descendants of both David and Solomon, so unless someone is born from the Y chromosome found in the sperm of Solomon, he has no right to the throne.

If anyone denies this they are calling God a liar.

I can trace my own family, father to son, back to Solomon, David and Sinai. There are hundreds of thousands of Jews who can similarly trace their families to Sinai. Father to son has been a commandment from the very beginning. Any stupid idiot who thinks that genealogies were recorded exclusively in any temple should probably smack themselves in the head. Genealogies are kept on a family per family basis, and have always have been.

The bottom line is that not a single one of you know anything about Judaism, Jews or anything else involving us, so quit pretending that you do. And most importantly, quit lying about it.


In that day Judah will be saved,
and Jerusalem will live in safety.
And this will be Jerusalem's name:
The LORD Is Our Righteousness.’

For this is what the LORD says: David
will have a descendant sitting on the
throne of Israel forever

And there will always be Levitical priests to offer
burnt offerings and grain offerings and sacrifices to me.”

Jeremiah 33:16-18

I think that the people who conspired to kill Jesus because his religion was a threat to their religion, well, sometimes those people kinda saw everything through the prism of their own nationalist pride. They misunderstood some things.


New member
Yoḥanon-benYaʿăqov;4808045 said:
It is very correct that David was promised that one of his biological descendants would always occupy his throne. Solomon was also promised that one of his biological descendants would always occupy his throne before he was ever born, thought of, or David even met his mother. In fact at the time that God made this promise to David, Bat Sh’va was probably not even born. However God repeated this promise to Solomon shortly after he took the throne, and promised that one of his descendants would always occupy the throne of David. God does not go back on his promises.

The biggest problem with the chr-stian fantasy is that any god producing a child with any human is pagan in origin. Demigods have existed since the dawn of human history, in every culture imaginable. Unfortunately for chr-stianity, God forbade any type of contact with the religions of other nations. This absolutely includes the concept of demigods.

The one big thing that chr-stians do not realize is that only men pass on not only tribal status, but lineage as well. Everything is from father to son. Females have no tribal lineage or biological lineage. They are basically the property of their father until they are married; at which time they become the property of their husband.

The only reason I consider any of the children of any of my daughters as my grandchildren is because of American culture. According to Jewish law they are not related to me at all. Only the father’s sperm can transfer lineage or tribal status. So because my three daughters were born before my two sons, I do not yet have a lineage. The lineage of my daughters’ children belong to their husbands and their husbands’ fathers and not my own. I have no problem with that. Give my two boys a few more years and they will more than make up for that.

There is no such thing as adoption within Jewish culture in the contemporary concept, because no one can take away anyone’s legacy. Jews are commanded to care for widows and orphans, but not to negate the father’s legacy.

So right here we reach the big grey area. If the chr-stian god was indeed the father of j-sus, A) God committed adultery; and B) God is not a descendant of David.

God promised David that the sperm which is expelled from his genitals would build a house for Him, and that his throne would be established forever. More than 20 years later God made the same promise to Solomon. Father to son, father to son; Y chromosome to Y chromosome. There is no other way around this. God promised the throne to biological descendants of both David and Solomon, so unless someone is born from the Y chromosome found in the sperm of Solomon, he has no right to the throne.

If anyone denies this they are calling God a liar.

I can trace my own family, father to son, back to Solomon, David and Sinai. There are hundreds of thousands of Jews who can similarly trace their families to Sinai. Father to son has been a commandment from the very beginning. Any stupid idiot who thinks that genealogies were recorded exclusively in any temple should probably smack themselves in the head. Genealogies are kept on a family per family basis, and have always have been.

The bottom line is that not a single one of you know anything about Judaism, Jews or anything else involving us, so quit pretending that you do. And most importantly, quit lying about it.

You are discussing Judaism 2.0 which was developed post-70 AD.
It seems, after 2,000 years, that pre-70 AD Judaism has been totally "forgotten".
Obviously v. 2.0 is a "man-made" religion, as the entire Mosaic sacrificial system cannot be observed.
As well, in "rewriting" Judaism, extreme efforts were made to discredit any "messianic" possibilities in the 1st century.
So, the bottom line is that you know nothing about pre-70 AD Judaism.

Cross Reference

New member
Yoḥanon-benYaʿăqov;4808045 said:
It is very correct that David was promised that one of his biological descendants would always occupy his throne. Solomon was also promised that one of his biological descendants would always occupy his throne before he was ever born, thought of, or David even met his mother. In fact at the time that God made this promise to David, Bat Sh’va was probably not even born. However God repeated this promise to Solomon shortly after he took the throne, and promised that one of his descendants would always occupy the throne of David. God does not go back on his promises.

The biggest problem with the chr-stian fantasy is that any god producing a child with any human is pagan in origin. Demigods have existed since the dawn of human history, in every culture imaginable. Unfortunately for chr-stianity, God forbade any type of contact with the religions of other nations. This absolutely includes the concept of demigods.

