Creation vs. Evolution

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Well-known member
LOL! One of the classics. We christians can't dazzle them with brilliance or baffle them with bull, so we'll threaten their life. How childish.

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Er, had to look because someone asked me to do so. You are on ignore because you are rarely up to intellectual sparring with me or anybody else. You are a witless wonder and happy with your ignorance with your every post on TOL. That isn't a slam. It is true and it is a sad commentary. You are just ignorantly not knowing any better than to be petty, shallow, and stuck in vitriol. My comment when asked about you is simply "On ignore for insincerity, lack of thoughtful contemplation, and a childish mindset that just isn't worth any more of my time." Grow a heart, a brain, and a bit of sincerity: the Wizard of Oz was written for you but such never came from a wizard. A testimonial, medal, and diploma wouldn't hurt.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Er, had to look because someone asked me to do so. You are on ignore because you are rarely up to intellectual sparring with me or anybody else. You are a witless wonder and happy with your ignorance with your every post on TOL. That isn't a slam. It is true and it is a sad commentary. You are just ignorantly not knowing any better than to be petty, shallow, and stuck in vitriol. My comment when asked about you is simply "On ignore for insincerity, lack of thoughtful contemplation, and a childish mindset that just isn't worth any more of my time." Grow a heart, a brain, and a bit of sincerity: the Wizard of Oz was written for you but such never came from a wizard. A testimonial, medal, and diploma wouldn't hurt.
LOL!! This is exactly what I (and pretty much everyone not of your mindset) expected (s) from you.

"I'm the smartest person in the room and whoever doesn't agree with me is a 'witless wonder'".

At least you don't disappoint.

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New member
Silent Hunter said:
Yes, the Nazis thought those RACIAL groups were RACIALLY inferior.....How is that connected to evolution?
Science has proven Darwinian ideas about race to be false. At the same time science confirms the Biblical account that all humanity is the same 'race'.

Darwin thought white skinned people were more highly evolved. (He also thought humans with a penis were more highly evolved than those without). He called other people groups 'lower races'. Huxley and others promoted Darwins ideology, and it fed the racist ideas of people like Hitler. Hitler in Mein Kampf justified his racist ideas with evolutionism, discussing struggle of survival, survival of the fittest and elimination of the weak to produce a more fit society.

Hunter... you ask how Hitlers racist ideas were connected to ideas of racial inferiority. Many scientists and historians acknowlege how Darwism increased racism. I can gladly supply quotes for you, but you mighy want to research this on your own. Also google 'scientific racism'.
Silent Hunter said:
The Nazis were racists. Hitler was a racist and hated the Jews and that that hatred was the overwhelming reason for the holocaust.
You must be ralated to Obama. He too refuses to acknowlege the cause of terrorism.

Yes, of course Hitler and the Nazi's were filled with hatred, but that hatred was fueled and justified with evolutionary ideology.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Science has proven Darwinian ideas about race to be false. At the same time science confirms the Biblical account that all humanity is the same 'race'.
Why single out Darwin? Is your prejudice that severe?
Darwin thought white skinned people were more highly evolved. (He also thought humans with a penis were more highly evolved than those without). He called other people groups 'lower races'. Huxley and others promoted Darwins ideology, and it fed the racist ideas of people like Hitler. Hitler in Mein Kampf justified his racist ideas with evolutionism, discussing struggle of survival, survival of the fittest and elimination of the weak to produce a more fit society.
Wow! I bet you're an expert on putting together how the U.S. government is covering up the UFO crash in Roswell too!

So, it must be some sort of massive conspiracy that philosophers long before Darwin, as far back as the Greeks and Romans, had similar and even more bizzare theories on race than Darwin?

You would do well to research your objections from somewhere other than the bias of creationist web sites.
... you ask how Hitlers racist ideas were connected to ideas of racial inferiority. Many scientists and historians acknowlege how Darwism increased racism. I can gladly supply quotes for you, but you mighy want to research this on your own. Also google 'scientific racism'.
Yeah, I've been on that road before. The seeds of "scientific racism" has been around since before the time of the classical thinkers so I highly doubt that Darwin had much real influence. I'm sure the quotes you are so eager to "gladly supply" will come highly redacted (quote mined) and straight from creationist web sites.
You must be ralated to Obama. He too refuses to acknowlege the cause of terrorism.
I wonder if you're not really the racist one after this gaff?

