Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
Do you not know how to search a thread? It is here several times in thread. Sincerity, honesty, integrity, studiousness. Any of these sound like values you've heard talked about in your life?

A Google search of the entire site doors not reveal a page with the terms Einstein, atheism, inept on it. The mobile app search function is awful, and since i am on a train line with lots of tunnels searching through a thousand post thread is not attractive.

It seems from the Google search that your self justifying arrogance has trumped honesty. You ascribe comments to Einstein that you cannot reference when challenge, responding only with highschool level insults and a false air of superiority.

Can you not correctly recall the quotes? Is that why you can't find the source of them? Front up man: sources or apology. I'll accept either.


Sane people don't hear voices and talk to angels and make predictions about snow and armageddon because their guardian angel told them.

Dear SH,

Don't pull that SH on me. Jesus heard Satan when He was tempted in the wilderness for 40 days and nights. Paul heard Jesus speak to Him at his conversion. Moses heard God Who wrote the Ten Commandments on Stone Tablets for him. I could go on, but maybe you get the point. You're the one who is insane. You like to call people bipolar (me) or schizophrenic {like you did to 6days} because you are at a loss for words most of the time. You make me sick!! If I had my way, I would ban you from this thread. And DavisBJ too. You're both nothing but word-twisters. I'm sick of it. Don't tell me I'm the one who is sick and DavisBJ plays on my close friends patrick jane and Rosenritter. You're just trying to recruit them to your way of belief and antagonism because they are novices. I'm hardly a novice and you don't like it at all. God is really going to get into your crap when the time comes. So have at it. It just puts heap upon heap upon you.

How does me pointing out to you that you are one elephant short of a circus lead you to that conclusion?You're insane, Mike.

Is that a cute little saying of yours that you learned from someone else?? Oh, you just made it up, eh? I'm hardly insane, SH. You are the one who is deceived by Satan. I've made a few mistakes myself, so I know how Satan works, trust me. You are a blooming idiot. You can't find words so you call people names? Like I just did finally by calling you an idiot. Two can play that game. So afraid to be embarrassed by someone else, like me or 6days, right? Don't tell me no way, because I know better. I am not an infant who doesn't see right through you. You deserve my tirade, so don't say I'm ranting. You cause the response that you sow.

That doesn't equate to me not thinking you're not well intentioned or not a "nice guy".And you don't/can't see you have a problem? Maybe I should reevaluate your "nice" status on my christmas list.

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Are you trying to tell me that YOU are problem-free??!! You're deceived by Satan quite thoroughly and you don't even know that he is taking you down with him. You really have no idea, do you?? You poor soul indeed.



Well-known member
It seems from the Google search that your self justifying arrogance has trumped honesty. You ascribe comments to Einstein that you cannot reference when challenge, responding only with highschool level insults and a false air of superiority.
Then be satisfied with your hasty and inept conclusion. Sloppy and willing are the death-knell of the meaningful and worthwhile conversation. You've got what you want and can go in ignorant peace having proverbially and ceremonially justified yourself. At least you gave it the old college try? :nono: You gave a cursory and negligent effort. I gave you all the tools you needed and you kissed them away. Sad that.

Can you not correctly recall the quotes?
Yeah, I really can. Integrity rather than snarky, profane (think about it) and casual, or even a small measure of sincerity or good mannered 'please' might have accomplished a conversation rather than inane banter passing for debate. Thick-headed walls are about the hardest to scale any more and I'll simply 'keep out' like the sign says. I'm on TOL to grab up an sincere individual. Having not found him/her, I'm off elsewhere.
Is that why you can't find the source of them? Front up man: sources or apology. I'll accept either.
I won't accept your insincere and inept platitudes either. You really have wasted both of our times in favor of the school yard snarky and smug strokes to your ego. That's the last of it with me GC. You are on your own.


You know, Jose, there's a reason Stripe taught English and not Physics. While he barely undestands English, he knows absolutely nothing about Physics.

