What are you talking about?How's that working out for you?
Do you actually believe that the laws are being enforced?
Don't answer. I don't care what you think - if you do think.
What are you talking about?How's that working out for you?
That is sensible.
I find the practice I get here trains me for face-to-face meetings with folks on the street.
It isn't working anymore, so why retain it?
Your love is misaimed.
We sure think differently.
More harmful than death?
My English language bible uses the word "kill" in lots of places.
If you kill someone, you have murdered them.
We are not in the OT anymore.
Care to cite something from the NT making that point?
I haven't heard that one yet on the streets.
People in the real world tend to be polite, even if they offer false doctrines.
Vote, and write your congressmen/senators.
Of course you would think that.
How is life in prison "nice"?
It deprives them repentance from sin and of ever getting right with God.
That isn't loving.
There all sorts of interpretations of the bible out there.
We just have to find the one that is of God.
God says forgive,
and thou shalt not kill,
and pray for your enemies
and do them kindly.
And "Justice is mine".
Nice move of the goal post.
Though a man may "deserve" death, death is not ours to give or take.
I'll go by what the God inspired interpreters
put in the word of God with confidence that God will not allow me to be deceived.
Both "kill" and "murder" are used in the bible,
showing the interpreters can differentiate one from the other.
God spoke on the mount saying..."Thou shalt not kill." (Ex 20:13)
Thou Shalt Not Kill The sixth commandment appears in seven passages and only once does the King James properly translate the prohibition, at Matthew 19:18, "do not murder." Elsewhere (Ex. 20:13; Deut. 5:17; Mat. 5:21; Mk. 10:19; Luke 18:20; and Rom. 13:9) the King James translation renders this, sadly, as "Thou shalt not kill". (See our debate on the King James translation at kgov.com/kjo-ko). Many other versions (NKJV, ESV, NIV, RSV, ASB, NASB, etc.) accurately translate all these verses as "You shall not murder" (i.e., Ex. 20:13). In Hebrew, as in English, the words for "murder" and "kill" have overlapping definitions and the biblical context makes their different meanings easily understood. The Hebrew word for murder (ratsach, which appears in Ex. 20:13) is rendered even by the King James translators as murder/murderer 17 times. (Also, slayer/slain/slayeth 21 times; kill/killing 6 times; manslayer 2 times; and death once.) The Hebrew word for kill (which appears in Ex. 13:15, harag) is translated by the King James as slay/slayer/slain 132 times, as kill 27 times, murder/murderer 3 times, destroyed once, out of hand once, and made/put/surely 3 times. The Ten Commandments forbid murder, not killing. For, following them in the very next chapter in Exodus, we read: "He who strikes his father or his mother shall surely be put to death." Ex. 21:15 "He who kidnaps a man... shall surely be put to death." Ex. 21:16 "He who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death." Ex. 21:17 "If a man acts with premeditation against his neighbor to kill him... you shall take him [even] from My altar [if he's seeking sanctuary there, e.g., 1 Ki. 1:50-52; 2:28-34], that he may die." Ex. 21:14 "If [an unborn baby is killed] you shall give life for life." Ex. 21:23 [See AmericanRTL.org/Bible#Exodus21] It is not plausible (nor wise) to suppose that God contradicted Himself just a few sentences after delivering the Ten Commandments to Moses. Clearly God prohibited murder but insisted upon execution of murderers and others. Some Christians, however, are so influenced by the world's philosophy that they are ashamed of the Lord's own words in Exodus 21. Others talk as though God was a bad God in the Old Testament but that now in the New, He is a much nicer God, as though He has gone through a rite of passage. God forbid murder, and commanded the lawful execution of murderers. |
Can you show me one place in the NT where any Christians "killed" anyone?
Is the government Christian?
Non-Christians doing the killing is not of God.
Now you are adopting the way of the OT Jews?![]()
I thought the MADS didn't do that.
Is circumcision back on the table
at the MADS kingdom hall/temple too?
Agreed, even though they present things from very different perspectives.
Was that death penalty fair?
It seems you are advocating we revert back to Jewish, OT Law, to punish the criminals?
How unMAD is that?
I rejoice in having the Lord to fight my battles for me.
I don't need to resort to name calling when I am frustrated or angry.
Thanks be to God for the divine nature.
That's a common error. To interpret the Bible is to give its meaning, so an interpretation of the Bible is a giving of its meaning. Indeed, lots of people out there give all sorts of things they wrongly claim the Bible means, none of which is an interpretation of the Bible. For example, since the Bible means God created the heaven and the earth in six days, the claim that the Bible means God created the heaven and the earth over a period of billions of years cannot be an interpretation of the Bible.There all sorts of interpretations of the bible out there.
It is justice per the command of God.You are supposing it is love to kill on behalf of or in sympathy for others, but contrary to the commands of God.
It is, however, one person's interpretation of the bible.
Other people may have differing interpretations of the Word of God.
Way to not read a word I wrote in my post yet react to it anyway.It is, however, one person's interpretation of the bible.
Other people may have differing interpretations of the Word of God.
You are supposing it is love to kill on behalf of or in sympathy for others,
but contrary to the commands of God.
Who do you love most?
Everything can be qualified in reference to something else, but it doesn't answer how is prison nice.
Too late for that.
They made their choices and will . . . die for them.
at the government's insistence,
Death bed conversions are false conversions.
I see no love in the administration of death.
Can you point out a place where God did?
What if you don't know who the offender was? Or it happened decades ago and the person has died or moved away?
Show where Jesus only commanded forgiveness if the offender repents.
Who repented when Stephen asked God to forgive the Jews that killed him?
