Creation vs. Evolution

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No friend would watch you talk this nonsense without saying something. I've told you again and again, it isn't going to happen because there is no evidence to suggest it being anything other than an ancient myth.

But you insist that it's real and then play your get-put-of-gail-card..... "soon".

How many times must you be told.... soon means nothing. Every time you say, it's coming soon..... you haven't told us something as a matter of fact, you've just fudged the issue. Keep repeating to yourself, soon is meaningless... a year, five, a century, ten, a million years, a billion, a trillion???????

Soon now you will trip and fall into a bath of custard, remember? No? Well you'll be sorry when you're dripping in warm sticky custard, won't you? Please tell me you see how ridiculous that sounds? Now apply that to your own "soon". Geddit?

You are entitled to believe what you want but to pass it off as real requires evidence, not just your say so.

Dear Hedshaker,

A friend would consider what I'm saying and be kinder than you. And "soon" does not mean a million or trillion years. It means less than one year up to 5 years. That is soon. Also, I am very doubtfully going to fall in a vat of custard, so quit dreaming.

Best Wishes!

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Yes, indeed. I was really looking forward to the one made for may 21 a few years back, would've been awesome, right on my b-day :rapture:

I never made one back on May 21 a few years ago. You're just making it up.

Thank you Michael for worrying so much about my soul. I appreciate your effort, but I think I'll pass.
You see, what you have suggested is a free ticket to do whatever hideous atrocities anyone can, then do a short exercise in make-believe and presto: you're saved.

So much to seeking morality in religion!

Oh dear, true & reliable??? never proven wrong???
What have you been smoking lately, mate? I want some o' that. :wazzup:

I never said anything about seeking morality in religion, but in part, it is there. And patrick jane is right and you are wrong. You would just rather make a joke and say what is he smoking than address something you are not capable of addressing.

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New member
I've tried putting a date on it and was wrong, so all I can tell you is that it is extremely soon, but I can't give you the hour or day, or month, or even year, to be honest.

Hey Mike, does this look familiar:



The bible has been proven wrong on many points, it's just that people who believe God wrote the bible cannot be honest about it because they confuse faith and trust in God with faith and trust in books about God written by humans.

Jesus knew the scripture was human and imperfect.


You're the last person who I'd trust speaking about the Bible. You're into the Urantia Book, Pages, etc. The Bible has not been proven wrong yet, so I don't know what you are talking about. Jesus read from Isaiah, in the Bible, when He was beginning His administering at 30 years old, per our Bible. He also mentioned the Scriptures a few times in His ministry. At the end of the Bible, it says not to add to the book, nor take any thing out of the book. So the book is right on. Nothing you say will change my mind about that. See Rev. 22:18,19KJV. The Bible is complete and correct. Jesus assures us of the quality of the Book in the two verses I mentioned to you. Look them up and read for yourself. Then go back to your lame Urantia Pages!!

Praise God!!

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New member
I never made one back on May 21 a few years ago. You're just making it up. How loathsome and childish.

And I never attributed that particular prediction to you. How self-centred and childish.

I was talking about this one:


Which apparently was made by this imbecile:


I never said anything about seeking morality in religion, but in part, it is there. And patrick jane is right and you are wrong. You would just rather make a joke and say what is he smoking than address something you are not capable of addressing.

Stop kidding me, mate. These issues have been addressed so many times before, even in this very forum.
But just for you, if you have particular questions, let me know and I'll gladly explain for the 1000th time.


Michael this was my post earlier, the last post on the previous page.

I'll admit that even my patience is running a bit thin here.
I'm not lying to you or making stuff up, the reason you are having difficulties in responding is because what I am telling you is based in facts, evidence and the accepted science, while you are floundering with nothing but miraculous assertions that you so want to be true but which in truth have no substance at all.
I honestly have no intention of being nasty or unpleasant to you, but sometimes I have to tell it like it is. If you think I am wrong about something I said then you will need rather more than your religious beliefs, you will need to actually learn something about Darwin's theory.

Dear alwight,

I did learn something from your post. I'm not saying that changes occurred in unison. I'm saying they overlapped or kept occurring. How convenient that one of the ancestors no longer exists!! If it happened then, why isn't it still happening now?? During the past 5,000 years, man has not noticed ape-chimps in the process of changing into human-like creatures, and then humans? You are saying that the ape-chimps changed into man over-the-years back then, and not any more, especially now? Okay, whatever.

I believe man was created by God, along with woman. Not the result of an ape-chimp evolving into a man. Forget that! There is no other way that I will believe it. Know it! Darwin will have to ask God for forgiveness for putting these lies into men's heads. Alwight,
I have NOTHING to learn from DARWIN!! Not A Chance! You actually think man came to be by evolving from ape-chimps? HA!! It's quite laughable!