I suppose there is no fiction or any other work being performed that would produce heat in his scenario. Certainly not the crane. :kookoo:

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For Both of You,

Leave Stripe alone! He can't help that you're both deluded by Satan. The cut runs very deep, too. You are both {you and Davis} so thoroughly deceived by that devil and your scales so close together, that nothing can penetrate them to free you. We've tried to help you and look how you act. Just pathetic!! We felt sorry for you and didn't want to see you go to Hell, so we have been trying to talk seriously to you. That is what we've all been doing all along. Because we love those who should hear about God and Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Looks like a colossal waste of our precious time, doesn't it?? Our fellow men have become unreachable. I've tried for almost 3 years to help you. That's why I created this thread. Boy, was I mistaken.

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New member
It creates what Baumgardner referred to as "The Thermal Problem", which brings us back to the whole thing requiring numerous miracles to work, which again puts us back in the realm of religious folklore and out of the realm of science.

No. Why are you trying to argue that this whole flood thing is supported by the scientific evidence? Is it really that important to you that you be able to claim "the flood is scientifically valid"? Do you put that much stock in modern science that you seem to be desperate to get its stamp of approval?

Why isn't it just being in the Bible, which you believe to be the word of God, good enough? Why do you have to seek man's validation?


Ok fine....what is your definition of "transitional fossil"?

The only ones I can recall are Piltdown Man and Archeoraptor (which was never published anyways). What others are you referring to?

Like most creationists I've encountered, you seem to think that you just saying something is so, makes it so. IOW, your posts are long on empty assertions but pretty much devoid of actual substance.

I'll just give a small list of faked "evidence" for human evolution. I'll include Piltdown here in a list of five to get us started:

Piltdown man: Found in a gravel pit in Sussex England in 1912, this fossil was considered by some sources to be the second most important fossil proving the evolution of man—until it was found to be a complete forgery 41 years later. The skull was found to be of modern age. The fragments had been chemically stained to give the appearance of age, and the teeth had been filed down!

Nebraska Man from the Illustrated London NewsNebraska man: A single tooth, discovered in Nebraska in 1922 grew an entire evolutionary link between man and monkey, until another identical tooth was found which was protruding from the jawbone of a wild pig.

Java man: Initially discovered by Dutchman Eugene Dubois in 1891, all that was found of this claimed originator of humans was a skullcap, three teeth and a femur. The femur was found 50 feet away from the original skullcap a full year later. For almost 30 years Dubois downplayed the Wadjak skulls (two undoubtedly human skulls found very close to his "missing link"). (source: Hank Hanegraaff, The Face That Demonstrates The Farce Of Evolution, [Word Publishing, Nashville, 1998], pp.50-52)

Orce man: Found in the southern Spanish town of Orce in 1982, and hailed as the oldest fossilized human remains ever found in Europe. One year later officials admitted the skull fragment was not human but probably came from a 4 month old donkey. Scientists had said the skull belonged to a 17 year old man who lived 900,000 to 1.6 million years ago, and even had very detail drawings done to represent what he would have looked like. (source: "Skull fragment may not be human", Knoxville News-Sentinel, 1983)

Neanderthal: Still synonymous with brutishness, the first Neanderthal remains were found in France in 1908. Considered to be ignorant, ape-like, stooped and knuckle-dragging, much of the evidence now suggests that Neanderthal was just as human as us, and his stooped appearance was because of arthritis and rickets. Neanderthals are now recognized as skilled hunters, believers in an after-life, and even skilled surgeons, as seen in one skeleton whose withered right arm had been amputated above the elbow. (source: "Upgrading Neanderthal Man", Time Magazine, May 17, 1971, Vol. 97, No. 20)

source site:


Well-known member
Already answered this Hunter. The Nazi's used darwins ideas... and Darwins terminology to justify their actions. They even seemed to borrow Darwins idea of genocide. Darwin did suggest that civilized races would eliminate others.

You need to brush up on your history. Slavery did not increase from Darwinism. Gould says that racism increased from people accepting Darwins ideas.