Only in some places.
You seem to be looking for verses that fit your doctrine.
But not the Spirit of love.
Folks in obedience to Jesus don't make or participate in war.
I am not looking for excuses to hurt others.
Romans 13: 8?
It is written..."Owe no man any thing, but to love one another:..." ???
Are you starting a new thread?
Our, personally.
We have no right to deprive one of life.
If the government wants to act in a manner counter to God, or to love, it is their prerogative.
That must make adhering to them a lot more difficult if you can't tell what is inspired by God or not.
I am glad I don't have that problem.
That makes no sense after what you wrote.
How can I be without worry if I can't tell if the interpretation is still of God?
Like the old bumper sticker said..."What would Jesus do?"
That is evident by all the newest interpretations.
I am glad the KJV didn't.
You can change the intent if you want to.
I won't.
Even your nice list of definitions included the word "kill".
Thanks for making my point.
Thou Shalt Not Kill The sixth commandment appears in seven passages and only once does the King James properly translate the prohibition, at Matthew 19:18, "do not murder." Elsewhere (Ex. 20:13; Deut. 5:17; Mat. 5:21; Mk. 10:19; Luke 18:20; and Rom. 13:9) the King James translation renders this, sadly, as "Thou shalt not kill". (See our debate on the King James translation at kgov.com/kjo-ko). Many other versions (NKJV, ESV, NIV, RSV, ASB, NASB, etc.) accurately translate all these verses as "You shall not murder" (i.e., Ex. 20:13). In Hebrew, as in English, the words for "murder" and "kill" have overlapping definitions and the biblical context makes their different meanings easily understood. The Hebrew word for murder (ratsach, which appears in Ex. 20:13) is rendered even by the King James translators as murder/murderer 17 times. (Also, slayer/slain/slayeth 21 times; kill/killing 6 times; manslayer 2 times; and death once.) The Hebrew word for kill (which appears in Ex. 13:15, harag) is translated by the King James as slay/slayer/slain 132 times, as kill 27 times, murder/murderer 3 times, destroyed once, out of hand once, and made/put/surely 3 times. The Ten Commandments forbid murder, not killing. For, following them in the very next chapter in Exodus, we read: "He who strikes his father or his mother shall surely be put to death." Ex. 21:15 "He who kidnaps a man... shall surely be put to death." Ex. 21:16 "He who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death." Ex. 21:17 "If a man acts with premeditation against his neighbor to kill him... you shall take him [even] from My altar [if he's seeking sanctuary there, e.g., 1 Ki. 1:50-52; 2:28-34], that he may die." Ex. 21:14 "If [an unborn baby is killed] you shall give life for life." Ex. 21:23 [See AmericanRTL.org/Bible#Exodus21] It is not plausible (nor wise) to suppose that God contradicted Himself just a few sentences after delivering the Ten Commandments to Moses. Clearly God prohibited murder but insisted upon execution of murderers and others. Some Christians, however, are so influenced by the world's philosophy that they are ashamed of the Lord's own words in Exodus 21. Others talk as though God was a bad God in the Old Testament but that now in the New, He is a much nicer God, as though He has gone through a rite of passage. God forbid murder, and commanded the lawful execution of murderers. |
If you are aligned with the government then both are impugned.
Why would you be willing to follow the lead of, or approve of, non-Christians?
Were the Romans Christian?
I am beyond amused that you would use the unGodly Romans to guide you in your acceptance of "murder by law".
Old Testament laws?
Why not by the law of Christ instead?
Both in the OT.
It isn't in the NT.
And that message is?
Love God with all your heart and strength, and love your neighbor as you love yourself.
Would you desire death for your own criminal conviction?
And now that we can be saved from sinning, it isn't of God anymore.
The "sword" is the word of God.
Some prefer to fight with armaments, but we are told to use the word of God.
I am glad I was able to bring that to your attention.
Can you tell false humility from real humility?
If we humble ourselves to God, we are walking in the Light.
Is there ANYTHING that you believe that is biblical? I'm beginning to doubt it!Too late for that.
They made their choices and will, at the government's insistence, die for them.
Death bed conversions are false conversions.
Genesis 9:6 “Whoever sheds man’s blood, By man his blood shall be shed; For in the image of God He made man.
Ezekiel 13:19 And will you profane Me among My people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, killing people who should not die, and keeping people alive who should not live, by your lying to My people who listen to lies?”
You have serious reading problems.Not all interpretations of the bible are correct, as you pointed out; but they are still interpretations.
Your post is too long to reply to in its entirety so I will just add...
Jesus said to love our enemies and do good unto them. (Luke 6:27,35)
God said He is the One who will take vengeance. (Rom 12:19)
John wrote..."Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.
8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love." (1 Joh 4:7-8)
How is love shown to the criminal if we kill him?
Killing him usurps God's vengeance.
Don't kill anyone.
Could you give an example of something you'd be willing to call "an interpretation of the Bible" while also calling it "incorrect"?Not all interpretations of the bible are correct, as you pointed out; but they are still interpretations.
I believe this..."This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you." (John 15:12)
God didn't kill me for my past crimes and I wont kill others for their's.
The Romans killed the two crooks, so, the government killed them.
How many innocent people have died for crimes?
If even just one, the death penalty should be abolished.
Isn't that what you are doing?
Taking God's vengeance into your own hands?
How can we kill someone we love?
You bet.
If you start to reply to paragraphs, or even sentences, instead of every few word, you will be able to save a lot of time and maybe provoke some interest.
Amen to what you don't agree with?
I am puzzled by your response.
It does if it is so.
Are we still writing about killing others?