No matter how many times you are shown to be in error you're still going to respond:
Yes, of course Hitler and the Nazi's were filled with hatred, but that hatred was fueled and justified with evolutionary ideology.
I know it is impossible to outlast a schizophrenic because they will always come back claiming the same nonsense one post later. Here goes... again...

The Nazis were racists. Hitler was a racist and hated the Jews and that that hatred was the overwhelming reason for the Holocaust.
Hmmmmmwell since you beg for it....Here is an insult, but meant to make you smile.
Silent Hunter considers himself a self made man, and he adores that creator.
I credit myself and a bit of luck for my achievements and fault myself when I fail. This contrasts to the christian who credits his deity for his achievements and fault himself when he fails. I find the former more rational, I'm funny that way.

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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
You know, Jose, there's a reason Stripe taught English and not Physics. While he barely undestands English, he knows absolutely nothing about Physics.

I suppose there is no fiction or any other work being performed that would produce heat in his scenario. Certainly not the crane. :kookoo:

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Figured out how the word "could" works yet, Munter?

As for Fly, he has the problem of not understanding simple physics, which my hypothetical exposed. You've decided that perhaps enough time has passed that people will have forgotten your elementary errors that you refuse to let go of. Sorry. Doesn't work that way.


New member
As for Fly, he has the problem of not understanding simple physics, which my hypothetical exposed.
With your apparent mastery pf physics, you should have no problem determining if Baumgardner’s explanation for the flood is preferable to Walt Brown’s. Which of those stalwarts of creationism do you say is correct and which one is in error?


New member
… Science is the simply the study of our world that God made for us, and an understanding of that world has value.
Nope, you are not going to sneak your God in the back door that way. My Christian neighbor down the street demands that evolution be recognized as the way his God created the many forms of life. The neighbor past him is insistent that evolution is a doctrine of the devil. Ross and Lisle clash on issues in astrophysics based on their respective ideas about how God created the universe.

If you want to speak of studying science to me, you will need to do it in the way that scientists from every culture and background agree on – by limiting it to the natural world.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Figured out how the word "could" works yet, Munter?
I was never in error. 6days has learned much from you on how to be not even wrong. Both of you often insert "get out of jail free" phrases so as to be able to deny absolutes. 6days can say "could" at any time but he always concludes "did".
As for Fly, he has the problem of not understanding simple physics, which my hypothetical exposed.
Well, no, you showed quite the opposite. Heat is produced no matter what the energy source and the same amount of work is required to raise the mountain; same amount of work done, same amount of heat released. Basic thermodynamics.
You've decided that perhaps enough time has passed that people will have forgotten your elementary errors that you refuse to let go of. Sorry. Doesn't work that way.
Perhaps you've decided that enough time has passed that people will have forgotten your elementary errors such as assuming a constant, remember that one? Blubbering, "But, but i didn't SAY it was a constant", doesn't let you off the hook.

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New member
SilentHunter said:
6days said:
Science has proven Darwinian ideas about race to be false. At the same time science confirms the Biblical account that all humanity is the same 'race'.

Why single out Darwin? Is your prejudice that severe?

Focus Hunter...... We are talking about how Hitler and the Nazi's were inspired to eliminate the "unfit" based on Darwin's ideas.
SilentHunter said:
6days said:
Science has proven Darwins ideas about race wrong.

Darwin thought white skinned people were more highly evolved.

(He also thought humans with a penis were more highly evolved than those without). He called other people groups 'lower races'. Huxley and others promoted Darwins ideology, and it fed the racist ideas of people like Hitler. Hitler in Mein Kampf justified his racist ideas with evolutionism, discussing struggle of survival, survival of the fittest and elimination of the weak to produce a more fit society.

Wow! I bet you're an expert on putting together how the U.S. government is covering up the UFO crash in Roswell too!

Your inability to refute the arguments is noted.

Silent Hunter said:
So, it must be some sort of massive conspiracy that philosophers long before Darwin, as far back as the Greeks and Romans, had similar and even more bizzare theories on race than Darwin?