You refuse to follow the evidence. Darwins ideology and false beliefs about races of people gave justification to the Nazi's to murder millions of people.

As Historian Arthur Keith said in 'Evolution and Ethics'... "To see evolutionary measures and tribal morality being applied rigorously to the affairs of a great modern nation, we must turn again to Germany of 1942. We see Hitler devoutly convinced that evolution provides the only real basis for a national policy."

Historical records play this out. Einstein lauded Christian leaders, specifically, who stood up to Nazi regime that rejected Christianity in words and deeds.
Historical Creedal churches opposed the Nazi regime and 'German church' as being outside of Christendom and largely influenced by evolutionary superiority, and for that, many Confessional (Creedal/Biblical) Christians were arrested and of those a large number were put to death.

*(about 40 minutes of informative reading in these 6 links)
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Well-known member
That's the mythology of your hobby, which is not one of my hobbies.

I prefer cricket, which has the added advantage of not requiring anyone to be nailed to a tree.

How conveniently unengaging and worthless of time. You can waste yours all you like.


A Google search of the entire site doors not reveal a page with the terms Einstein, atheism, inept on it. The mobile app search function is awful, and since i am on a train line with lots of tunnels searching through a thousand post thread is not attractive.

It seems from the Google search that your self justifying arrogance has trumped honesty. You ascribe comments to Einstein that you cannot reference when challenge, responding only with highschool level insults and a false air of superiority.

Can you not correctly recall the quotes? Is that why you can't find the source of them? Front up man: sources or apology. I'll accept either.

Hi gcthomas,

Good to have you here again. You're better than the other two. Do you know who I mean?? Listen, I would post about Lon's or 6days' posts, but they do so well themselves, that I'm not needed. I just wanted to let them and you know. I'm sorry I butt in here, y'all!!



Well-known member
You were out of it hours ago when you made up quotes and ignored the real ones.

So not here to learn from a teacher. Gotcha. Be your own demise. Me? Simply sorry I'm wasting time for mean-spirited school-yard antics. You could ask me why I know there is a God, but you won't. It all points back at your poor position in life. Enjoy it instead of wasting it here, unless this is all part of 'the big thrill!' :plain: :yawn: Thanks for wasting both of our time. Use your brain for something worth your time.


Dear All,

I guess we scared SH away. He was overwhelmed, just like he tries to do me every night. Davis too. They all gang up on me every night, but I hold my own. Thanks for all of my Christian Friends who came to my rescue. God knows there are more Christians than atheists on this TOL site. I'm so glad you joined ranks with me in defeating the adversaries. Thanks So Very Much!!

Praise God And Jesus!!

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Devastating effects of double-plus-massive plate movement …
What does “double-plus” massive plate movement really mean? Is that a real term in geology, or is it one of those “wow words” that creationists use to impress scientifically naive congregations? You are an alumnus of a geology school. Can you give it a precise enough definition that a real geologist knows what you mean?

…could do things like destroy most of the life on the planet I figure. I think that's called an Extinction Level Event, right? …
If you mean something far above the norm in wide-scale geologic processes, then you need to specify what geological mechanism would account for such an unusual release of energy. That is one of the problems both Baumgardner and Walt Brown recognized and proposed explanations for. Your proposed mechanism is?

… And an ELE of the scale described would lay down the massive layers of sedimentary rock you see all over the world, along with the massive fossil deposits we observe.
Isn’t the creation of sedimentary rock a pretty well understood process in standard geology? Surely there would be significant observable differences between ordinary sedimentary rock laid down and compacted over millennia and sedimentary rock resulting from a catastrophic world-altering event.

All of those fossils, all those distinct life forms, but yet they are still looking for a transitional fossil life form that would lend proper credence to the theory. Darwin said it should have been easy to find, and that it should have been found long ago. Yet so many hoaxes brought forth before they were discredited as frauds.
Do you happen to be a close relative of Wendy Wright? Your claims sound so much like the ones she made in the classic youtube video where she was talking to Richard Dawkins.


