Creation vs. Evolution

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Science has provided answers showing how C14 dates are consistent with the Bible, which are ignored... you are correct.

No, they are not, since the carbon-date (Not true date, mind. Different things entirely.) is 22 000 years. Is 22 000 years consistent with your young-Earth creationism? Really?


New member
I'm going to be away a couple hours ago, but I'm asking if that is your best answer? Can you admit that there is not a single archaeological find proving anything in the Bible wrong if there is an answer to your claim?

No. 1.

Göbekli Tepe is a temple structure carbon dated at 9500 years before present. Does that chime well with your fundamentalist reading of the Bible?


Well-known member
I'm going to be away a couple hours ago, but I'm asking if that is your best answer? Can you admit that there is not a single archaeological find proving anything in the Bible wrong if there is an answer to your claim?

There are many examples. You asked for one. I gave you one. I am aware that there is an "answer" to this, as there are "answers" for anything else that doesn't fit the fundamentalist view. These answers are not real answers- they are excuses.

By the way, a few weeks ago I visited an archaeological excavation. The archaeologist considers himself a Christian. He told me that "I take my belief seriously" . He is a professor at a Christian college. And he told me that the Bible is not history. It is a religious book, and should be read as such. I agree with him.

Jose Fly

New member
By the way, a few weeks ago I visited an archaeological excavation. The archaeologist considers himself a Christian. He told me that "I take my belief seriously" . He is a professor at a Christian college. And he told me that the Bible is not history. It is a religious book, and should be read as such. I agree with him.

Well that settles it then. After all, according to 6days quotes from Christian archaeologists are all one needs to establish a claim as true.


New member
chair said:
There are many examples. You asked for one. I gave you one. I am aware that there is an "answer" to this.....
A little disappointed.... I was hoping you would have one example from archaeology trying to prove the Bible wrong. But even in your example, you already knew that there is an answer. (A logical answer fitting evidence and the historical record). As said earlier, its interesting how so many people say the Bible is filled with errors; and yet for many who are willing to study it with an open mind, such as Sir William Ramsay, it is inerrant

chair said:
By the way, a few weeks ago I visited an archaeological excavation. The archaeologist considers himself a Christian. He told me that "I take my belief seriously" . He is a professor at a Christian college. And he told me that the Bible is not history. It is a religious book, and should be read as such. I agree with him.
I see you trying to move goalposts. We had said that the Torah is written as history.


Well-known member
Well that settles it then. After all, according to 6days quotes from Christian archaeologists are all one needs to establish a claim as true.

Once you get out of "Literal Bible Mode", things make a lot more sense. And it does not preclude being religious either.


New member
gcThomas said:
6days said:
Science has provided answers showing how C14 dates are consistent with the Bible, which are ignored... you are correct.
No, they are not, since the carbon-date (Nottrue date, mind. Different things entirely.) is 22 000 years. Is 22 000 years consistent with your young-Earth creationism? Really
Unknown conditions in the past can't be calibrated for...
(Strength / weakness of solar rays, earths magnetic field, global fllods etc)

The global flood would have drastically effected the ratio....
-With all vegetation dead...much buried starting to form coal and oil...
The C14 would increase at this time relative to the C12.
Also effecting the ratio at this time would be volcanic activity around the earth emitting lots of CO2 without the normal C14

Creationist researchers figure that Preflood oganisms although only 4500 years old could C14 date somewhere near 40,000 years.


New member
So the 22000 is accurate when attempting to challenge evolutionary timelines, but not accurate when defending biblical timelines? Got it.

You're a numpty, 6days.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
We understand why you want to move the goal posts..... And make an argument based on popularity.
How have I "moved the goal posts"? How have I made "an argument based on popularity"? You base your "argument" on the opinion of whomever is the most convenient cut and paste.
Cosmology also confirms God's Word in many ways.....
Except when it doesn't.
But, let's stick to topic of archaeology...Or, are you mow admitting that archaeology helps confirm the accuracy of scripture?
Sure it does... in exactly the same way it helps confirm the accuracy of the Iliad and "Hawaii".
"There can be no doubt that archaeology has confirmed the substantial historicity of Old Testament tradition." Dr. William F. Albright Like he says....archaeology helps confirm the accuracy of scripture.
He didn't say that. "Historicity of Old Testament tradition" is not the same thing as "confirm the accuracy of scripture", not by a long shot. Why do you insist on gagging people by stuffing so many words into their mouths?

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Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Big difference..... You did not make an argument. In fact you avoided the argument the archaeologist made and attacked him.
What argument did these people you cut and paste from make? Even you say they are stating their opinion. What kind of argument is that?
So...yes you were mocked and rightfully so.
You're an idiot... and rightfully so.

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Silent Hunter

Well-known member
You know what is really sad, REALLY SAD?? Your future {your eternal life}! Oh, how you are going to pay. It's a shame! You reap what you sow, I guess!!
Mike, it is VERY important that you take your medication EXACTLY as your doctor ordered, in the correct dose and at the correct time. Do this and you WILL get better, I promise.

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Jose Fly

New member
So the 22000 is accurate when attempting to challenge evolutionary timelines, but not accurate when defending biblical timelines? Got it.

You're a numpty, 6days.

It's another one of 6days' heads I win, tails you lose setups. Just like the latest one where if he quotes archaeologists saying archaeology supports the Bible that's proof that the Bible is supported by science, but if anyone quotes archaeologists saying archaeology doesn't support the Bible that's moving the goalposts....or arguing via popularity....or red herring....or whatever excuse he can muster.

It's ridiculously dishonest and serves as yet another illustration of how, at least when it comes to this subject, 6days has neither morals nor shame.