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And I never attributed that particular prediction to you. How self-centred and childish.

Dear TheDuke,

I'm very sorry! I thought you mean me, of course. Also, I am not self-centered or childish. It was a normal reaction.

I was talking about this one:


Which apparently was made by this imbecile:


Stop kidding me, mate. These issues have been addressed so many times before, even in this very forum.
But just for you, if you have particular questions, let me know and I'll gladly explain for the 1000th time.

That sounds like a bargain!! Again, I apologize. I didn't know you were talking about Harold Camping. May 21st, eh? A belated Happy Birthday!!

Have A Spectacular Week,



New member
Dear Hedshaker,

A friend would consider what I'm saying and be kinder than you. And "soon" does not mean a million or trillion years. It means less than one year up to 5 years. That is soon. Also, I am very doubtfully going to fall in a vat of custard, so quit dreaming.

You won't say that when you're dripping in warm sticky custard. It's going to happen real soon, no doubt about it, "and "soon" does not mean a million or trillion years. It means less than one year up to 5 years."

So please explain how you soon is more real than my soon?

Get it through your thick skull, soon means nothing. You've been saying soon for two and a half years since joining this forum. It was a matter of weeks or months back then, remember? And you'll be saying the same in five years time, adjusting your time line as you go, just as I predicted, just as every one who makes the same prediction does. You're deluded Michael. Sorry but that much is obvious.


New member
If it happened then, why isn't it still happening now?? During the past 5,000 years, man has not noticed ape-chimps in the process of changing into human-like creatures, and then humans? ...
I have NOTHING to learn from DARWIN!! Not A Chance! You actually think man came to be by evolving from ape-chimps? HA!! It's quite laughable!


You're right it is laughable. Your deliberate ignorance is unfortunately more sad than funny though.

What exactly is an "ape-chimp" supposed to be?

My dear fellow, of course it is happening still. Evolution never stops. Your error is in the limitless arrogance of a fool who thinks he's closer to a deity than to life.

come on, don't tell me you never heard this before:
1) evolution does not have a goal, and humans are not more evolved than other animals. So don't expect the exact same lineage repeating itself. It ain't gonna happen.
2) It takes time. For instance, the divergence that led to modern chimps and us took place on the order of at least 10 million years, mate. But obviously you don't think the earth is older than 6000 years or so, how can you possibly understand the rest then, I wonder......


New member
You won't say that when you're dripping in warm sticky custard. It's going to happen real soon, no doubt about it, "and "soon" does not mean a million or trillion years. It means less than one year up to 5 years." ...

Hey man, give him a break all right. He's getting better at it, didn't you see the comic I posted?


New member
Dear TheDuke,

I'm very sorry! I thought you mean me, of course. Also, I am not self-centered or childish. It was a normal reaction.

Yeah, I know, I just copied your phrasing in order to emphasize. No need for apologies.

Just do me this one favour, stop waiting for the end and live a little while you can :)


New member
Dear alwight,

I did learn something from your post. I'm not saying that changes occurred in unison. I'm saying they overlapped or kept occurring. How convenient that one of the ancestors no longer exists!! If it happened then, why isn't it still happening now?? During the past 5,000 years, man has not noticed ape-chimps in the process of changing into human-like creatures, and then humans? You are saying that the ape-chimps changed into man over-the-years back then, and not any more, especially now? Okay, whatever.
Michael, I've already explained to you that chimps and humans are both modern creatures, that humans did not evolve from chimps. Please try to take that on board at least, I don't intend to keep telling you.
Humans and chimps are both contemporary but are considered evidentially to share a common distant ancestor, considerably longer ago than 5000 years, but it no longer exists, it wouldn't be expected to still exist since chimps and humans evolved from it. Evolution is an ongoing process, it is happening now, it can't be stopped, natural selection just happens, the miraculous apparently does not.

I believe man was created by God, along with woman. Not the result of an ape-chimp evolving into a man. Forget that! There is no other way that I will believe it. Know it! Darwin will have to ask God for forgiveness for putting these lies into men's heads. Alwight,
I have NOTHING to learn from DARWIN!! Not A Chance! You actually think man came to be by evolving from ape-chimps? HA!! It's quite laughable!

Please stop with the chimp turning into man nonsense!
Your understanding here is what's laughable.
Unlike you Darwin recognised facts and evidence, while you would probably feel more comfortable with a complete absence of facts and evidence.
Darwin's conclusion are all rationally derived, while there is no reason to suppose that Darwinian evolution isn't perhaps the method God chose. Your determination to remain wilfully ignorant isn't going to affect that as a possible truth, albeit a truth I personally doubt.


