Creation vs. Evolution

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Silent Hunter

Well-known member
As with the rest of your 'argument', you have no basis with which to work with.. . no foundation upon which anything can be built. You are as shifting sand on a windy day. . . . and you know it.
Well, no less so than you. You've decided to base your life on a belief in your own personal concept of a deity and a "book" of unknown authorship and dubious morality. It goes without saying that you'd probably be a serial killer without it so in retrospect the world is better off because of your "god" delusion.
I am going to go pound sand for a while. . .you are boring me.
Go knock yourself out, it's probably all that you're good at anyway.

Cross Reference

New member
Well, no less so than you. You've decided to base your life on a belief in your own personal concept of a deity and a "book" of unknown authorship and dubious morality. It goes without saying that you'd probably be a serial killer without it so in retrospect the world is better off because of your "god" delusion.Go knock yourself out, it's probably all that you're good at anyway.

It beats anything you have to offer . . . and you know that as well. You have nothing.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
It beats anything you have to offer . . . and you know that as well. You have nothing.
Well, no, it doesn't, all your belief does is make you feel better about yourself. I'm safe in the comfort of knowing that you'd probably be a serial killer without your "religion", so, in retrospect the world is better off because of your "god" delusion.


New member
There were/are other images carved in the panels.Are straw man arguments all you have or is that today's flavor?

You've been ignoring this for about a dozen post, so, I'll ask again, COULDN'T the carving simply be an abstract of the artist's imagination and it just happens to LOOK like a stegasaur (sp)? If not, what makes this one carving special?
I have been ignoring 90 percent of what you say for a while now. You are seldom sincere. Don't kid yourself that any one instance bears special significance.

If you think it is important, do us a favor and start analysis. Repost picture and tell us what you see in each spot.

patrick jane

Well, no, it doesn't, all your belief does is make you feel better about yourself. I'm safe in the comfort of knowing that you'd probably be a serial killer without your "religion", so, in retrospect the world is better off because of your "god" delusion.
If you deny Christ, He will deny you - Don't you want eternal salvation?

Matthew 10:33 KJV - 2 Timothy 2:13 KJV -

Cross Reference

New member
Well, no, it doesn't, all your belief does is make you feel better about yourself. I'm safe in the comfort of knowing that you'd probably be a serial killer without your "religion", so, in retrospect the world is better off because of your "god" delusion.

<Impossible> That speaks of something else I can't mention on this forum, totally antithetical to common sense but, "stupid" comes easily to mind to be something that is rectifiable with those with a conscience..

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
I have been ignoring 90 percent of what you say for a while now.
Ignoring pertinent information is what creationists are famous for and explains why you keep posting nonsense.
You are seldom sincere.
I don't ignore your responses, you admittedly do. It's a sign of integrity you obviously lack which goes directly to sincerity.
Don't kid yourself that any one instance bears special significance.
Then I wonder why you bother responding at all.
If you think it is important, do us a favor and start analysis. Repost picture and tell us what you see in each spot.
This looks a lot like you attempting to shift the burden of proof. You asserted an engraving looked like a dinosaur, which, using some imagination, it does.

Is it so difficult to admit that the carving COULD simply be an abstract of the artist's imagination and it just happens to LOOK like a stegasaur (sp) to us? If not, what makes this one carving special?

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
<Impossible> That speaks of something else I can't mention on this forum, totally antithetical to common sense but, "stupid" comes easily to mind to be something that is rectifiable with those with a conscience..
Conscience is something you obviously lack, else you wouldn't NEED an ancient text of dubious authorship and morality to instruct you on how to behave toward your fellow man.


New member
SilentHunter said:
Then you've made a significant change from your usual method.
Awwwww..... You are disappointed that your claim of quote mining was false.....again?
SilentHunter said:
6days said:
So, then the Bible is not "chock full of contradictions", but instead you meant there are many different opinions. I agree.
It's good that you quoted me because only an idiot would come away thinking I said what you just did.
So... you are not able to show even one example of a Bible contradiction? Certainly none that would would effect any doctrine!


My NEED to believe, you say? Bunky, I am near 80 yrs of age and have Never been where you are that I NEED to believe the junk theory of evolution. You live without a hope to argue for something that can't ever satisfy your soul. You know it and I know it and you know that I know you know it. So don't ever feel sorry for me. You will be the one who will be judged without pity.

Evolution doesn't provide a conscience.

Well, Bunky, I am 70. I do not accept your god or any god, your holy book or any holy book. There is no such thing as a soul. When you are dead you are dead.
Your conscience is a result of your culture.
The theory of evolution provides an explanatory framework for the fact of evolution.
I feel sorry for anyone whose theology means they must ignore the real world. That is very sad.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Awwwww..... You are disappointed that your claim of quote mining was false.....again?
To accuse you of quote mining isn't a stretch, you do it often enough. To accuse you of long cut-and-paste expositions isn't a stretch either, you do it often enough, which is what you did.
So... you are not able to show even one example of a Bible contradiction?
I COULD show quite a few biblical contradictions identified by biblical scholars which you would simply dismiss as "that's your interpretation" so what's the point?
Certainly none that would would effect any doctrine!
This is your shifting of the goal posts that was never my claim.

Cross Reference

New member
Well, Bunky, I am 70. I do not accept your god or any god, your holy book or any holy book. There is no such thing as a soul. When you are dead you are dead.
Your conscience is a result of your culture.
The theory of evolution provides an explanatory framework for the fact of evolution.
I feel sorry for anyone whose theology means they must ignore the real world. That is very sad.