HAHA.... Yes people had bizarre ideas long before Darwin, but remember.... we are discussing how Darwins ideas inspired the holocaust. I'm noticing you are much like the holocaust deniers who argue against overwhelming evidence. They are so entrenched in their beliefs that evidence does not matter.
SilentHunter said:
6days said:
... you ask how Hitlers racist ideas were connected to ideas of racial inferiority. Many scientists and historians acknowlege how Darwism increased racism. I can gladly supply quotes for you, but you mighy want to research this on your own. Also google 'scientific racism'.
Yeah, I've been on that road before. The seeds of "scientific racism" has been around since before the time of the classical thinkers so I highly doubt that Darwin had much real influence.
Yes racism has been around a long time. But... FOCUS....We are discussing how Darwins (And then his German disciple Huxley) racist ideas fed and justified Hitler and the Nazi's to murder millions of people.

BTW... S. J. Gould is able to admit "Biological arguments for racism may have been common before 1859, but they increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of evolutionary theory." in 'Ontogeny and Phylogeny' p-127

SilentHunter said:
The Nazis were racists. Hitler was a racist and hated the Jews and that that hatred was the overwhelming reason for the Holocaust.
Yes.... Hitlers hatred and racism was fed by Darwins false beliefs. Likewise with the Nazi's. They justified murder of mentally disabled, homosexuals, and other people groups with statements from Darwin...statements later proven false by science.

SilentHunter said:
I credit myself and a bit of luck for my achievements and fault myself when I fail. This contrasts to the christian who credits his deity for his achievements and fault himself when he fails. I find the former more rational, I'm funny that way
Yes, I credit my Creator with everything including my next breath. But, I don't think its wrong to be pleased with things you have accomplished. My 'insult' of you was intended in fun. Sorry if you did not see it that way.


And don't forget:

Revelation 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Charming hobby you have there.

Dear Stu,

Well, I missed you quite a lot while you were gone. Just because I don't agree with your belief system doesn't mean I don't care about you. I just wish you'd wake up before it's too late. My computer is running slow. I'll be back!

Okay, am back. Computer is doing fine now. So where have you been for so long??! I've known you from way back when. When noguru and The Barbarian were still here. I wonder what they are doing now. Do you remember DaftDave?? I liked him quite a bit. Well Stu, I don't feel the same way about you as I do towards Silent Hunter and DavisBJ. To me, they are s****. I still like Jose Fly and Alwight, of course. I've been emailing Alwight/Alan for quite a while now. He always checks his email though. He's terminal, though I hope he lasts for a long time. But he is wanting to have an angel come to visit him. Even SH and BJ don't believe in angels. I don't suppose you do either Stuu.

Well, I did miss you quite a bit and was wondering if you'd EVER be back! Welcome to TOL again!! I emailed noguru too for a while. He was tired of all of the banter and ruckus on this TOL website. So he just never came back. I'd love to keep this thread open so others can visit each other, but I don't plan on posting much anymore. I will oversee the thread here though.

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Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Hunter...... We are talking about how Hitler and the Nazi's were inspired to eliminate the "unfit" based on Darwin's ideas.
When you manage to get around to proving the Nazis motivation was Darwin and not Voltaire, Kant, Meiners or any of a large number of other classical thinkers or not just pure centuries old hateful antisemitism we can start talking about Darwin.
Your inability to refute the arguments is noted.
Well, it's not inability at all. It's refusal to continue to expend energy refuting the exact same argument over and over and over again.
HAHA.... Yes people had bizarre ideas long before Darwin, but remember.... we are discussing how Darwins ideas inspired the holocaust.
Not really we're not. You've been asserting through a UFO style government coverup conspiracy theory type "argument" that "darwinism" is to blame for bad people doing bad things and I've shown repeatedly from a number of reputable sources that that just isn't true.
I'm noticing you are much like the holocaust deniers who argue against overwhelming evidence. They are so entrenched in their beliefs that evidence does not matter.
You can either continue to use biased creationist web sites having a vested interest in vilifying Darwin and quote mining realiable historians or you can read through the few links I supplied prior. You can argue against the overwhelming evidence that pure hate was the Nazis motivation or you can remain so entrenched in your beliefs that evidence does not matter. Your choice.
Yes racism has been around a long time. But... FOCUS....We are discussing how Darwins (And then his German disciple Huxley) racist ideas fed and justified Hitler and the Nazi's to murder millions of people.
Same argument, new character (guilt by association), same lack of evidence.
BTW... S. J. Gould is able to admit "Biological arguments for racism may have been common before 1859, but they increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of evolutionary theory." in 'Ontogeny and Phylogeny' p-127
I don't know how that this is supposed to indict Darwin. It might go further to convict white christians who endorsed slavery.
Yes.... Hitlers hatred and racism was fed by Darwins false beliefs. Likewise with the Nazi's. They justified murder of mentally disabled, homosexuals, and other people groups with statements from Darwin... statements later proven false by science.
We've been here before. I refuse to continue to expend energy refuting the exact same argument over and over and over again.
My 'insult' of you was intended in fun. Sorry if you did not see it that way.
I probably "did not see it that way" because of the inherent difficulty of separating your "fun" insults from your vindictive insults. I suppose a belated, "Ha, ha", should do the trick. :)