New member
alwight said:
Please stop with the chimp turning into man nonsense!*

Michael is just simplifying what you essentially believe.*

alwight said:
Unlike you Darwin recognised facts and evidence, while you would probably feel more comfortable with a complete absence of facts and evidence.*

Darwin was good at observation..... but he extrapolated what he observed over several years, into his belief system of millions of years. His beliefs about the past are not facts. Science *continually proves Darwin wrong.*

alwight said:
Darwin's conclusion are all rationally derived...

Darwin was wrong about so many things. For example:

1. Darwin was wrong about women. He thought men were more highly evolved. He said that he supposes its better to have a woman tban a dog.

2. Darwin was wrong about people groups. He thought white people were more highly evolved than black skin people. He seemed to believe that some such as pygmies were like an ape that resembled humans, and would be extetminated.

3. Darwin was wrong about God
Darwin turned his back on God, rejecting Him (a few months into the voyage of the Beatle) and blaming God for evil.

Darwin said "A being so powerful and so full of knowledge as a revolts the understanding to suppose that his benevelonce is not unbounded, for what advantage can there be in the sufferings of millions of the lower animals throughout almost endless time" . (Autobiography of Charles Darwin 'Religious Belief')

Darwin was influenced by evolutionary teaching of his grandfather, church and school to accept that there was death, pain, suffering and evil before the fall. Or, rather it is a rejection of the Bibles account of the fall.

4. Darwin was wrong about Science
Darwin was mostly a philosopher, not a scientist. Darwin was not an experimental scientist. (some experiments with worms and ants because he wanted to explain human behavior through naturalism). Darwins only degree was in theology and he was committed to philosophical naturalism...not the scientific method. He started with a pre-determined position. Darwins conclusions were usually based on extrapolations of huge amounts of time.

5. Darwin was wrong about Geology
Darwin wrote that the Santa Cruz river valley was formed by small amounts of water over vast amounts of time. He used this valley to support his belief in deep deep time. (He sort of took that belief and said humans evolved one mutation at a time, over almost endless time). But the Santa Cruz river valley leads down from the Andes Mountains, glaciers and glacial lakes and the valley was almost certainly a result of catastrophic flooding of a galacial lake at the end of the ice age.

6. Darwin was wrong about the fossils
Actually.... Darwin was at least partially correct about the fossil record because he said it essentially falsified the ToE

Darwin said...
Re Cambrian explosion "To the question why we do not find rich fossiliferous deposits belonging to these assumed earliest periods prior to the Cambrtian system I can give no satisfactory answer..." Darwin understood the sudden emergence of diversity of life did not fit his model.

Re Stasis, Darwin said that the most eminent paleontologists and geologists (Cuvier, Agassiz, Barrande Lyell, Sedgewick and more) argue for the immutability of species.
That is not to say that animals don't change...but they remain the same kind. (See Marks thread on this in religion channel) Darwin admitted animals remain same kind by saying "Why then is not every geological stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps is the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against the theory."

Darwin was wrong when he suggested that more time and more fossils would support his theory. Billions of fossils have now been collected to give us a fairly accurate picture. The transitionals Darwin hoped for are missing.

Stephen Jay Gould says "The extreme raity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret pf paleontology...."

Or from a couple other famous evolutionts...
Eldredge and Tattersall "...120 years of paleontological research later, it has become abundantly clear that the fossil record will not confirm this part of Darwin's predictions..."

7. Darwin was wrong about the tree of life
In 2009, the cover of New Scientist says "Darwin was Wrong...cutting down the tree of life"
The latest research shows Darwins tree is collapsing.

One of the scientists interviewed in that article W.F.Doolittle was also published in Scientific American (Feb 2000) saying the imagined tree of life is a tangled mess.

There is no tree of life. hundreds of different imaginary trees are in textbooks and journals all based on a belief system and similarities.

8. Darwin was wrong about Nature of Life.
Darwin thought life was simple..(.it 'ain't'. A single cell can be compared to a huge city with manufacturing plants, busy highways, side streets., workers etc. Its information system is like the internet. single cell has an energy system like a citys energy grid. And... This 'city' has a design that allows rapid duplication. ).... Darwin said "But if we could conceive in some warm little pond, with all sorts of ammonia and phosphoric salts (These are all over the world) light, heat, electricity ETC...that a protein (Ha, Darwin had no idea how complex a protein is) compound was chemically formed ready to undergo still more complex changes"

Darwin said "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. But I can find out no such case"

Darwin was wrong because he didn't know anything about genetics or modern biology. (No one did 150+ year ago)

9. Darwin was wrong about natural selection
Darwin made the mistake of unbounded extrapolation. He said "Slow though the process of selection may be, if feeble man can do much by his powers of artificial selection, I see no limit to the amount of natures power of selection". (Breeders understand there are limits to selection) Funny and sad, but Darwin believed given enough time nature could change a bear into a whale.

