Creationists admit "We are losing badly"

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Greatest poster ever
What most modern scientists call "science" is bound to the philosophy of methodological naturalism, which is the idea Carl Sagan put forth as "the Cosmos is all there ever is, ever was, and ever will be." That's not a scientific statement. It's purely philosophy.

Have you ever directly observed anything that was not a part of the Cosmos?

Jose Fly

New member
Deal, but probably will need to be relegated to a history class, perhaps literature. This really isn't that thread though, this thread is a sentiment from Jose "Die off you Creationist rebel scum!" Hence the troll accusation, and perhaps hitting two of your posts and concern with one.

And by the same metric, creationist threads crowing about one thing or another from "evolutionists" are trolling as well, correct? And conservative political threads pointing out things liberals have said are trolling also, right?

Basically, anytime anyone starts a thread with the sentiment "Hey, look at what the folks on the other side are doing/saying", they are trolling, regardless of subject matter.

Or is the troll label only for when it's your side being poked? :think:


New member
And by the same metric, creationist threads crowing about one thing or another from "evolutionists" are trolling as well, correct? And conservative political threads pointing out things liberals have said are trolling also, right?

Basically, anytime anyone starts a thread with the sentiment "Hey, look at what the folks on the other side are doing/saying", they are trolling, regardless of subject matter.

Or is the troll label only for when it's your side being poked? :think:

Well, that explains this thread then.

Jose Fly

New member
Well, that explains this thread then.

Well yeah....the OP is me 1) citing an ID creationist telling another ID creationist "We're losing badly", 2) agreeing, and 3) showing data that backs up the fact that they are "losing badly".

I suppose you'd rather not be made aware of that information?


New member
Well yeah....the OP is me 1) citing an ID creationist telling another ID creationist "We're losing badly", 2) agreeing, and 3) showing data that backs up the fact that they are "losing badly".

I suppose you'd rather not be made aware of that information?
In the end we will see who is winning and who is losing.

Greg Jennings

New member
Um, no. Darwin recognized the fossil record was one of the biggest problems with his theory, and he hoped further discoveries would provide evidence for evolution. Well, over 150 years later, the fossil record still doesn't support evolution. Too many missing forms, and in the wrong order.
True, in Darwin's day the fossil record was very incomplete. But since we've discovered literally thousands of new species - not individuals...species - and that has made a remarkably complete fossil record. Do we have all of the gaps filled in? Of course not. We likely never will. But what we do have is simply too overwhelming to sweep under the rug as you try to do.

And no, we aren't "lucky that we have any fossils at all," nor did magical plate tectonics flip strata to change the order of the fossils. You can't appeal to "tectonicsdidit"
This is confusing. The magical fossil flipping would be required for creationism to make sense, not the other way around. So you pretty much just refuted yourself. #creationists

You just proved my point about philosophy. You'll only accept a naturalistic ("scientific") explanation. But you can't explain to me why the only plausible explanation must be naturalistic.

You're trapped in your own bubble and you don't even see it.
I'm perfectly open to the possibility that God created life. But unless he intended to play a grand joke on us by hiding evidence pointing towards evolution and mass extinctions in the earth, he created via evolution.

If I'm trapped in a bubble, you're trapped in Fort Knox

Galileo and Isaac Newton were creationists, and Christianity is still here. So, I think your prediction might be a few hundred years too late.
What hilariously terrible examples to throw out. Galileo was imprisoned until death for daring to defy geocentrism (the position of the Christian church then) and Newton, though obviously brilliant, got a lot of stuff wrong that has had to be corrected since.
As with geocentrism in Galileo's time, creationism has been rendered defunct by the scientific analysis available. I admit, I'm engaging in a bit of hyperbole: Christianity likely won't be wiped out because of creationism. Fundamentalist Christianity will. And the world will be the better for it. There's nothing wrong with being a Christian. The problem comes when you deny plain reality in order to preserve an outdated narrative.

Greg Jennings

New member
We have the holy scripture offering us a window into the workings of our God.

Yeah. So do Muslims. I'm guessing their holy scripture is good with you?

Of course it isn't. You reject it because it doesn't fit your belief system. That's not based on anything but preference. Now let's pivot and examine science vs biblical creation: In the Quran v Bible question I just posed, neither side has empirical evidence to favor one over the other. However, in science v bible creation, science does have empirical evidence in favor of it, whereas the bible creation still has none.

Where empirical evidence can be applied, it must be. Otherwise we accept ignorance


New member
That's the exact thing that non-radical Muslims say about Muslim terrorists. So why do you equate their book with evil and yours with peace when both are used for both?
Feel free to poke me next time Christianity forms into an extremist group and shoots up a concert. Or when they assassinate cartoon artists for depicting Jesus. Take your misguided comparisons else where.

Greg Jennings

New member
Feel free to poke me next time Christianity forms into an extremist group and shoots up a concert. Or when they assassinate cartoon artists for depicting Jesus. Take your misguided comparisons else where.

Didn't read the link, did you? The Lord's Resistance army is ISIS, only Christian. They rape, murder, and loot everything they can from nonbelievers.

If that reality is uncomfortable, then good. It should be.


New member
God does not endorse such things, to say so is blasphemy.

Most muslims say the same about the unislamic nature of 9-11. You can't blame minority actions on the majority of Muslims if you won't accept blame for the minority murderous Christian groups.