The one big thing that chr-stians do not realize is that only men pass on not only tribal status, but lineage as well. Everything is from father to son. Females have no tribal lineage or biological lineage. They are basically the property of their father until they are married; at which time they become the property of their husband.

The only reason I consider any of the children of any of my daughters as my grandchildren is because of American culture. According to Jewish law they are not related to me at all. Only the father’s sperm can transfer lineage or tribal status. So because my three daughters were born before my two sons, I do not yet have a lineage. The lineage of my daughters’ children belong to their husbands and their husbands’ fathers and not my own. I have no problem with that. Give my two boys a few more years and they will more than make up for that.

There is no such thing as adoption within Jewish culture in the contemporary concept, because no one can take away anyone’s legacy. Jews are commanded to care for widows and orphans, but not to negate the father’s legacy.

So right here we reach the big grey area. If the chr-stian god was indeed the father of j-sus, A) God committed adultery; and B) God is not a descendant of David.

God promised David that the sperm which is expelled from his genitals would build a house for Him, and that his throne would be established forever. More than 20 years later God made the same promise to Solomon. Father to son, father to son; Y chromosome to Y chromosome. There is no other way around this. God promised the throne to biological descendants of both David and Solomon, so unless someone is born from the Y chromosome found in the sperm of Solomon, he has no right to the throne.

If anyone denies this they are calling God a liar.

I can trace my own family, father to son, back to Solomon, David and Sinai. There are hundreds of thousands of Jews who can similarly trace their families to Sinai. Father to son has been a commandment from the very beginning. Any stupid idiot who thinks that genealogies were recorded exclusively in any temple should probably smack themselves in the head. Genealogies are kept on a family per family basis, and have always have been.

The bottom line is that not a single one of you know anything about Judaism, Jews or anything else involving us, so quit pretending that you do. And most importantly, quit lying about it.

You use biology as the criteria as it pertains to Jesus, son of man.. That is good and proper. Let's leave it at that and nothing else because nothing else need be considered. . .not even religion. That said, Mary, mother of Jesus, was a biological offspring of David. the "vessel" chosen of God who would carry the seed of the "Spirit of God" who would sit on the throne of David as "son of man" because of right to reign by His "earthbound lineage"..

In your way of 'working things through', you cannot come up how He who would sit on David's throne could ever be the sinless being He is said to be.
Last edited:


Yoḥanon-benYaʿăqov;4808045 said:
It is very correct that David was promised that one of his biological descendants would always occupy his throne. Solomon was also promised that one of his biological descendants would always occupy his throne before he was ever born, thought of, or David even met his mother. In fact at the time that God made this promise to David, Bat Sh’va was probably not even born. However God repeated this promise to Solomon shortly after he took the throne, and promised that one of his descendants would always occupy the throne of David. God does not go back on his promises.

The biggest problem with the chr-stian fantasy is that any god producing a child with any human is pagan in origin. Demigods have existed since the dawn of human history, in every culture imaginable. Unfortunately for chr-stianity, God forbade any type of contact with the religions of other nations. This absolutely includes the concept of demigods.

The one big thing that chr-stians do not realize is that only men pass on not only tribal status, but lineage as well. Everything is from father to son. Females have no tribal lineage or biological lineage. They are basically the property of their father until they are married; at which time they become the property of their husband.

The only reason I consider any of the children of any of my daughters as my grandchildren is because of American culture. According to Jewish law they are not related to me at all. Only the father’s sperm can transfer lineage or tribal status. So because my three daughters were born before my two sons, I do not yet have a lineage. The lineage of my daughters’ children belong to their husbands and their husbands’ fathers and not my own. I have no problem with that. Give my two boys a few more years and they will more than make up for that.

There is no such thing as adoption within Jewish culture in the contemporary concept, because no one can take away anyone’s legacy. Jews are commanded to care for widows and orphans, but not to negate the father’s legacy.

So right here we reach the big grey area. If the chr-stian god was indeed the father of j-sus, A) God committed adultery; and B) God is not a descendant of David.

God promised David that the sperm which is expelled from his genitals would build a house for Him, and that his throne would be established forever. More than 20 years later God made the same promise to Solomon. Father to son, father to son; Y chromosome to Y chromosome. There is no other way around this. God promised the throne to biological descendants of both David and Solomon, so unless someone is born from the Y chromosome found in the sperm of Solomon, he has no right to the throne.

If anyone denies this they are calling God a liar.

I can trace my own family, father to son, back to Solomon, David and Sinai. There are hundreds of thousands of Jews who can similarly trace their families to Sinai. Father to son has been a commandment from the very beginning. Any stupid idiot who thinks that genealogies were recorded exclusively in any temple should probably smack themselves in the head. Genealogies are kept on a family per family basis, and have always have been.

The bottom line is that not a single one of you know anything about Judaism, Jews or anything else involving us, so quit pretending that you do. And most importantly, quit lying about it.

God chose a monotheistic religion in what was then the crossroads of the world wherein he would reveal himself in the person of the Son incarnate.