Lynn Margulis, evolutionary biologist and one time wife of Carl Sagan explained that natural selection can can not creat.

Anyways... Darwin was wrong about what selection can do. It helps to preserve life forms but can't create.

Does it matter that Darwin, one of the most famous people in history was wrong?

Well...It mattered to Darwin. He seems to have literally sold his soul to obtain fame, and went to a Christless eternity.

It mattered to Darwins family (sons) who also rejected Christ and ended up leading a eugenics movement.

It matters that Darwin was wrong to the hundreds of millions of souls who rejected the gospel over a false belief system.

Darwinism is toxic to to faith in our Savior, Jesus Christ. Encourage your family and those you know to move away from the darkness that results from Darwinism, and accept the true light of the world.... Jesus.


New member
Michael is just simplifying what you essentially believe.
I would be grateful if you didn't fabricate what I believe. :AMR:
Clearly I don't believe that chimps turned into humans 6days, but you seem to have made a whole life out of being wrong.

Darwin was good at observation..... but he extrapolated what he observed over several years, into his belief system of millions of years. His beliefs about the past are not facts. Science *continually proves Darwin wrong.*...

...3. Darwin was wrong about God
Darwin turned his back on God, rejecting Him (a few months into the voyage of the Beatle) and blaming God for evil...
Please spare us the stupid YEC list of arbitrary things they think Darwin got wrong.
Darwin was a creationist until he took notice of facts and evidence and used the brain that you think God gave him.
Perhaps you think he was corrupted by real facts, evidence and made rational conclusions that YECs just have no answer to?

Something you got wrong here btw was the ship he was on was called HMS Beagle, not the Beatle. :doh:
You being wrong here doesn't then automatically make you wrong about everything else you say, no that's because everything else you say is usually wrong because it isn't based in fact and evidence.
(The Beatles were a pop group from Liverpool btw.)

Obviously YECs cannot falsify Darwin's theory of evolution otherwise they would have, in fact they cannot even find much he got wrong more generally save his generally Victorian attitudes. But of course his Victorian based attitudes get pounced on because that's all YECs have got, in their vain hope that finding fault with the man somehow discredits his theory. The same theory that virtually all natural scientists today consider to be solid fact. Not because they have a belief system to uphold but because they understand the facts and evidence and can make rational conclusions from them.

Jose Fly

New member
Evolutionism not only has not contributed anything to science but at has at times hindered the progress of science. False beliefs about vestigial and "useless" organs caused researchers to ignore organs they didn't understand. False beliefs about "Junk" DNA stifled research. False beliefs about transitionals waste billions of dollars seeking things that don't exist. False beliefs about stellar evolution waste millions of dollars looking for aliens.

Scientific American summed up how evolutionism harms science when they said "the failure to recognize the importance of introns (Evolutionists thought of this as a form of junk DNA) may well go down as one of the biggest mistakes in the history of molecular biology."

We've covered all that. But after those talking points have been debunked multiple times by multiple people, you continue to mindlessly repeat them.

Not much anyone can do with someone like that.

Honest evolutionists have admitted that common descent is a superfluous idea.
Dr Marc Kirschner, founding chair of the Department of Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School stated “In fact, over the last 100 years, almost all of biology has proceeded independent of evolution, except evolutionary biology itself. Molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, have not taken evolution into account at all.”

Of course we know that's false, given the material we've covered here before, such as how evolutionary relationships are used to discern genetic function. But as we've seen, that doesn't matter to you and you will just keep repeating the same talking points ad nauseum, without any concern about accuracy.

Not much anyone can do with someone like that.

Evolutionist, Larry Witham wrote a book

Um....great. A journalist said something in a book. I suppose if I showed you say....a statement from one of the most prestigious scientific organizations in the world, saying how important evolution is in biology, it wouldn't phase you at all. And that's how this works with you; one non-scientist saying something about science you like is worthy of note, whereas a strong statement from actual scientists saying the opposite can just be waved away. IOW, you're the poster child for confirmation bias.

Not much anyone can do with someone like that.


New member
Hey man, give him a break all right. He's getting better at it, didn't you see the comic I posted?

Yep, I saw it. Thing is, there's a great solution to ignorance. It's called education. But unfortunately, there is absolutely no cure for stupidity.


New member
(The Beatles were a pop group from Liverpool btw.)

Oh Al you just struck a resonant chord. I was a big, big Beatles fan in 60's and 70's. Still am in a lot of ways.... music of my youth and all that.

My favourite was I Am The Walrus. Even though the words made no sense.

I Am The Walrus

Edit to add: some of the music was done with an original Melotron I believe, which are not available to day. The for runner to the modern sampler and a bit of history in the making.
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