Mike, it is VERY important that you take your medication EXACTLY as your doctor ordered, in the correct dose and at the correct time. Do this and you WILL get better, I promise.

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Dear Silent,

You're the one who needs medication, SH!! What you really are going to need is a great pain pill for where you are going. Something for burns. How about, you are an idiot??! See, it's easy to call someone that. Does it accomplish anything? Not really, even though you ARE!! You can't stand getting embarrassed by 6days. All of you atheists gang up on ONE Christian. How noble of you all? How fair?

I will say, you're in a sad state of affairs. You really should look at yourself and figure out where you went wrong. What, you want to take on God in an argument?? How ridiculous. Have tons of fun!!



New member
All of you atheists gang up on ONE Christian. How noble of you all? How fair?
So you and Stripe aren't Christians?

What, you want to take on God in an argument?? How ridiculous. Have tons of fun!!

You think atheists want to take argue with something they think is imaginary? Come on Michael use your head, even you should know better than that.

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New member
SilentHunter said:
How have I "moved the goal posts"?
We were discussing how archaeology helps confirm the accuracy of God's Word. You thought you might have a better chance if you jump to cosmology. Again.....archarology helps confirm the accuracy of people, places and events in the Bible.
SilentHunter said:
How have I made "an argument based on popularity"?
You seemed to think "thousands of scientists" was a convincing argument.
SilentHunter said:
You base your "argument" on the opinion of whomever is the most convenient cut and paste.
My "argument" is that God's Word is inerrant. Opinions of those who contradict scripture are always wrong. Archaeology has often proven the skeptics opinions wrong.
SilentHunter said:
6days said:
Cosmology also confirms God's Word in many ways.....
Except when it doesn't.
You are confusing science with secular opinions.
SilentHunter said:
... in exactly the same way it helps confirm the accuracy of the Iliad and "Hawaii".
Except archaeologists and historians don't claim archaeology helps confirm the historical accuracy of the Illiadd. Your argument is silly.
Archaeology does help confirm that people, places and events in the Bible are accurate.
SilentHunter said:
6days said:
"There can be no doubt that archaeology has confirmed the substantial historicity of Old Testament tradition." Dr. William F. Albright Like he says....archaeology helps confirm the accuracy of scripture.
He didn't say that. "Historicity of Old Testament tradition" is not the same thing as "confirm the accuracy of scripture", not by a long shot.
What I said is 100% accurate. You misrepresented.

Here is another archaeologist discussing how archaeology helps confirm the accuracy of scripture.
"There have been plenty of claims that things contradict the biblical account, but the Bible has a habit of being proved right after all. I well remember one of the world’s leading archaeologists at Gezer rebuking a younger archaeologist who was ‘rubbishing’ the Bible. He just quietly said, ‘Well, if I were you, I wouldn’t rubbish the Bible.’ When the younger archaeologist asked ‘Why’?, he replied, ‘Well, it just has a habit of proving to be right after all.’ And that’s where I stand.

"Professor Nelson Glueck, who I suppose would be recognized as one of the top five of the ‘greats’ in biblical archaeology, gave a marvellous lecture to 120 American students who were interacting with the Arabs. He said, ‘I have excavated for 30 years with a Bible in one hand and a trowel in the other, and in matters of historical perspective, I have never yet found the Bible to be in error’.

"Professor G. Ernest Wright, Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Studies at Harvard University, gave a lecture at that same dig. He made the point that (because of the researches associated with the Hittites and the findings of Professor George Mendenhall concerning what are called the Suzerainty Covenant Treaties between the Hittite kings and their vassals) it had become clear that the records of Moses, when dealing with covenants, must be dated back to the middle of the second millennium BC. That’s about 1500 BC. Also, that those writings should be recognized as a unity. In other words, they go back to one man. That one man could only be Moses.

"I went to Professor Wright later and said, ‘Sir, this is very different from what you’ve been putting out in your own writings.’ He looked at me and said, ‘Clifford, for 30 years I’ve been teaching students coming to Harvard to train for the Christian ministry; I’ve been telling them they could forget Moses in the Pentateuch, but at least in these significant areas of the covenant documents that are there in the Pentateuch, I’ve had to admit that I was wrong.’

"They were two scholastic giants. One says, ‘I’ve excavated for 30 years and I’ve never found the Bible to be in error’—basically that’s what he was saying. The other says, ‘For 30 years I’ve been wrong.’ It’s rather sad, isn’t it, that a good man such as Professor Wright had been so swept along with the ridiculous documentary hypothesis* that he had taken a wrong stand for so long. Let me stress that Professor Wright was a man of the highest integrity."
Dr. Clifford Olson.


Do you EVER check your facts or do you just blindly accept what creationist web sites say then cut and paste?So, that would be, "No", to fact checking and, "Yes", to blindly accept what creationist web sites say then cut and paste. Check.So, even when there is no evidence, there ought to be. Check.

And you quote another creationist... sad, just, sad.

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Hey Silent,

There has been some proof that the army of Egypt was swallowed up by the sea when God parted the waters for the Israelites to cross. They have found chariot wheels preserved on the ocean floor. Check it out! You find the info. I'm not going to do your work for you. Try Googling "chariot wheels" or something like that. You'll think of something. Anyway, it is true. The Exodus did happen.

It's Been Thrilling,

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Jose Fly

New member
Geez 6days...I've seen blatant hypocrisy and dishonesty from you before, but this is one of your worst.

You seemed to think "thousands of scientists" was a convincing argument.

And in the same post you say...

Here is another archaeologist discussing how archaeology helps confirm the accuracy of scripture.

Again...neither morals nor shame. Unbelievable. :mmph:
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