Being chosen went to the heads of the Jews. Their own writings, which they claim is Gods writing, leaves them in a stubborn impasse.

God un-chose the Jews and moved on.


New member
LORD God said unto the serpent [shining one, deceiver]:
"I will put enmity between thee and the woman,
and between thy seed and her seed;
it shall crush thy head [fatal wound],
and thou shalt bruise his heel"
- Genesis 3:15

Here, we have the concept of the "seed of the woman" defeating Satan.

Cross Reference

New member
God chose a monotheistic religion in what was then the crossroads of the world wherein he would reveal himself in the person of the Son incarnate.

Being chosen went to the heads of the Jews. Their own writings, which they claim is Gods writing, leaves them in a stubborn impasse.

God un-chose the Jews and moved on.

You are all wet. Study out Joseph, her husband, to see how he fits into this and Nathan, brother of Solomon, who was chosen to fulfill Solomon's role due to his failure to perform.

Lazy afternoon

Yoḥanon-benYaʿăqov;4808045 said:
It is very correct that David was promised that one of his biological descendants would always occupy his throne. Solomon was also promised that one of his biological descendants would always occupy his throne before he was ever born, thought of, or David even met his mother. In fact at the time that God made this promise to David, Bat Sh’va was probably not even born. However God repeated this promise to Solomon shortly after he took the throne, and promised that one of his descendants would always occupy the throne of David. God does not go back on his promises.

The biggest problem with the chr-stian fantasy is that any god producing a child with any human is pagan in origin. Demigods have existed since the dawn of human history, in every culture imaginable. Unfortunately for chr-stianity, God forbade any type of contact with the religions of other nations. This absolutely includes the concept of demigods.

The one big thing that chr-stians do not realize is that only men pass on not only tribal status, but lineage as well. Everything is from father to son. Females have no tribal lineage or biological lineage. They are basically the property of their father until they are married; at which time they become the property of their husband.

The only reason I consider any of the children of any of my daughters as my grandchildren is because of American culture. According to Jewish law they are not related to me at all. Only the father’s sperm can transfer lineage or tribal status. So because my three daughters were born before my two sons, I do not yet have a lineage. The lineage of my daughters’ children belong to their husbands and their husbands’ fathers and not my own. I have no problem with that. Give my two boys a few more years and they will more than make up for that.

There is no such thing as adoption within Jewish culture in the contemporary concept, because no one can take away anyone’s legacy. Jews are commanded to care for widows and orphans, but not to negate the father’s legacy.

So right here we reach the big grey area. If the chr-stian god was indeed the father of j-sus, A) God committed adultery; and B) God is not a descendant of David.

God promised David that the sperm which is expelled from his genitals would build a house for Him, and that his throne would be established forever. More than 20 years later God made the same promise to Solomon. Father to son, father to son; Y chromosome to Y chromosome. There is no other way around this. God promised the throne to biological descendants of both David and Solomon, so unless someone is born from the Y chromosome found in the sperm of Solomon, he has no right to the throne.

If anyone denies this they are calling God a liar.

I can trace my own family, father to son, back to Solomon, David and Sinai. There are hundreds of thousands of Jews who can similarly trace their families to Sinai. Father to son has been a commandment from the very beginning. Any stupid idiot who thinks that genealogies were recorded exclusively in any temple should probably smack themselves in the head. Genealogies are kept on a family per family basis, and have always have been.

The bottom line is that not a single one of you know anything about Judaism, Jews or anything else involving us, so quit pretending that you do. And most importantly, quit lying about it.

Jesus is the seed of David according to the flesh and the fulfillment of the promises no matter how that came about, according to the Bible--

Act 2:30 Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne;

Act 2:31 He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption.
Act 2:32 This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses.
Act 2:33 Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.
Act 2:34 For David is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,
Act 2:35 Until I make thy foes thy footstool.
Act 2:36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.


God's Truth

New member
In that day Judah will be saved,
and Jerusalem will live in safety.
And this will be Jerusalem's name:
The LORD Is Our Righteousness.’

For this is what the LORD says: David
will have a descendant sitting on the
throne of Israel forever

And there will always be Levitical priests to offer
burnt offerings and grain offerings and sacrifices to me.”

Jeremiah 33:16-18

David's throne is a throne over Israel. Jesus is on the throne over Israel, and over all creation, seen and unseen.

Jesus is the High Priest who intercedes. He is also the Sacrificial Lamb of God once and for all.


New member
David's throne is a throne over Israel. Jesus is on the throne over Israel, and over all creation, seen and unseen.

Jesus is the High Priest who intercedes. He is also the Sacrificial Lamb of God once and for all.

Extreme detail is given in Ezekiel chapters 40-48, of the physical Temple in Jerusalem where Yeshua Messiah will establish his Throne. Nine entire chapters in the Word of God is devoted to this subject! This is not "symbolic" language or some sort of "dream" or "vision", it is a LITERAL TEMPLE.