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New member
Silent Hunter said:
6days said:
Hunter...... We are talking about how Hitler and the Nazi's were inspired to eliminate the "unfit" based on Darwin's ideas.
When you manage to get around to proving the Nazis motivation was Darwin and not Voltaire, Kant, Meiners or any of a large number of other classical thinkers or not just pure centuries old hateful antisemitism we can start talking about Darwin.

Already answered this Hunter. The Nazi's used darwins ideas... and Darwins terminology to justify their actions. They even seemed to borrow Darwins idea of genocide. Darwin did suggest that civilized races would eliminate others.

Silent Hunter said:
6days said:
BTW... S. J. Gould is able to admit "Biological arguments for racism may have been common before 1859, but they increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of evolutionary theory." in 'Ontogeny and Phylogeny' p-127
I don't know how that this is supposed to indict Darwin. It might go further to convict white christians who endorsed slavery.
You need to brush up on your history. Slavery did not increase from Darwinism. Gould says that racism increased from people accepting Darwins ideas.

Silent Hunter said:
6days said:
Yes.... Hitlers hatred and racism was fed by Darwins false beliefs. Likewise with the Nazi's. They justified murder of mentally disabled, homosexuals, and other people groups with statements from Darwin... statements later proven false by science.
We've been here before. I refuse to continue to expend energy refuting the exact same argument over and over and over again.
You refuse to follow the evidence. Darwins ideology and false beliefs about races of people gave justification to the Nazi's to murder millions of people.

As Historian Arthur Keith said in 'Evolution and Ethics'... "To see evolutionary measures and tribal morality being applied rigorously to the affairs of a great modern nation, we must turn again to Germany of 1942. We see Hitler devoutly convinced that evolution provides the only real basis for a national policy."


Dear 6days,

I love the old story about My Creator and God too!! And Jesus and the Holy Ghost. They were hardly mentioned in all of the Old Testament, but they were in the New. Two different eras. God relaxed on some of the rules, realizing man was just flesh. That's why He said that He would not strive with man to keep giving them longevity, so He said their years shall be 120 at the most. That is for most everyone. Before the devil was on the Earth, men lived for a very long time. Men that were alive long ago are alive now, in different bodies. I know you might not agree, but that's okay. It is written, 'and when the seventh angel shall begin to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished, as He hath declared to His servants, the prophets. I know quite a lot about this stuff, but I don't share it with you all here. But I would tell you, 6days, in private, but not here.

The Ten Commandments are still valid. But God has relaxed His heart on abortionists, and slaves, homosexuals, fornicators, etc. He does want every one to put those errant ways behind them, so the ladies wanting abortions all of the time are very wrong about what they do, and God does not like it. But He says He still loves them, regardless. Same with gays. They need to crawl out of their ways, but God does still love them. And black people were slaves for a long time until God finally relaxed that fact. It all stems back to when Ham, the father of Canaan, had his brothers cover Noah's nakedness when Noah had an alcohol buzz on and fell asleep that way. It is written, Noah said, "Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be to his brethren." {see Gen. 9:25}. Canaan was of the race of black people. Those were the ones who inherited being slaves for so very, very long. God finally took that yoke off of their backs in our recent times.