Hey Davis,

What does BJ stand for? So you took off when things started screwing you over?? It's not like you to put everyone on ignore, eh?? Just cowering in a corner. Silent Hunter got a tremendous defeat today!! Boy, does he deserve it. I'm not going to gloat too much tho'. You're all headed to the Lake of Fire!! That's our Sun, if you didn't know that. Yes, the Lord told me that also. Hell is within the Earth's center, where the lava and magma are extremely hot. But in the end, God will cast those who've been remarkably bogus into the Lake of Fire. It's a lot hotter there. And a lightning bolt is five times hotter than the Sun. For eternity. Yes, spirit does not die. You either frolic in Heaven, or your spirit/souls burn in fire forever. That's what you are reaping. God is not letting you see the light because He wants to send you where you deserve. You've been exceedingly bogue for the most part and you'll reap what you've sown. So whatever.

The center of the Earth is the 'bottomless pit.' There is a top, which everyone thinks they are on, because of gravity. So there is a top and a center, but no bottom. In the center, is Hell. I was taught all of this stuff, so don't think I'm not quite fluent in the things of God. He has revealed tons of things to me. I even know where His Throne is. I should tell everyone. They are going to find out soon enough. You know how, in Daniel 12:3KJV, it says how some of us will go home to heaven and be as the stars forever and ever. Please see. Well, if our souls/spirits pop out of our Earthly body and are given a Heavenly body, it is because Jesus is preparing Venus for you all. That's why Jesus said, "I am the bright and morning star." See Rev. 22:16KJV. Also, Jesus says He will give certain souls 'the morning star. Even as I received it from my Father.' {See Rev. 2:28KJV}. So thus, we souls who make it to heaven will be given a heavenly body to take the place of our Earthly body. We have a ball of energy and light within our souls. That is God's Spirit, which is in every man, to differing degrees for each person.

Now I will tell you a big, hard secret. I tell you so that when God reveals the 'mystery of God' written of in Rev. 10:7KJV, you will have the info and then it will just be proven to you all then. The great white throne of God is our moon, which He has His seat right now, as He goes around the Earth, tending to it as necessary. That's why some people think they see a man in the moon. Because you can see it: two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. For those of you whom God will reveal the fourth dimension, look at a full moon and see if you can see His face. God also can take on a bodily form, as His Son did for us. Didn't Moses see God's back parts? Do I have to include all of the scriptural references here?? God's Heavenly Body is our Moon. It affects the whole Earth so very much. And those of us who get a heavenly body: there are many souls/spirits within a Heavenly body, like a star. That's what makes them glow. We shall be given Venus, the morning star. That's why Jesus said, 'In My Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would not tell you. I go there to prepare a place for you {Venus}. Venus is a star and a planet. I know you're all going to have a fit about all of this, but hopefully some of you will understand.

Which brings us to this. And the heavens opened rolled apart as a scroll, and there was seen there His Great White Throne {See Rev. 20:11KJV} and the 'ark of His testament.' {see also Rev. 6:16KJV & Rev. 11:19KJV}. And His throne is made of sardonyx and beryl, etc. It is time for man to learn all of these things. This is what was meant when you shall see the sign in Heaven that precedes the coming of Jesus, know that the time is near. I believe this is in the book of Matthew 24:30KJV. There, I looked it up for you. The sign of the coming of the Son of Man shall be when the Lord God reveals His Throne and Himself to all of the people to see. And He will have a stern, angry face. You'll just have to see what happens. I tell you this now, so that when it happens, it will be verified to you and you will not be in shock. I know you must think I'm a nut, but I'm not. I am just sharing certain mysteries of God that I am allowed to. They will be proven when the seventh angel shall begin to sound {Rev. 10:7KJV}. God also has a bodily form when He wants to, like when He let Moses see His back parts, but not His face. But His Heavenly Body is our Moon. He tends to us all as He goes around the Earth, watching what's happening and reigning over the Earth, and taking care of it and certain situations.

