??? I'm NOT talking about "lots of rain." How about we recess until you have viewed/absorbed IS GENESIS HISTORY? It is now at Netflix.
It is heavily on geology until later in the doc. Because finally someone is showing, on a national level, that none of this is a question of 'science' vs 'faith/religion.' Instead it is one 'rate x time' equation vs another. The research on organic dinosaur tissue is spectacular, because it segues into the latest in understanding DNA.
One of the real values of hearing from 20 Ph.D.s all at once in this business is that you realize that when Lyell and Darwin were writing, no one really knew what microbiology was about on a micro level, in terms of DNA. It totally changes the meaning of terms like 'adaptation' 'survival' 'after their kind' etc in the discussions. Far too much was overextended on meager understanding.
The worst turn modern science ever took was the day Darwin sat on board the BEAGLE in the harbor of Rio Santa Cruz, Argentina, and instead of looking out at the enormous deluge-carved valley, he READ THEORY by a guy from 6000 miles away who never left the island of England. All 'science' since has been 'faith' in Lyell, and in Darwin, in the exact same sense as science tries to accuse Genesis of being 'faith.' when you are done with IGH? you will not believe Lyell's presupposition that the present is the key to the past. He has it backwards.
Once again, what is the mechanism that ""total disruption of plates, crust, magma, magnetics, climate,atmosphere, etc.". When was that and over what time period.
I will attempt to watch that, especially on the biology level, once you answer my question as stated above. If I have any questions I'll ask my daughter with the PhD in genetics.
Although it is interesting that you like to listen to 20 cherry picked PhD's rather than the 100's of thousands that would suggest you are clueless.