Too many of us are fornicators. If you've had sex with more than the same woman you married, you have committed fornication. So how many guys get one girl on Friday night, and another on Saturday night?? Same with gay people. I understand a lot because I've been taught. Where do you think I get these things from?? God has taught me much, tons more than I even include on this thread. Tons more!! This is just a drop in the bucket. I haven't included much even in my book. But people could learn a lot more than I share here if they would get a FREE read of my book online. I just don't know if I'm allowed to share it with you in a post. I would have to tell you all in PMs about how to go to my website to check out my entire book. It's FREE. But others have to pay $14 for it at Barnes & Noble or You can get it from them. Or you can PM me and I can tell you each how to get a free copy. It's all up to you.

It's my book, so I can give it freely, even as I received the info freely. That's my story, 6days. PM me and let me know if you want a Free Read on my book. I'll tell you and anyone else who PMs me, how to get a Free Read. You can read it on your computer screen, or download it to your computer and then your printer. Then it will be more convenient for you.

Well, I've shared a lot here, 6days. I also want to tell everyone that I talked to Alwight today and sent you his love. He is going to get radiation therapy. Looking forward to hearing from you back.

With God's Love,

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New member
Er, 1) gave links 2) and quotes and 3) you are to lazy/insincere to find them or even ask 'please.' Your loss entirely. Any real reader of Einstein wouldn't need them. He wrote to Pinceton Theological Seminary. Find it. Or not.

Confidently right looks like egotism. "Soul" automatically enters the realm of God. Interesting, no?

Easily. What troubles me, is your own academic prowess :noway: Lets revisit ignorant egotism...

Happy being this ignorant? :wave:

You are mistaken in your claims, as usual. Unless you can provide a reference then there was no letter, but an address to the Princeton Seminary. The text to that discusses religion, but Einstein makes it very clear he uses the word religion very differently you, such that no actual God is implied by the term. He also, obviously, uses the term soul in its common usage to mean person, so your inference of religion here is extremely weak.

You build your arguments on sand and don't have the courage to defend them intellectually, resorting as usual to the pathetic and Homs and unlikely 'cleverer than thou' avoidance tactic. Come on, Lon, I've shown that Einstein did not believe in any god you would recognise as such and that he did not refer to atheists in the terms you claim. You come across as arrogant and dishonest: prove that observation wrong if you can.


Well-known member
You are mistaken in your claims, as usual. Unless you can provide a reference then there was no letter, but an address to the Princeton Seminary. The text to that discusses religion, but Einstein makes it very clear he uses the word religion very differently you, such that no actual God is implied by the term. He also, obviously, uses the term soul in its common usage to mean person, so your inference of religion here is extremely weak.

You build your arguments on sand and don't have the courage to defend them intellectually, resorting as usual to the pathetic and Homs and unlikely 'cleverer than thou' avoidance tactic. Come on, Lon, I've shown that Einstein did not believe in any god you would recognise as such and that he did not refer to atheists in the terms you claim. You come across as arrogant and dishonest: prove that observation wrong if you can.
So this is what I can expect from you concerning serious matters and homework? Groovy. :carryon: 'does not perform or measure to expectation nor applies himself'

:plain: (if any of you EVER become sincere, let me know)

There is absolutely no sense, of an honest scholar that anyone would (1) or could (2) say Einstein died as any kind of atheist. He was a theist/deist. Why? Because he said atheism was inept.\

Bye now when you are honest, studious, and sincere I'll revisit saying 'happy July and see you in the Fall.' Until then, no more of my time will be wasted on insincerity and purposeful ignorance and contrivance. :wave:


New member
So this is what I can expect from you concerning serious matters and homework? Groovy. :carryon: 'does not perform or measure to expectation nor applies himself'

:plain: (if any of you EVER become sincere, let me know)

There is absolutely no sense, of an honest scholar that anyone would (1) or could (2) say Einstein died as any kind of atheist. He was a theist/deist. Why? Because he said atheism was inept.

Where did he say atheism was inept?


Well-known member
Where did he say atheism was inept?
Do you not know how to search a thread? It is here several times in thread. Sincerity, honesty, integrity, studiousness. Any of these sound like values you've heard talked about in your life?
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