LOL!! <silly man>


New member
Jonahdog said:
I do not accept your god or any god, your holy book or any holy book.
Your creator gave you the freedom to reject Him. However, that doesn't excuse you...."For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse" Rom.1:20
Jonahdog said:
There is no such thing as a soul.
Sure there is.
Jonahdog said:
When you are dead you are dead.
"And just as each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment" Heb. 9:27
Jonahdog said:
Your conscience is a result of your culture.
Conscience is something even the pope of evolutionism has trouble explaing. (R. Dawkins in 'Greatest Show...')
Jonahdog said:
The theory of evolution provides an explanatory framework for the fact of evolution.
�� Ha. A wee bit circular?
Jonahdog said:
I feel sorry for anyone whose theology means they must ignore the real world. That is very sad.
Jonah... Sometimes here in the forums, we Christians can be more than a bit obnoxious...not Christ like. I apologize; I often fail. But, I want to sincerely repeat your words. I am sorry ...but to us, it seems your 'theology' prevents you from following the evidence that leads to our Creator. I hope...and I want you to experience the freedom and joy of knowing Him, and seeing how "the real world" is consistent with His Word.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Your creator gave you the freedom to reject Him. However, that doesn't excuse you...."For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse" Rom.1:20
Sure there is.

"And just as each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment" Heb. 9:27
How is this (a man's belief concerning his personal interpretation of his chosen deity) supposed to be convincing?
Conscience is something even the pope of evolutionism has trouble explaing. (R. Dawkins in 'Greatest Show...')
Really? Consciousness can't be explained to your satisfaction therefore godidit? Seriously, that's your rebuttal?
�� Ha. A wee bit circular?
No one knows what you've referring to here but it has to be less circular than quoting the bible to prove your personal, private, and unique version of your version of deity.
Jonah... Sometimes here in the forums, we Christians can be more than a bit obnoxious...not Christ like. I apologize; I often fail. But, I want to sincerely repeat your words. I am sorry ...but to us, it seems your 'theology' prevents you from following the evidence that leads to our Creator. I hope...and I want you to experience the freedom and joy of knowing Him, and seeing how "the real world" is consistent with His Word.
Not one person can prove the bible is "god's word", no one. What is certain is that the bible is exactly what it appears to be, a seriously flawed, inconsistent, man made document.

If the bible says that the stealing, fornicating, adulterous, lying, murderous and possibly homosexual king, David, should be considered "a man after 'god's' own heart" that doesn't make 'god' something any christian should be putting much trust in.


New member
Silent Hunter said:
Not one person can prove the bible is "god's word", no one. What is certain is that the bible is exactly what it appears to be, a seriously flawed, inconsistent, man made document.
What can be known, with certainty, is He who created us.... and that His inerrant Word was divinely inspired.

SilentHunter said:
If the bible says that the stealing, fornicating, adulterous, lying, murderous and possibly homosexual king, David, should be considered "a man after 'god's' own heart" that doesn't make 'god' something any christian should be putting much trust in.
I trust in that loving, forgiving and gracious Creator. How can it be that He loves someone as undeserving as me? Amazing grace!

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
What can be known, with certainty, is He who created us.... and that His inerrant Word was divinely inspired.
Let's see your unambiguous evidence of "divine inspiration". Perhaps you will succeed where millions before you have failed. My guess is that you will quote your flawed, man-made bible to do so.
I trust in that loving, forgiving and gracious Creator. How can it be that He loves someone as undeserving as me? Amazing grace!
This religious platitude would only convince Cadry. In other words, it's meaningless.


Not one person can prove the bible is "god's word", no one. What is certain is that the bible is exactly what it appears to be, a seriously flawed, inconsistent, man made document.

Silent Hunter,

Dead Wrong! For example, one person did prove that the Bible is "God's Word." Our Savior and His Son, Jesus. While Jesus was down on Earth, He proved that the Bible was God's Word and quoted the Bible referring to Isaiah, foretelling His Own birth and life. He also invited all who would to believe in the Bible and God's Commandments. Also, He stamped His OK on Jonah and the whale. Also that Elias would certain come to prepare the way before Him onto the Earth, making mention of Elias and our dear prophet John the Baptist. He also quoted about Adam and Eve, and many other quotes that I'm just not going to mention one by one. He was a REAL person and there are many others alive during that time who can attest to that fact through writings left to us. Just because they are 'older than Darwin' doesn't mean their story is less true. You seem to have that problem that time has erased the truth of the Bible. It is older writings but, nevertheless, the Truth. Now your claims by Darwin, or his writings, are not old, but they are also Not Truth. You'll find out in due time.


If the bible says that the stealing, fornicating, adulterous, lying, murderous and possibly homosexual king, David, should be considered "a man after 'god's' own heart" that doesn't make 'god' something any christian should be putting much trust in.

Dead Wrong! You might want to realize that David was no homosexual king. He committed adultery with another woman while he was king. So forget that idea. David had a LOT of Good Qualities that were what God was looking for. He made mistakes along the way and learned from them. He paid for having his adulteress' husband killed.

You see everyone's sins without seeing the greatness of all of your own.

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New member
He was a REAL person and there are many others alive during that time who can attest to that fact.
The only documentation of Jesus actually existing is the gospels. There is no other source and even they were written decades after the claimed events. All other documentation from the time merely talks of christian believers, not Jesus.

You might want to realize that David was no homosexual king. He committed adultery with another woman while he was king. So forget that idea.
So David really was an adulterous king who God supposedly favoured. Not really helping the case for consistency are you?

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