Creation vs. Evolution

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Cross Reference

New member
How is suggesting you study up on something you obviously don't understand sending you down a rabbit trail?

Creationists are :kookoo:

I can argue it because I do understand. You have no argument and need understanding to recgnize that "fact". I am here only to help you get it but, if you only want to cheat the system of "How to get understanding" then you are in a very bad way; one that will leave you 'dead' for understanding life as God intended it be, i.e., set in Him.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
The creation /flood model is based on the book of Genesis....first 9 chapters.
I"ll make it easier, please piont me/us to chapter and verse in genesis that discusses "rapid speciation".
And....whose material did I copy?
You didn't quote mine someone and post a link? Really?
And...for all your bluster about Bible contradictions, you have yet to list one as challenged.
:chuckle: It's easy enough to do, I'm just not interested in discussing it with you "as challenged" because differences in doctrine changes the conditions for which my objection is based. However, "faith" and "works" comes to mind as an example.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
I don't take you seriously. You would make any asinine outrageous claim to try to pick a fight. You are still trying to do that.
This is a standard christian response when they are backed into a corner; claim their antagonist is just picking a fight.
Didn't say you scored all those silliness points I listed, I was listing the overall impression of your argument.
Since I showed your "list" is a straw man of what the arguments actually are, this looks like your way of avoiding the conversation.
If you like I will adjust that last statement. If it's not bad eyesight then its either dishonesty or stupidity. Hippos don't have tall ridges of back plates.
Couldn't the carving simply be an abstract of the artist's imagination and it just happens to LOOK like a stegasaur (sp)? Did all the other fantastical creatures shown in other panels exist? If not, what makes this one carving special?


New member
You didn't quote mine someone and post a link? Really?:chuckle:
Nope. Really!:luigi:

Silent Hunter said:
It's easy enough to do, I'm just not interested in discussing it with you "as challenged" because differences in doctrine changes the conditions for which my objection is based. However, "faith" and "works" comes to mind as an example.
So, then the Bible is not "chock full of contradictions", but instead you meant there are many different opinions. I agree.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Nope. Really!
Then you've made a significant change from your usual method.
So, then the Bible is not "chock full of contradictions", but instead you meant there are many different opinions. I agree.
It's good that you quoted me because only an idiot would come away thinking I said what you just did.

It's easy enough to do (find bible contradictions), I'm just not interested in discussing it with you "as challenged" because differences in doctrine changes the conditions for which my objection is based. However, "faith" and "works" comes to mind as an example.

Cross Reference

New member
You do not understand the use of the term "theory" in science. My suggestion is that you find a local university and take some basic science courses. Perhaps then you will be in the position to discuss with the adults.

<Bull> If you were an adult you would be in agreement with the creationist.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Oh, but I do understand and agree because it can only be a theory to which I was agreeing, though you lie to yourself because you really believe it is fact and not theory so, Bac acha!
You do not understand the use of the term "theory" in science. My suggestion is that you find a local university and take some basic science courses. Perhaps then you will be in the position to discuss with the adults.
<Bull> If you were an adult you would be in agreement with the creationist.
You should "hear" yourself...

It's hilarious.

Cross Reference

New member
No, but if you bothered to learn anything it might threaten your need to believe. I understand that, but I feel sorry for you.
My NEED to believe, you say? Bunky, I am near 80 yrs of age and have Never been where you are that I NEED to believe the junk theory of evolution. You live without a hope to argue for something that can't ever satisfy your soul. You know it and I know it and you know that I know you know it. So don't ever feel sorry for me. You will be the one who will be judged without pity.

Evolution doesn't provide a conscience.


New member
This is a standard christian response when they are backed into a corner; claim their antagonist is just picking a fight.Since I showed your "list" is a straw man of what the arguments actually are, this looks like your way of avoiding the conversation.Couldn't the carving simply be an abstract of the artist's imagination and it just happens to LOOK like a stegasaur (sp)? Did all the other fantastical creatures shown in other panels exist? If not, what makes this one carving special?
You mean all those images of humans?

But just to understand, now you decide that the artist just happened to have a vision of what this creature looked like from trillions of years ago? First you are onto séances and now vision walks?

Cross Reference

New member
Nice late edit. In your case, age doesn't equate to wisdom. Cynicism, but not wisdom.
As with the rest of your 'argument', you have no basis with which to work with.. . no foundation upon which anything can be built. You are as shifting sand on a windy day. . . . and you know it.

I am going to go pound sand for a while. . .you are boring me.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
You mean all those images of humans?
There were/are other images carved in the panels.
But just to understand, now you decide that the artist just happened to have a vision of what this creature looked like from trillions of years ago? First you are onto séances and now vision walks?
Are straw man arguments all you have or is that today's flavor?

You've been ignoring this for about a dozen post, so, I'll ask again, COULDN'T the carving simply be an abstract of the artist's imagination and it just happens to LOOK like a stegasaur (sp)?
Did all the other fantastical creatures shown in other panels exist?
If not, what makes this one carving special?
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