Okay, I've lost you all, right?? This could not be told to you sooner because they surely would not understand way back if He told it to His disciples. That is why Jesus said, 'there are more things I could tell you, but you are not able to bear it.' Something to that effect.

Okay, I'm closing for now. Just trying to help. You'll all advance at your own rate. I could tell you many secrets/mysteries of God, and He shall confirm them before Jesus comes, when the Heavens are parted like a scroll {See Rev. 6:14KJV and Rev. 6:16KJV}. Be strong and keep your wits together and your thoughts dwelling upon God. God is still as we know Him. It does not matter where His Throne is. He is still loving, great, omnipotent, the spirit of God in the church. That is how you should know Him. Don't start worshiping the moon. Worship God's Spirit and Jesus' also. There is more I could tell you, but it will have to be some other time. If one of you who learns this is having any trouble, PM me and I will help. I've learned alot.

May God Buffer These Mysteries of God For You,

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New member
So not here to learn from a teacher. Gotcha. Be your own demise. Me? Simply sorry I'm wasting time for mean-spirited school-yard antics. You could ask me why I know there is a God, but you won't. It all points back at your poor position in life. Enjoy it instead of wasting it here, unless this is all part of 'the big thrill!' :plain: :yawn: Thanks for wasting both of our time. Use your brain for something worth your time.

Why do you think I would ask you a hard question, when you can't answer simple questions that have factual answers?

You exaggerate what might have one been quotes and so you refuse to back them up with sources or links. Or perhaps you are just lying for rhetorical effect, it is hard to tell with you.

So, I asked one question about your assertions re Einstein's beliefs, which are hardly central to any sort of discussion. And instead of answering then moving on, you wiggle and insult and avoid. What sort of argumentation is that?


New member
Hey Davis,

What does BJ stand for? ...

Sorry Mikey, still pretty busy.
Have to talk later, got some real conversations underway right now. No time for your fantasies.

BTW, can you remind me what the ignore count was up to (unless the number is too big for you to handle)?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I was never in error.

You quoted 6 saying "could," pretended that he had made an assertion sans that word and then conceded that what he said could happen — emphasizing the "could."

Why would you suggest anything else; the record is clear:

Your inability to refute the fact 7 billion people could result from just 8 on the ark, in a period of 4500 years, is noted.

Fact? How is your assertion a "fact"? I am perfectly content to concede it could happen.

Both of you often insert "get out of jail free" phrases so as to be able to deny absolutes.
Oh, puh-leeeze. Learn to read. :up:

6days can say "could" at any time but he always concludes "did."
"I don't like this tiger, he reads minds."

Heat is produced no matter what the energy source.
Which has nothing to do with my objection to Fly. Learn to respond rationally. :up:

With your apparent mastery pf physics, you should have no problem determining if Baumgardner’s explanation for the flood is preferable to Walt Brown’s. Which of those stalwarts of creationism do you say is correct and which one is in error?

:mock: Darwinists.


New member
Well, I missed you quite a lot while you were gone. Just because I don't agree with your belief system doesn't mean I don't care about you.
Thanks for welcoming me back.

So where have you been for so long??!
I was invited to take a break by a mod. Well, not really invited exactly.

I've known you from way back when. When noguru and The Barbarian were still here. I wonder what they are doing now. Do you remember DaftDave?? I liked him quite a bit. Well Stu, I don't feel the same way about you as I do towards Silent Hunter and DavisBJ. To me, they are s****. I still like Jose Fly and Alwight, of course. I've been emailing Alwight/Alan for quite a while now. He always checks his email though. He's terminal, though I hope he lasts for a long time. But he is wanting to have an angel come to visit him. Even SH and BJ don't believe in angels. I don't suppose you do either Stuu.
I am sorry to hear Alwight isn't well. Thank you for passing that on. I don't know what you think an angel is, so I'm not sure what we are discussing.

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