Creation vs. Evolution

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Well-known member
So your knowledge of the history of the Cambrian comes from Wiki. Good to know.

I don't know what you think is "significant" about an excerpt from a creationist book. If you're expecting me to think such a thing is "significant", you're going to be disappointed.

OK so tell me why so many phyla and classes arising together is significant. Did your one book state why?

And while you are about it, tell us your evolutionary qualifications.


New member
Such examples of mutualism we Creationists use to prove that whole biomes get created together, since the flower needs its pollinating agent. So no credit for that prediction. Every flower needs its pollinator - even a child could predict that.

Any better predictions?
I don't think you actually understand the significance of this moth, or the process involve, which was only discovered after Darwin's death but predicted by him. Oh well but at least you have now been dragged kicking and screaming to the right moth, rather than the peppered moth that you are perhaps rather more used to blithely waving away as just evolutionist claptrap. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
6 million years is hardly spontaneous creation, will you not at least admit that?

No! And I will tell you why.
I believe fossils are formed by being buried.
Two animals swimming together can be buried a foot higher or lower in adjacent strata. Evolutionists may THINK they were buried 6 million years apart when in fact both strata were formed together.

Jose Fly

New member
OK so tell me why so many phyla and classes arising together is significant. Did your one book state why?

You obviously don't understand the subject much. "Phyla and classes" are broad categories that we impose on life forms, that actually exist as species/populations. Do you understand what that means?

And while you are about it, tell us your evolutionary qualifications.

I have a BS in biology and an MS in ecology, and have been working as a professional biologist for ~20 years.


Well-known member
I don't think you actually understand the significance of this moth, or the process involve, which was only discovered after Darwin's death but predicted by him. Oh well but at least you have now been dragged kicking and screaming to the right moth, rather than the peppered moth that you are perhaps rather more used to blithely waving away as just evolutionist claptrap. :rolleyes:

A bad teacher always blames someone else. The Peppered moth has been associated with evolution.

I am not psychic to know you are referring to some other moth.


New member

But did you all not receive the memo from Evolution Central not to use the cheesy example of the Peppered moth as an example of evolution?

The light and brown moths were there from the start. A dirty background favoured more brown moths surviving. This is not evolution. It is selective breeding or survival of the fittest. This natural phenomenon does not prove evolution. You think why.
Have you got an animal passenger list from the Ark detailing what genetic variability was on board? Or maybe an actual sample of "great-great...grandpa" moth's DNA to show us?


New member
I did see your name come up 2 years ago while checking out the evolution of this thread. I was wondering if every argument had already been made, and all one had to do was point to past posts.
You are a bit of a fraud, admit it. I made my points to you just a few posts back, but perhaps you don't actually bother to read them since all you want to do is confound the "evolutionists" right Mr no-consonants?

Jose Fly

New member
An interesting aspect of this is how iouae apparently accepts the radiometric dating results that tell us the Cambrian period lasted about 40 million years, and occurred around 540 million years ago.

By the same methods, we also know that life had existed on earth for over 3 billion years before this "explosion". Kinda makes you wonder, what was God doing for 3 billion years?


Well-known member
You obviously don't understand the subject much. "Phyla and classes" are broad categories that we impose on life forms, that actually exist as species/populations. Do you understand what that means?

I have a BS in biology and an MS in ecology, and have been working as a professional biologist for ~20 years.

Good to know that I don't have to go over the basics then.

You are partially there.
They represent blueprints for body types which work and have been continually used as the same 'jig" for God to create more and different.

What is the chance that even one of these blueprints could arise, not to mention so many?

But I guess its only us Creationists who marvel at how God thought of them all, right from the get go.


Well-known member
You are a bit of a fraud, admit it. I made my points to you just a few posts back, but perhaps you don't actually bother to read them since all you want to do is confound the "evolutionists" right Mr no-consonants?

Sorry you broke out in tongues. :confused:

Jose Fly

New member
Good to know that I don't have to go over the basics then.

I think you should.

They represent blueprints for body types which work and have been continually used as the same 'jig" for God to create more and different.

You can believe that all you like, but that's all it is....a religious belief.

What is the chance that even one of these blueprints could arise, not to mention so many?

100% (hint: the likelihood of something happening that has already happened is 1.0).

But I guess its only us Creationists who marvel at how God thought of them all, right from the get go.

Again, that's your religious belief.


Well-known member
An interesting aspect of this is how iouae apparently accepts the radiometric dating results that tell us the Cambrian period lasted about 40 million years, and occurred around 540 million years ago.

By the same methods, we also know that life had existed on earth for over 3 billion years before this "explosion". Kinda makes you wonder, what was God doing for 3 billion years?

Don't remember accepting anything. Was there fine print I missed?

God was doing what He always did before there was an earth to keep half an eye on. Don't flatter yourself that earth is his only project.


Well-known member
I think you should.

You can believe that all you like, but that's all it is....a religious belief.

100% (hint: the likelihood of something happening that has already happened is 1.0).

Again, that's your religious belief.

All that wonder you are missing out on. :(

Jose Fly

New member
Don't remember accepting anything. Was there fine print I missed?

You've been citing the 6-10 million year timeframe for the Cambrian explosion, correct? What's the basis for that timeframe?

God was doing what He always did before there was an earth to keep half an eye on. Don't flatter yourself that earth is his only project.

Ok, thanks.


Well-known member
You only had to google "Darwin's Moth" no psychic powers required.

The Peppered moth is also called Darwin's moth as in this article...

The moth was white with small black speckles but over time it evolved to being almost black in parts of the UK because of heavy industrial pollution. The change made it less obvious to predators against backgrounds of grime and soot.
Having declined by more than two thirds compared to 40 years ago, it is regarded as a classic example of natural selection and has consequently become known as "Darwin's moth."


New member
The Peppered moth is also called Darwin's moth as in this article...

The moth was white with small black speckles but over time it evolved to being almost black in parts of the UK because of heavy industrial pollution. The change made it less obvious to predators against backgrounds of grime and soot.
Having declined by more than two thirds compared to 40 years ago, it is regarded as a classic example of natural selection and has consequently become known as "Darwin's moth."
You are correct it seems that a few do refer to it as Darwin's Moth, my bad.

However my point to you was about Darwin's prediction of an unknown moth, not an evolutionary explanation of one he was well aware of. If you google "Darwin's predictions" instead that might avoid any confusion.
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