Creation vs. Evolution

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The Barbarian

Very good! However, what part was linked to man evolving rather then man learning and in most cases, as a child learns, by pressure?

Darwin's observation that societies that value cooperation and altruism, tend to persist, and that those which do not, tend to disappear.

it's a form of kin selection. We see it in other social animals as well.

Cross Reference

New member
The sun supplies the energy through photosynthesis to life. It is not the only way that life gets energy there is chemo synthesis as well. But both inputs have the same effect. Metabolism allows DNA to reproduce, copying errors create novel characteristics in organisms, and the environment chooses those variations that represent a reproductive advantage.
See that was easy.

The issue is life left to itself.

You are assuming life when there is no life without life.


New member
The sun supplies the energy through photosynthesis to life. It is not the only way that life gets energy there is chemo synthesis as well. But both inputs have the same effect. Metabolism allows DNA to reproduce, copying errors create novel characteristics in organisms, and the environment chooses those variations that represent a reproductive advantage.

See that was easy.

I'm having lunch.


Well-known member
The issue is life left to itself.

You are assuming life when there is no life without life.

I was not commenting on the origins of life. I was commenting on the origins of species.

Do you accept that what I posted is accurate in regard to biodiversity?

If not, there is no sense in trying to explain the next subject to you.

I know you want to keep your "god" in the gaps of your knowledge. But I tell you my God does not appreciate your sleazy efforts.

My God thinks you are a moron. He does not appreciate you trying to promote your willful ignorance in His name.

You know it would have been a lot more effective if you just went to school, or paid attention in class.

Cross Reference

New member
I was not commenting on the origins of life. I was commenting on the origins of species.

Do you accept that what I posted is accurate in regard to biodiversity?

If not, there is no sense in trying to explain the next subject to you.

I know you want to keep your "god" in the gaps of your knowledge. But I tell you my God does not appreciate your sleazy efforts.

My God thinks you are a moron. He does not appreciate you trying to promote your willful ignorance in His name.

Yes. I know. I can read his hot breath. He must be loving god to you.

Jose Fly

New member

Then you'd better tell Stripe and other creationists here. They insist that no population has ever evolved.

The change in bacteria usually, if not always causes the bacteria to become less fit. For example, ribosomal mutations that confer antibiotic resistance cause slower growth rates....hinder protein synthesis and the bacteria is less able to compete / survive in non antibiotic resistant environment.

Um, think for a second. How do we know they have evolved resistance? Because they are living in an environment that has the antibiotic in it and they don't die, which means being resistant to it makes them better fit than those without resistance (they die).

Cross Reference

New member
I was not commenting on the origins of life. I was commenting on the origins of species.

Well, I was.

Do you accept that what I posted is accurate in regard to biodiversity?


If not, there is no sense in trying to explain the next subject to you.


I know you want to keep your "god" in the gaps of your knowledge. But I tell you my God does not appreciate your sleazy efforts.

My God thinks you are a moron. He does not appreciate you trying to promote your willful ignorance in His name.

My God, is God.

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
Well, let's take a look again (6days has been repeatedly reminded that what he posted is a lie, but let's show him again)

"Since we proposed punctuated equilibria to explain trends, it is infuriating to be quoted again and again by creationists—whether through design or stupidity, I do not know—as admitting that the fossil record includes no transitional forms.Transitional forms are generally lacking at the species level, but they are abundant between larger groups."
Stephen Jay Gould, Evolution as Fact and Theory, Hen's Teeth and Horse's Toes: Further Reflections in Natural History, New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1994, p. 260

Barbarian must not realize that Collin Patterson, who I quoted, was a committed evolutionist.*

That won't save you. Fact is, you have been repeatedly shown that Gould pointed to abundant transitionals. Notice that he says that species to species transitions are not common, and says transitionals at higher taxa are abundant. You've been shown this before, and you knew it was a lie to say that Gould denied that there are transitionals. You have no excuse.

Even honest creationists admit that there are abundant transitionals

As Kurt Wise explains, it depends on your beliefs and how you define things.

No, he didn't say that. He said this:

Evidence for not just one but for all three of the species level and above types of stratomorphic intermediates expected by macroevolutionary theory is surely strong evidence for macroevolutionary theory. Creationists therefore need to accept this fact. It certainly CANNOT be said that traditional
creation theory expected (predicted) any of these fossil finds.

None of this justifies your dishonesty in pretending that Gould said there were no transitional fossils. You have been repeatedly reminded than he did not. Posting a statement by someone else, making the same false claim is no less dishonest than saying it yourself.

Try to do better in the future.

The Barbarian


The issue is life left to itself.

You are assuming life when there is no life without life.

Darwin agreed with your idea. He suggested that God created life:

There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved.
Charles Darwin, last sentence of The Origin of Species 1872


New member
Everything left to itself ROTS! Place yourself on a desert island with only one palm tree and you will find out in a hurry. __ or maybe you believe you might self replicate in a continual fashion?
Individuals will die but life goes on, if you check.

And when the energy runs out, what? BWT, is that how it was in the beginning. Did the sun first or what?
Red herring?
Did the sun first do what? :liberals:

When energy drops entropy rises.

Not by itself. And are you saying that the sun is not a cause of entropy? Really?
The sun is the source of life's energy, see above.


Well-known member
Individuals will die but life goes on, if you check.

But you see cross reference is so self absorbed and fixated on his own individual existence that he cannot feel good about others continuing. It would have to be that he, in his individual existence, continues through eternity, if you want him to feel good about it. And reality seems to contradict his wishes in that regard, hence his contempt for reality.


Well-known member
Because it recognizes the need for a beginning, a staring point that brought everything into existence, a foundation upon which one can build and the mental as well as the physical ability to do so.

So in your estimation, all one has to do is recognize the need for a beginning and their methodology automatically becomes accurate from there on in, nothing else is required in a methodology that fosters accuracy?

Are you saying that God cannot be accurate because He is eternal and has no beginning or end?


Well-known member
If you don't know, feel free to say so.

It's been answered many times for you. But you just ignore the answers. Here it is one more time, since your memory seems to be below par.

The sun supplies the energy through photosynthesis to life. It is not the only way that life gets energy there is chemo synthesis as well. But both inputs have the same effect. Metabolism allows DNA to reproduce, copying errors create novel characteristics in organisms, and the environment chooses those variations that represent a reproductive advantage.

See that was easy.

Oh and by the way, the fact that any individual does not know some knowledge does not mean the knowledge is not out there.

According to your logic, if I went to my local Midas, asked the mechanic about atomic theory, and he did not know. Then I could conclude that there is no such thing as nuclear weaponry.
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