Hey Davis,
What does BJ stand for? So you took off when things started screwing you over?? It's not like you to put everyone on ignore, eh?? Just cowering in a corner. Silent Hunter got a tremendous defeat today!! Boy, does he deserve it. I'm not going to gloat too much tho'. You're all headed to the Lake of Fire!! That's our Sun, if you didn't know that. Yes, the Lord told me that also. Hell is within the Earth's center, where the lava and magma are extremely hot. But in the end, God will cast those who've been remarkably bogus into the Lake of Fire. It's a lot hotter there. And a lightning bolt is five times hotter than the Sun. For eternity. Yes, spirit does not die. You either frolic in Heaven, or your spirit/souls burn in fire forever. That's what you are reaping. God is not letting you see the light because He wants to send you where you deserve. You've been exceedingly bogue for the most part and you'll reap what you've sown. So whatever.
The center of the Earth is the 'bottomless pit.' There is a top, which everyone thinks they are on, because of gravity. So there is a top and a center, but no bottom. In the center, is Hell. I was taught all of this stuff, so don't think I'm not quite fluent in the things of God. He has revealed tons of things to me. I even know where His Throne is. I should tell everyone. They are going to find out soon enough. You know how, in Daniel 12:3KJV, it says how some of us will go home to heaven and be as the stars forever and ever. Please see. Well, if our souls/spirits pop out of our Earthly body and are given a Heavenly body, it is because Jesus is preparing Venus for you all. That's why Jesus said, "I am the bright and morning star." See Rev. 22:16KJV. Also, Jesus says He will give certain souls 'the morning star. Even as I received it from my Father.' {See Rev. 2:28KJV}. So thus, we souls who make it to heaven will be given a heavenly body to take the place of our Earthly body. We have a ball of energy and light within our souls. That is God's Spirit, which is in every man, to differing degrees for each person.
Now I will tell you a big, hard secret. I tell you so that when God reveals the 'mystery of God' written of in Rev. 10:7KJV, you will have the info and then it will just be proven to you all then. The great white throne of God is our moon, which He has His seat right now, as He goes around the Earth, tending to it as necessary. That's why some people think they see a man in the moon. Because you can see it: two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. For those of you whom God will reveal the fourth dimension, look at a full moon and see if you can see His face. God also can take on a bodily form, as His Son did for us. Didn't Moses see God's back parts? Do I have to include all of the scriptural references here?? God's Heavenly Body is our Moon. It affects the whole Earth so very much. And those of us who get a heavenly body: there are many souls/spirits within a Heavenly body, like a star. That's what makes them glow. We shall be given Venus, the morning star. That's why Jesus said, 'In My Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would not tell you. I go there to prepare a place for you {Venus}. Venus is a star and a planet. I know you're all going to have a fit about all of this, but hopefully some of you will understand.
Which brings us to this. And the heavens opened rolled apart as a scroll, and there was seen there His Great White Throne {See Rev. 20:11KJV} and the 'ark of His testament.' {see also Rev. 6:16KJV & Rev. 11:19KJV}. And His throne is made of sardonyx and beryl, etc. It is time for man to learn all of these things. This is what was meant when you shall see the sign in Heaven that precedes the coming of Jesus, know that the time is near. I believe this is in the book of Matthew 24:30KJV. There, I looked it up for you. The sign of the coming of the Son of Man shall be when the Lord God reveals His Throne and Himself to all of the people to see. And He will have a stern, angry face. You'll just have to see what happens. I tell you this now, so that when it happens, it will be verified to you and you will not be in shock. I know you must think I'm a nut, but I'm not. I am just sharing certain mysteries of God that I am allowed to. They will be proven when the seventh angel shall begin to sound {Rev. 10:7KJV}. God also has a bodily form when He wants to, like when He let Moses see His back parts, but not His face. But His Heavenly Body is our Moon. He tends to us all as He goes around the Earth, watching what's happening and reigning over the Earth, and taking care of it and certain situations.
Okay, I've lost you all, right?? This could not be told to you sooner because they surely would not understand way back if He told it to His disciples. That is why Jesus said, 'there are more things I could tell you, but you are not able to bear it.' Something to that effect.
Okay, I'm closing for now. Just trying to help. You'll all advance at your own rate. I could tell you many secrets/mysteries of God, and He shall confirm them before Jesus comes, when the Heavens are parted like a scroll {See Rev. 6:14KJV and Rev. 6:16KJV}. Be strong and keep your wits together and your thoughts dwelling upon God. God is still as we know Him. It does not matter where His Throne is. He is still loving, great, omnipotent, the spirit of God in the church. That is how you should know Him. Don't start worshiping the moon. Worship God's Spirit and Jesus' also. There is more I could tell you, but it will have to be some other time. If one of you who learns this is having any trouble, PM me and I will help. I've learned alot.
May God Buffer These Mysteries of God For You,