There are sea creatures with large enough bellies. Whales come to mind.
You give me the specifics on any sea creature that has a throat big enough for a man to pass through, a stomach big enough to hold him, plus a few day’s supply of oxygen, some means for reducing the carbon dioxide that would build up, keep the stomach acids from attacking the body, prevent him from passing deeper into the digestive tract, assure that the fish stays near the surface for several solid days so as to preclude the bends…
When ya got that in place, then maybe we will talk. (Based on your recent nebulous allusions to water somehow pushing up one end of a segment of tectonic plate, and mysterious super-whooper plate movements eradicating most life forms, and now this generic allusion to sea creatures, I am getting the sinking feeling we are not going to see more substantial offerings from you. I will give you credit for a declaring a firm 10,000 year limit to the age of the earth.)
… disprove some things that by nature aren't disprovable. Realize the difference between that which can be tested and that which can't.
You can’t disprove that the doorknob in my bedroom is not in fact the true and living God, who chooses that way to live where He can see into our world, or that the universe wasn't created last Friday at noon.
Am I to conclude you want to include the supernatural under the umbrella of what science should study?